Star Eater

Chapter 243 - 243

Chapter 243: Chapter 243

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Sir." Greigh let out in a cautionary tone.

"I know." I said while taking a step back from her. "Don't worry. There are a few rulers on my list, but she's not one of them." My dismissive wave of the hand just made him sigh. "Besides, she's an ally, right?"

"This is how you treat your allies?" Ventari questioned.

Raising a brow, I replied. "I meant an ally to Lestrania. As far as I'm concerned, you're no ally of mine. More of an extension of Lestrania, if anything."

Crossing her arms, she narrowed her eyes at me. "Do you also have a habit of insulting most members of royalty, or am I just special?"

"I don't insult every royal-" I began, but Greigh coughed over exaggeratedly. "Oh. Guess I do. So, no. You're not special." Then I smiled down at her. "See, the thing is, any Royal is just another person. Most of the time, they aren't even that special, and I treat them as such." Giving another shrug, I continued. "On the positive side of things, I also give them a chance to prove their worth."

She glowered at that. "Have the Priestesses of Lestrania proved their worth to you yet?"

The face I made got her to look at me in surprise. "Meh. Not really?" It was questionable at best. "If anything, I'm more disappointed in almost everything they've done. Did you know that they-"

Greigh interrupted me again. "Sir!" Turning toward him, he frowned. "Perhaps this isn't something to be discussed with a member of foreign royalty..."

Rolling my eyes, I turned to the Vithari Queen. "Fine. What questions did you have? Can't imagine you want to gossip about Lestrania or me, so what can I do for you?"

"Why is Lady Lucia ruling right now?" Then she eyed me more carefully. "Or rather, why are you ruling right now?"

Not being able to keep the amused expression from my face got me another warning from Greigh. "Sir..."

Closing my eyes, I answered. "A chair means nothing to me, so you can be sure Lucia is ruling. Momentarily, of course. I have no interest in the Lestranian throne, nor do I want the tedious tasks that come with it. My mundane responsibilities are enough, I assure you." Opening my eyes, my gaze shifted over to Typhon. "As for why Lucia is sitting on the throne, both Priestesses are currently resting from overexertion."

"How did you kill the creature dubbed the Leviathan?" Ventari questioned.

"It swallowed me, and I blew it up from the inside out." Her blank stare at my answer just made her shake her head, and I shrugged. "You asked."

With a sigh, she continued. "What was able to claim your arm if you were able to survive against the Leviathan?"

Looking at my nib, I smiled. "No one claimed my arm. I traded it for two lives, which I consider to be a fair trade. After all, it saved two people close to me."

"Close to you?" I nodded in response, but that was all. "I see. Yet, I must prod further. Who managed to injure you so? Another Demon?"

"More like six." Scratching my beard, I grumbled. "There were a lot of powerful Demons that gathered. In my own arrogance, I allowed this to happen." Holding up my nub, she eyed it before flickering her gaze back to me. "It was something I could've prevented had I been more vigilant."

"And you plan on recovering your lost arm?"

Holding up my remaining hand, I spoke. "Fingers crossed." My fingers were, indeed, crossed.

She seemed confused by that as she brought her own fingers up to her temple and began rubbing it. "Have you heard any word from Vithari or the East in general?"

Turning to Greigh, I immediately asked, "Have we heard any word from Vithari or the East in general?"

Greigh, much to his regret, sighed as he answered. "Both Priestesses were unwilling to send an envoy without the Queen of Vithari being awake. Having such a large Demon being placed in between our kingdoms was also disconcerting." He explained. "As such, we've been waiting until word has reached us, or things have settled down."

"Things aren't really settling down though." I commented and turned back to the Queen before shrugging again. "What're ya gonna do?"

"Do you really not care?" The Queen asked with a small glare.


Ventari looked insulted as she raised her voice at me. "About Vithari and its situation! My kingdom has sent no word to Lestrania despite my disappearance! You don't find that strange!? How can you not care?!"

Blinking, I gave her a blank look. "Why should I?" She gaped at my response, and I tilted my head. "I'm not a Priestess of Lestrania, and I don't know you or your people. Would it make you feel better if I pretended to care?"

She took a swing at me to my surprise, which I managed to stop with my eyes alone. "How-"

"Bold move, your majesty. As I already stated, I don't personally consider you an ally." Moving closer to her to the point I was barely an inch from her face, I spoke. "Should I care about the Dragons as well? What about the Zugal in the Northern Kingdoms?" Her arm fell to her side. "If needed, I would aid your kingdom, but to care while doing so is just unrealistic. After all, we have no prior relationship."

"And if my people are dying right now from the same situation as Lestrania? What about the Demons currently closing in on Vithari!?"

"Sounds to me like you don't have much faith in your own people, so I can't really help you there."

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