Star Eater

Chapter 250 - 250

Chapter 250: Chapter 250

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

Austin enjoyed having me around. Cassidy and Augustus had to continually yell at him since he kept jumping on me. Literally. He would always wait until I was partially down the stairs and then jump on my back. No respect for a one-armed man. Although Austin made it seem like he was merely acting his age, he would always whisper words of gratitude to me for saving his sister. Turns out Cassidy informed quite a few people what I did even in The Slums...

My arm was also struggling to recover. The pain was surreal at times, and that damned stone made it even more difficult to try and block it out. However, my thoughts were becoming clearer as my energy recovered. I wasn't back at full strength yet, but having more energy made thinking clearly a lot easier.

A few days had passed as I sat on the porch, watching things play out. "Why am I doing this exactly?" My ever-so-loyal student inquired as he helped with chores.

"Have you ever done manual labor, Ty?" I inquired.

He was hauling buckets back and forth. "No?" Typhon answered back, unsure.

"Exactly. Think of this as part of your training right now. Moving your body in ways that you're not familiar with will help you in training." Leaning back in my chair, I chuckled. "Don't worry. Think of this as a simple warm-up like usual. You'll be doing your usual laps around the property soon enough."

"And when do you plan on meeting with the Priestesses?" Ty asked back in a huff. "Both have been wanting to meet with you."

"Have they removed my arm from stasis yet?"

Ty groaned. "As I've said before, they are unaware that you've lost your arm!" My student responded, annoyed. "No one wants to tell them!"

Chuckling, I replied. "Why do you think I don't want to see them? Why should that shit be put off on me? Someone'll tell them eventually." Then I shrugged. "Then it won't be my problem anymore. They probably have more important things to attend to anyway. Surprised neither of their bitchy asses have come down here to harass me yet."

"Probably because both know you're recovering and don't want to burden you with an unpleasant confrontation. Especially since everyone is eerily quiet when it comes to your injuries." Typhon explained. "Think about it, last time you came here to recover, everyone thought you were dying!"

"And that's exactly why this worked out in my favor." My student rolled his eyes and huffed. "Don't you have some buckets to haul?" I asked before he walked off.

"As charming as ever, I see." A voice called off from the side.

"Rennal." The blue-haired Elf was likely here for Cassidy. "If you're looking for some sweet Cassidy candy, she's off in that direction." I told her as I pointed off to the side of the house.

The Elf blushed at that. "Ignoring your comments, I am actually not here for Cassidy at this moment." With a bow so flourished that I'd only ever compare with Varvara in terms of eloquence, Rennal lowered her head. "Cassidy informed me of what you did and how you lost your arm."

"It's fine, Rennal. There's no need for this." I said, but she merely shook her head while it was still down.

Despite the bow, it seemed like her form was shaky, and her voice was catching. "I cannot possibly imagine how this might affect you moving forward but know that I am eternally grateful to you. Should you ever require aid, you need only say the world, and the Bimarr family will assist you in anything." Then she looked up at me with a few tears in her eyes. "Anything." She finished more firmly.

With a sigh and a nod, I replied. "You're welcome, but you don't owe me anything. Please rise, Lady Rennal." She did as I instructed, but her eyes fluttered a bit as she began to look more confused. "A lady need not kneel to me. Besides, Cassidy was only there because she was trying to help me. An arm is a small price to pay for what might've happened."

"Be that as it may, many in The Outskirts, and the Lowest Rung, are all aware of what you did. Cassidy is well known, as is her kindness." Rennal told me. "Several of your business associates, and hers, are both thankful and are greatly concerned for you."

"There's a reason I've stayed away from going into town, but if people in The Slums know, it's only a matter of time before Arceana and Elincia find out." More surprised that no one has actually told them yet. "Rumor's love making trips up the mountain."

Then again, not many would want to be on the receiving end of that conversation. From what Greigh's told me, they're even avoiding the fact that I'm the one who healed them all. Despite me bleeding out while doing so. He also said that's the reason why no one wants to say anything because they're afraid of being punished for being unable to stop me. That's a can of worms I want nothing to do with.

Rennal nodded in agreement. "That they do." Then she looked around and leaned in to whisper. "There were also rumors that you had died."

A smile came to my lips as I gestured to myself. "Would I be here if I did?"

"I suppose not." She smiled back and then looked off to where I had pointed. "Then I shall not waste anymore of your time. However, I would like to speak with you more often if you would allow. Perhaps when I come to visit Cassidy, we could sit down for a chat?"

With a small nod from my chair, I replied. "As you wish, my Lady." Her eyes focused on me while her lips pursed. "Rennal?"

"Apologies." She then gave another small bow. "Sir Arthur." Then she was off to track down Cassidy.

Of course, I knew exactly where she was. "Why did ya lie ta her?" The redhead inquired as she stepped out from the house.

With a smirk and quirked brow, I turned to her. "When did I lie?"

"When ya answered her about you..." Cassidy frowned and looked away from me towards where Rennal went.

"I didn't lie. I merely asked a question in return."

Before the conversation could continue, a teleportation had gone off, and I knew the day of reckoning had come. Arceana, Elincia, Lucia, and Ayda were all suddenly present. Lucia looked rather disturbed as she refused to meet my gaze while the other women stared at me in shock.

Deciding to disarm them, I raised my nub and said, "Would any of you be willing to give me a hand?" They didn't like my joke if their horrified looks were anything to go off of.

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