Star Eater

Chapter 238 - 238

Chapter 238: Chapter 238

Lucia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Another curse... "We are unaware if we can reattach your arm. However, when the Priestesses awaken, they will likely be able to remove the curse, and we can go from there." Aydalia spoke as I backed away slightly in thought.

"Lucia..." He called out to me, and I looked up at him. "I'm sorry for that a moment ago. I should've handled the news better."

Shrugging, I waved it off. "That is alright. After all, it is understandable one would react in such a manner. Not like you haven't torn out your own heart once. Just another day to you, right?" I shot back.

Arthur sighed. "That's not fair."

Quirking a brow at that, I quickly replied. "It's not? Why do all my questions go unanswered, but yours are crucial?"

Aydalia moved beside me. "Perhaps there is a more fitting time for this conversation?"

"The man is barely alive! When else will he answer my questions?" I responded before crossing my arms.

To my surprise, Arthur stood before me. "Lucia..." I looked up at him and met his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? Everything is going to be fine. Do you believe me?"

"That still do-"

"Do you believe me?" He asked again, but more firmly.

Perhaps it was the gentleness that had entered his voice, or it was his earnest look, but I couldn't help but nod as my lip quivered. "I'm not cut out for this." I whispered to him. "I don't know what I'm doing."

He smiled at me sadly as Aydalia backed away. "I'll be helping you from now on. Until either Arceana or Elincia wakes up. This isn't something to be afraid of. It's in your blood."

A small smile came to my lips. "That is a very generous offer." Again, his words resonated in my mind. "Unfortunately, you should still be in bed."

Several doctors came out of hiding on my signal, and each cast a sleep spell on Arthur. He saw them coming but merely looked at me as they hit. To my surprise, a small smile came to his own lips as he watched me. He looked proud in a way.

"Clever girl." Were his last words before his eyes closed.

Lowering him to the ground with my magic, I felt conflicted. There was so much I wanted to ask him. Questions that were plaguing my mind, but Arthur Pendragon was not one to give answers so easily. With a sigh, my legs gave out as Aydalia quickly stepped in and levitated Arthur into the air. At the same time, the door opened as Ziah made way for Captain Greigh.

Much to my surprise, there was a bit of a standoff in the room for some reason. Many of the Elven healers were glaring at the Zugal, including Alwin. On the other hand, Aydalia kept a close watch on Arthur while studying the room. Eventually, she looked down at me as Greigh entered.

"Captain Greigh, Sergeant Ziah, and I should get Arthur somewhere more comfortable." Aydalia commented. "The Captain has offered some of his best to guard him while he sleeps."

"That will be unnecessary." Alwin chimed in. "As the highest-ranking officer present, I have decided Arthur will be left in the care of the healers in the medical wing."

To my shock, Greigh merely shook his head. "Apologies, General, but I have standing orders to make sure Sir Arthur Pendragon is left to heal on his own." The Zugal even stepped between the mother and son.

"So, you see, Alwin, our orders are to make sure the General has a place to rest peacefully." Aydalia confirmed.

"I am issuing new orders. Arthur has been cursed, his wounds will not stop bleeding, and his arm is in stasis. How do you expect him to heal if he is away from all our best medical personnel?" Alwin shot back in an aggravated tone.

"I'm sure he'll manage. After all, he came back to life after being declared dead by those same professionals." Greigh answered. "The Knight of Lestrania will be leaving with us."

Alwin ignited his magic, which prompted several of the Zugal to draw their weapons. In response, the doctors and other guards who were present also ignited their magic. Aydalia watched carefully as she kept Arthur behind her, but I noticed her magic was also active.

"You have no authority to-" The Elf General began, but I decided to act.

Before things could get out of control, I stood and spoke over all of them. "Enough of this madness!" Reaching out with my magic that quickly filled the room, I began issuing orders. "Sir Arthur has healed time and time again on his own. If the Captain has received such orders, I will assume they were for a good reason."

"Luci-" Alwin tried.

"Without either Priestess here, I am in command. They put me in control when they left. Until they are healed enough to rule once more, my word is absolute." I spoke in a raised and warning tone. "Captain, Sir Arthur is in your care." Aydalia quickly left with the Zugal, which still confused me, but I ignored it as I turned my attention to Alwin. "Everyone else is to return to their posts until they hear otherwise."

Everyone left angrily and on edge. Even Alwin huffed as he walked past me coldly. Alone in my room, I could only look at the bloodstains on the floor from Arthur. Hugging my arms as I closed my eyes, a part of me wanted to accept his offer of help, but his current state made that impossible. That left me here by myself. A time of unity was needed, and yet, I only felt more alone than ever...

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