Star Eater

Chapter 304 - 304

Chapter 304: Chapter 304

Typhon's Point of View

Northern Forests

"And you're okay with that?" He just shrugged this time, and I closed my eyes, confused. "How is it sometimes you're happy, playful, and more tolerating than other times. It almost feels like dealing with two separate people."

Arthur flinched at my words and hesitated. "I told you that I would do my best, to be honest with you." He stated before he reached in the fire and adjusted it once more. "The truth is, Ty, I'm not emotionally or mentally stable. Obviously, you realize there's more to it than that, but it all comes down to my energy."

"Your energy?"

"When it's high, containing my emotions and having a stable mental state is simple. I'm freer to act how I please." He explained. "However, when it lowers, you've seen how emotionless I can become or snap at the smallest things." Arthur's head shook slightly. "I almost broke Elincia's hand just for her irritating me slightly by poking me angrily."

"That is... Rather alarming, Arthur." I told him honestly.

He didn't disagree as he gave me a weak smile. "It is indeed. When my energy is low, my mind becomes hazy, and my thoughts tend to drift wildly. Many things weigh heavily on my mind at all times. Unfortunately, whatever connection there is to my energy, I am no longer able to separate them, and all of them come flooding back to me." Arthur then looked at me. "I imagine if I ever lost most of my energy, but was physically fine, you'd likely see another side of me. One far more pathetic than you would likely expect."

This was more than I was expecting to get out of him, to be honest. "Truly?"

Arthur sighed before nodding. "Even now, I'm partially here because I don't want to deal with the fallout of what happened. The friend I turned to had to leave because we were interrupted, and I came out here, dragging you along with me, to avoid all the nuisances of just being there." He scratched his neck as he continued. "When you get strong enough, you'll understand what a burden it is."

"Why would it be a burden?"

"Because when there is no one to fight, your Priestesses see me as an obstacle or a threat. Yet, if you hadn't noticed, any time something happens now, they immediately look to me for aid. You know I'm stronger than both of them. A few people know that, but most people don't."

"You think they want to keep it under wraps?" He didn't reply, which was an answer in itself. "I suppose that makes sense. It would cause a few to lose faith in them, but I think many would just be happy to have someone so powerful protecting them!"

"Did I protect Augustus and Aien?" I went silent at that. "You can't save everyone, Ty. You'll eventually learn that just like I did."

"Then what's the point of becoming strong? I thought the whole reason of being a hero was to be able to prevent those tragedies."

His shoulders deflated. "Simply being strong doesn't prevent such issues. It just makes them more difficult to happen on your watch. They can still happen, just like how they can be prevented at times." Arthur explained. "Had I simply ignored Graham, he could've wreaked havoc up and down the mountain of Helmsforth, but Augustus and Aien would still be alive." He then shrugged. "There is no knowing what the correct course of action is. Only doing what you believe is right and hoping for the best."

Gesturing to him, I argued his point. "With enough planning, you could easily overcome those instances!"

Arthur shook his head. "No amount of planning can change one simple fact, Ty." He stated. "You can't be in two places at once. It's what makes me so nervous about leaving Lestrania to help the Dwarves. After all, I've been lured away before."

My brows wrinkled in confusion. "You were?"

He glanced at me. "That's a story for another time, Ty. Get some rest. We have a few more days out here before we return, and then you're coming with me when we head East." I watched as he stood up. "You still have a few more days to survive, but you'll get a small rest when we return." Slowly, he floated into the air, and the fire went out as he drifted farther and farther away. "That's if you can find something to eat."

As I sat there, part of me realized he had let something slip. Something he didn't want to talk about, and that's why he abruptly left. It was most likely him being lured away at some point and time. While my thoughts did linger for a moment, when Arthur finally left, the wind seemed to return along with the sounds of the forest.

My thoughts quickly shifted back to survival mode as I looked about my surroundings. Standing left me with the sour realization that I was still sore and hungry. Melting snow from the ground was enough to supply me with water but running away hungry wasn't something I wanted to do again. That meant I needed to get creative.

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