Star Eater

Chapter 281 - 281

Chapter 281: Chapter 281

Arthur's Point of View

Deep Forest

Kandma raised her other paw and slowly brought it towards me. "This is a story better to be seen than told." She stated before the tip of one of her claws gently poked my chest. "To better understand, you must accept a part of me into you. Not many would be willing t-"

"Done." I instantly said.

Her eyes widened slightly before a small glow was emitted from her claw. She stared at me in stunned silence for a moment after the glow faded. Her eyes seemed to look at me with great intensity as her claw returned.

A smile could be seen on her muzzle as her eyes softened. "It's good to have you back, old friend." The smile quickly faded. "You will have access to my memories in a moment. Focus on the event itself. I will not be able to guide you through this, but if your mind is still as powerful as it once was, it should be a simple process."

Quirking a brow at that, the question quickly left my lips. "Who taught you how to do this? Was it passed down to you in your mother's memories, or is it some form of magic?"

"My mother's memories are scarce and difficult to even dredge up. As you can recall, not much of the process was complete before she was killed." I nodded at that. "However, thanks to sheer dumb luck, I am actually more powerful than my mother was. I met another of my kind. Far older and wiser than I or even her."

"If he's older than you, he must be celestial in terms of size."

Kandma hummed. "Yes and no. Power determines our size." She gestured to herself. "I will not get much larger than what you see here. If we grew past this size, this world would not be able to sustain us. However, this world is also wider than most know. I've not left this area in quite some time, and I'm not much of an explorer."

Her words made sense. "I see." If they continued to grow past the size of a mountain range, they'd destroy anything within miles of their movements. "I won't pry for the moment. As much as I wish to know more about who helped you and offer them my thanks, I need answers, Kandma."

She nodded. "I understand." Moving her massive head forward, it titled down into the ravine until she could tilt it and touch her forehead with mine softly. "Now, think back to that night. The very night where you vanished from this world."

Arthur's Point of View

The Old Capital

Two Thousand Years Ago

My mind was pulled to another time and another place. Watching the memories from a third person's point of view, I hovered above a familiar courtyard. The barracks, castle, courtyard, and more were exactly how I remembered them along, with my armored soldiers. However, above all that, was a familiar face that made my breath catch when I saw her.

"You two know better than to distract someone when they are casting a spell!" Mara reprimanded the two. "Sir Aydan's spell was likely hindered because of you two!"

Mara. It was Mara in all her glory. She looked tired from the magic transfer. Even so, the Princess was as beautiful as I remembered. Standing tall as she stood at the top of the stairs, hair blowing in the wind, and her lips glistening in the candlelight... I almost looked away as more and more memories came to me.

The two Priestesses, then Princesses, frowned and looked down as they were chastised. Robert, Varvara, and Aerowyn all watched in amusement. Kandma was off to the side lying on her side with her eyes open. She was relaxing without a care in the world. It didn't last long. Only a few moments passed before her head popped up in alarm as screams could be heard from the town.

"Soldier! Report!" Aerowyn called out.

One of the soldiers on the battlements turned to her and shouted. "Demon attac-" He didn't get to finish as the stone was destroyed where he stood.

Kandma rushed to her feet as smoke filled the courtyard. "Form up! Battle stations! Demon attack!" Mara cried out as alarms started to sound off.

Aerowyn flew into the air while Varvara, Robert, Mara, Arceana, and Elincia all readied themselves for anything. Seeing them like this was almost more than I could take. It was a faint memory of better days and a reminder of those I failed. Each one of them as brilliant as I remembered. Aerowyn and Robert especially. I've not seen any who could compare to them in the present.

"How many?!" Mara shouted up to Aerowyn.

"I don't see any!" Aerowyn yelled back before turning to those armed on the castle walls. "Where are the Demons!?"

Quickly, Aerowyn was slammed into and crashed into the ground. "Here." A familiar voice said. "I'm right here." Graham told the truth.

Here he was with his hand on the back of Aerowyn's head, forcing her into the stone courtyard below. Mara quickly took charge and held up her hands to stop anyone from moving. There was a bit of a standoff, and I realized that Graham looked around the same age from when I trapped him. That meant he was stronger than an Ancient Demon at the time.

"Smart move, Princess, but pointless." Graham taunted from on top of Aerowyn. "I'm under orders, and I've waited long enough to carry them out." He pressed harder against her head. "Now, my orders will be carried out one way or another. However, I'll let you all decide on how this goes."

Mara immediately launched a spell. "Kill him! Save Aerowyn!"

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