Star Eater

Chapter 286 - 286

Chapter 286: Chapter 286

Ziah's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"We're gonna be killed for listening to this!" I whisper shouted, but Greigh very firmly gestured for me to be quiet. "He's the King!" He quickly covered my mouth again as we continued to listen.

"..." There was a pause in the conversation.

"Do you know she looked for you?"

"Did she?"

The old Dragon turned quiet for a moment before continuing. "Many of us did. Some of us sacrificed more than you know trying to find you."

Arthur sighed. "I'm sorry, but I can't give you what you seek."

Dryritt's exasperation could be heard through the door. "You don't have to do this anymore. The right to rule doesn't belong to Arceana or Elincia. Take up your throne once more and lead these people as you did in the past! The world needs you to be a King again."

"..." Arthur was still silent.

"I don't understand. Why are you doing this? Arceana and Elincia have erased you from living memory. Everything you did, everything you accomplished, all gone by their hands. Why would you let them stay in their temple playing at God?" He inquired. "They've turned themselves into something that should be worshipped. Do you even know what they did at the end of the war? How much they sacrificed and spat on your legacy?"

Arthur finally replied. "A chair doesn't make history, Dryritt. I did it in the past to train them and lead them down the correct path. To show them how ruling ought to be done. Their lives, their minds, and even their own actions are no fault of their own." He explained. "Rudnurth altered their memories. Elincia even had a Demon implanted in her from the Demon Queen. She doesn't even remember." Arthur laughed hollowly. "They are the result of my own failure, Dryritt. If you need someone to blame, blame me. It was my fault I lost to the Demon Queen."

Dryritt was silent for a few moments. "That explains much if what you said is true. Although, I was unaware you faced off against the Demon Queen."

His reply was dark. "We both left our mark on the other. She was injured and has been festering in The Crimson Wasteland while I've only recently returned. Aurora, much like everyone else, placed their faith in the wrong person."

The Dragon groaned in annoyance. "Even if the Priestesses were to be forgiven for their past deeds, you should still rule! In the timespan of your rule, you accomplished more than either of them combined in theirs." He began to list off several things our 'Knight' had done in his time as King. "Lestrania is yours by right!"

"Arceana turned into this because her entire family fell, Dryritt. She created this position as a place to protect herself from others and allies. It really is ingenious in a way." He almost sounded proud. "Like most royals and nobles, she thinks this kingdom and its people exist to be ruled over. To provide her with a position while she, in turn, provides them with safety. She is... Corrupt. Her version of safety is favored towards Elves instead of everyone." Arthur pointed out. "Arceana is a perversion of what I wanted for this world, and she perverted Lestrania into what it is today."

"Exactly! You're the rightful ruler!" Representative Dryritt said angrily. "There is still strength in you, just like a Dragon! A fire that cannot be put out until death takes us! You represented more than just Lestrania while you ruled. You lived for everyone! Remove the false idols and-"

"I cannot cast down my students."

A crashing sound, along with a few things breaking, suddenly erupted from inside. "You were known for being the greatest warrior this world had ever seen! The greatest leader this world had ever seen!" Dryritt roared. "How can you turn your back on all of that!?"

"I'm not. I'm here, aren't I?" Arthur shot back. "A seat of power is a means to an end. A title such as a 'Knight' is also a means to an end. Even if I were to give it up now, my roots run throughout most of the merchant chains in Lestrania. Several businesses in Lestrania entered into a partnership with me. Some beyond Helmsforth as well."

"To what end?" The Dragon asked. "What could you possibly want? Gold? Silver? The Dragons could provide you with more gold than you've ever seen."

"It's not about gold or silver. My name means something now."

Dryritt quickly cut in. "Your name meant something before."

Our General sighed. "Yes, but now, in this day and age, I've acquired the same status as before. Wealth, influence, and my reputation is positive in the public eye. Most who don't like me are nobles or royalty." Arthur explained. "All this amounts to power. Could I just force everyone to follow me again? Yes." He admitted. "It would be simple enough, but the results would likely be different this time."

The Dragon grumbled. "The Elves aren't fresh from the war against Dragons, Lestrania isn't officially at war with the Demons, and the Lestranian Alliance has been solidified for several millennia now."

"Exactly." Arthur agreed. "Even if I were to lose my title as a Knight of Lestrania, it doesn't matter. I already have everything I need." The General sounded tired. "The only thing that concerns me is the morale and training of the soldiers in this day and age. Town's Guard is what they call them. What a disgusting title."

"What will you do?"

"I have a few plans in the works. One is to hopefully rebuild an alliance of sorts among different nations. Perhaps to rekindle old kinships." Arthur probed.

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