Star Eater

Chapter 232 - 232

Chapter 232: Chapter 232

?????'s Point of View

Unknown Location

My control over my ghoulish ward completely vanished. It wasn't subtle, nor did it catch me by surprise. Sheer, overwhelming power ended everything before I had a chance to react. Whether it was Mordred himself, despite his sorry state, or if it was a trap of some manner he had put in place.

With wide eyes staring vacantly into a wall, I heard Tor reappear heaving. "That... Was a TRAP!" He seethed. "Where is Flare!?" He barked angrily. "He was fooled by a mere act that put-"

"Be quiet." I said softly, but he immediately went silent.

Anger began to creep into my face as I could feel it contort in rage. Turning to Tor, who was slumping on the ground, I closed my eyes. I had been played again by Arthur Pendragon. Someone who continues to evade my attempts to bring him in and continues to thwart my every action. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. He is that reaction.

"Get some rest, Tor. We'll be moving the project east soon. Arthur will recover, and when he does, I want him to come running straight into my trap." My mist slowly pattered out from my hands in anger. "We'll deal with him soon enough."

"And if this project doesn't work?" Tor asked back in a huff, which was daring of him, but I let it go.

"Then it will be a good indicator of how strong The Anomaly has become. He's no God, and he isn't a Demon..." I trailed off for a moment as I looked down at my mist. "So, the question is, what is he and how does he compare to me..."

Lucia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Things had become far more difficult than I imagined. Many Elven Nobles were obviously trying to figure out what had happened. Why were so many Demons able to get as close as they did, and who had killed them in such a cruel and grotesque way. Many in the Lower Rungs were also concerned, and I had given no statement. After all, if it came from me, they would begin to wonder where the Priestesses were.

With everything in such disarray, magic transfers have been far and few in-between. Arceana and Elincia are both sleeping in a comatose state and will remain that way until they refill their magic reservoirs. Reserves that far exceed my own or even a large portion of Elves. The fact they were able to teleport that far with that many people is incredible, but the state everyone is in goes to show how desperate they had to have been.

The doors opened, and in came Aien. "It is good to see you well, Lady Lucia."

"Please, Lord Farro, there is no need for such titles." He smiled but shook his head.

"Given the situation, I must insist. A time of unity is needed, and you are the only High Elf moving about. Not all Nobles will be as supportive as my wife and I." Aien explained and gave a small bow. "So, if you would permit me, I would like to show my support every chance I get until the Priestesses are well again."

They really were far too good to me. "Thank you," I said with a nod. "What news do you have for me?"

Sighing, he held up a few papers and floated them over to me. "Unfortunately, my son is still busy moving through the Hollow Forest. Given the situation, he made the right call to secure our weak point and make sure the enemy has indeed fled but given who our opponents are..." Aien trailed off.

A frown came to my lips. "Should I call him back?"

Aien was quiet for a moment before he replied. "I cannot give you a solid answer, my Lady. There is too much we do not know."

Closing my eyes in frustration, I spoke. "Very well. Have him report to me as soon as he returns, but Helmsforth has been cleared then?"

He gave a firm nod. "Correct. Lieutenant Greigh Nasa does tight, efficient work. He cleared everything thoroughly in a matter of minutes. A few Elves even did a few scans through all the rungs to make sure."

"...And Arthur?" I asked softly. "Has there been any word on him?"

"Despite many attempts by outside officials, Nobles, and lower-ranking officers, he has been left alone. No one knows of his state, just like the Priestesses. However, he is under heavy guard. My wife, Sergeant Ziah Tib, and Ms. Reed are all standing watch."

"Is she really fine with that? The last thing I want is for her to come to hate me for-" I began, but he merely held up a hand with an understanding look.

"She and I both confirmed that Ayda was stable. Typhon is watching over her along with her fellow students. Our daughter will be fine. Until things have calmed down, she will be cared for by some of the best healers I know." His explanation helped me relax.

"Thank you."

He bowed. "Of course. However, you should know that your illusion spell has faded. It was quickly replaced by one from my wife, but we were able to see that the room had returned to normal. We thought it would be best to wait a little longer before proceeding into the room."

Watching him carefully, I spoke. "You seem to put a lot more attention into Sir Arthur than either of the Priestesses. Why is that?" I asked in a curious tone.

It would seem I surprised Alwin's father, and he took far longer to respond this time. "We merely thought it would be best to secure the one who was the most injured. General Kheri, herself, has an elite guard stationed with her to protect both the Priestesses. Sir Arthur deserves that same courtesy."

Whatever had happened between Arthur and the Farro's that day when we went to visit changed something. Never before had I seen this type of loyalty from them. They were always friendly and quick enough when issued orders, but they were present without even being summoned. As Nobles, no one had the right to send them away but me.

"I see. Well, please keep me posted with anything that happens. If nothing changes in Arthur's room for a few more hours, the healers can take another look at him." Resting my head in my hand, I continued. "Hopefully, then I'll be able to get some rest."

Aien chuckled. "You are young yet, and this is all new to you. Give it time, and you will adjust." He gave a short bow and moved to the door before it was flung open.

"Lady Lucia! We have news!" A healer shouted as soon as he entered the room.

Immediately on my feet, I felt adrenaline quickly pumping throughout my body for whatever it might be. "What happened?!"

"The Vithari Queen has awakened!"

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