Star Eater

Chapter 310 - 310

Chapter 310: Chapter 310

Arthur's Point of View

Kheri's Office

If that was the case, it makes sense why Arceana held her tongue. She's got a full plate. Ayda trying to commit suicide isn't something I expected, though. Alwin likely heard the news as well, along with Lucia. Gritting my teeth at the news and how this would affect Lucia irked me. That girl had been through enough. Even Ayda didn't deserve this. Annoying as she was, no one should have to feel that lost.

"That is disheartening." I said softly.

Kheri seemed more surprised than anything. "I admit, I didn't think you would care too deeply about Ayda Farro. It's no secret you tolerate her more than anything."

A sigh escaped my lips. "I tolerate most people more than anything, but that doesn't mean I'm not understanding. After all, I know what she's going through. I've been where she is..." The room became silent as three Zugal looked at me, concerned before my shoulders deflated. "I'll make sure to speak to her before I leave."

Greigh quickly spoke up. "As instructed, a crew has been found and are looking forward to working with you. They'll be ready when you are. You'll be departing from the same Skydeck as last time." He informed me. "Is there anything else you need?"

"Just to make the rounds." My eyes then hovered over Ziah, who sheepishly waved at me. "Did you have anything you wish to add?"

"No!" Quickly shaking her head, the Sergeant continued. "But if it makes you feel more at ease, Greigh and I have decided to keep tabs on the Reed and Farro families for you while you're away."

I nodded. "It does."

Kheri then cleared her throat and put her hands on her hips. "You should be made aware that I will also be attending your little escort mission." She said, and that was news to me.

Quirking a brow at that, I questioned her. "On Elincia's orders?"

She smirked at the other two Zugal, who smiled in return. "It was more of a request. Especially since you seem to be focusing more on the Dwarven Queen than our Priestess."

"Elincia's a big girl. She can take care of herself."

"She certainly can, but that doesn't mean she should have to give orders herself because you won't relay any information."

"I always relay orders and important information, unlike an aforementioned High Elf we both know. Things might've been different if I had been fully informed before taking our first trip across seas." I shot back.

Kheri waved it away with an eye roll. "Regardless, I will be accompanying you. I thought you should be aware."

Giving her a small nod, I replied. "Then I look forward to working with you in the coming months." Turning back to my officers, they bowed, which irked me, but I let it slide. "Thank you for all your help."

Kheri's Point of View

My Office

Arthur left us to our own devices, and his energy surrounding the door disappeared with him. "He seems different." I whispered.

Ziah and Greigh exchanged a look with one another. "It's been a long two weeks." The Captain said softly.

I knew I wasn't going to get anything else out of them. "So, anything I need to know about Arthur for this little journey of ours?"

The two grimaced. "Well..." Ziah trailed off.

"Be aware he's racist; he's easy to annoy and rather hostile at the most random of times." Greigh informed me. "You'd be wise to keep an eye on him when he's with the Priestess, but other than that, everything should be okay."

"Great. Fantastic." My sarcasm wasn't lost on the two, and I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "This will be a learning experience, I guess."

"Take everything you saw during our time on the island and assume things will be like that for the standard." Ziah told me with a small smile. "Manageable, right?"

A sigh escaped my lips as my arms lay limply across my desk. "You two are making me more nervous than anything else. Have you no way of inspiring any confidence in me for this trip?"

Greigh, having to be a smartass, replied, "You're heading to the Desert Kingdom. Make sure you have plenty of water available to you."

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