Star Eater

Chapter 299 - 299

Chapter 299: Chapter 299

Lucia's Point of View


Standing back up, he crossed his arms. "Because both have tried to essentially murder me multiple times." Many of our heads whipped to the two Priestesses. "Along with others of this kingdom. It has become abundantly clear that my personal safety and rights matter very little." He then used his thumb to gesture to Arceana and Elincia. "They continually overstep their boundaries, have not honored our original agreement, and are continually threatening to take away my titles to declare me a traitor. All of this despite me saving them continually, forgiving their actions, and even sparing their students. Not to mention everything else I've done."

"Is this true?" Neither Priestess could answer as I just watched in disbelief. "Now I'm beginning to understand you a little bit more."

"It's cute you think that way. All in all, you need my help; you enter into an alliance with me specifically."

Ventari nodded. "That is more than fair. Of course, that all depends on the situation."

Arthur held out his hand as I saw him glance at the two Priestesses with a small smug smirk. Ventari smiled and reciprocated the gesture. The two seemed happy with their agreement. However, the small glare some of us held for the Priestesses had created an awkward atmosphere in the room. One Arthur didn't seem to mind in the slightest.

"I'm glad we've come to an understanding." He quickly turned his attention to the Priestesses. "Given that your allies are in danger, and it is within her right to request an escort home, will I have to arrange transportation myself?"

Ventari smirked and turned to the two as well. "Or can we count on Lestrania's support?"

Both Priestesses had been slighted. It was a sight I never thought I'd see. One where almost no one was on their side. Even Typhon seemed to have mixed feelings regarding what he had just heard. Kheri seemed as though she was trying to keep a blank expression, but from the little twitches I saw, she obviously had questions she wanted to ask the two.

"..." There was no response from either.

Arthur turned back to the Dwarven Queen. "This has become tedious. Just like every other waking day in this place. It will take me some time to arrange things." His attention then shifted to Greigh. "How long will it take to get transportation?"

Greigh looked slightly concerned about his position before giving me a small bow. "Transportation will be easy enough to acquire. However, it might take some time for them to ready themselves. Acquiring provisions and other resources for such a trip-"

Holding up his hand, Arthur stopped him. "Find out and report back to me." With that, the captain left. "Now, you summoned me here. Why?"

Both Priestesses had been put in horrible positions. Arthur's words must've been true. Otherwise, Arceana would've responded confidently. Yet, she didn't reply at all. Perhaps they both knew what lying in front of Arthur would bring. I'd heard whispers here and there of their defeat at his hands. It seems now that it is true. My eyes moved to Arthur's back and wondered why he would stay here if it was true.

"We called you here to discuss what you found in your investigation." Arceana stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

The silence that followed made me uncomfortable. Everyone seemed in disbelief that the sheer audacity that the Priestess had after such claims, that went unchallenged were disregarded, and they continued on as if nothing had happened.

Arthur, in true Arthur fashion, decided to return the favor. "Ty?" He turned to his student, who seemed very uncomfortable. "Have you been keeping up with your training?"

"Uh..." The boy trailed off, surprised at the question. "With everything that has happened-"

To all our surprise, a portal opened underneath him, and he disappeared. "What are you doing!?" Arceana asked in horror.

Elincia stood in concern as well while Arthur replied. "Until we are ready to depart, I will be training Typhon. However, I know Greigh will be looking for me, so I will check back in periodically. My student will also be coming with us to the Eastern Kingdom."

"You cannot decide these things by yourself." Elincia replied.

"I can, and I am." Another portal opened after his cold response. "I'll be back in a bit after I get Typhon started." He then turned to me. "Keep me up to date on things here if you could."

"Me?" I asked back, surprised.

He nodded. "Unlike some others, I trust you." Not waiting for a response, Arthur went through his portal and disappeared.

Thus, I was left with several angry women. "Well," Ventari started. "This has been most enlightening." She also turned to me. "Please keep me informed as well. You've been more forthcoming than the other High Elves here." The Dwarven Queen gave a small nod before leaving the room.

Both Priestesses turned their attention to me. "Lucia," Arceana began as she slowly walked down her dais. "You should know, more than anyone, that there are two sides to every story."

Immediately, my eyes narrowed. "While that is true, you did not defend yourself in Arthur's presence which tells me enough. Had he spoken more falsehoods than truths, I imagine the two of you would have made an attempt to actually explain your side. Given how you are only trying to do so in his absence, merely add more merit to his words."

Elincia sighed. "None of this has been easy. Arthur is rather sensitive to certain topics, which we could not have known until we stumbled upon them."

Steepling my fingers together, I continued to defend Arthur. "I, myself, have stepped into a few similar situations. However, he has never hurt me. Chided and lectured me, perhaps, but never has he overstepped his bounds. I have seen examples of him sending people away, and that is all."

"He is not as clean as he likes to think he is." Arceana informed me. "When I invited him to dinner, Arthur assaulted me." She informed me.

"That very same night, he visited me." Both Priestesses went quiet at that. "I do not know what words were exchanged or what happened at your dinner, but he was greatly concerned for my safety. Unnaturally so." My eyes narrowed at Arceana. "Do you possibly know why he acted in such a way?"

"..." My older look-alike didn't answer.

"That tells me everything I need to know. Arthur may not be perfect," I began as I looked over the two of them. "But it has been made abundantly clear that neither are either of you." The two seemed surprised at my cold words. "Should either of you need me or wish to hold a more honest conversation, feel free to summon me. Until then, there is someone I would like to visit."

With nothing left to say, I teleported away to the Medical Wing and started to search for Aydalia along with her children.

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