Star Eater

Chapter 224 - 224

Chapter 224: Chapter 224

Arthur's Point of View

The Island

Have you ever had an idea that you knew was bad but still went through with it? That's about where I was at. I knew my energy being low was affecting my judgment. Letting two unknown Demons watch over those on the beach was a testament to that. However, I couldn't worry about that anymore.

Now I had a behemoth of a Dragon flying towards me with a fire Demon on its forehead that looked far more Demonic than it did in the past. On the other side was an unknown that disturbed Pestilence and Credo. Part of me thought it might be Thana, but I doubt she would attack her own people. So, it was someone new, and that was slightly more unnerving. Changing my tactics, I decided to try something new and was unsure if it would work.

Part of me wanted to open a giant portal, but I'm not sure I could handle such a transfer. Even if it did go through, if any of the Demons attacked, my defense would be weak, and many would die. That, or they would be cut in half as they're falling through, and the portal slams shut from interference. So, I was forced to try something new.

Cassidy's Point of View

The Island

The two Demons seemed to be honoring their agreement with Arthur and were staying near us while keeping an eye on the distance. Never before in my life would I have ever imagined that there were people this powerful. My eyes darted to the Priestesses as they had their eyes closed and focused on building up their magic and the magic that was donated to them. For the longest time, I wanted to believe that they were all-powerful and there was no one that could challenge them.

Arthur had continued to disprove my illusions. "Arthur!" I shouted as he stayed floating in the air.

"Stay back." Credo, the horned Demon, warned. "If you leave the group and get hurt from a stray blast, we will not be held responsible."

"We could always let them die." His bandaged companion added as I grit my teeth.

Wanting to respond, Credo turned to him but went silent as his eyes widened. A strange sound could be heard as I felt my clothes flicker as if being pulled by some unknown force in front of me. Confused, I looked to the two Demons who were watching Arthur. Arthur's body was glowing its normal blue, with almost hypnotic black waves humming off of him.

Pretty soon, the flicker on my shirt became stronger as it pulled tight and up towards Arthur. "Put up a shield, Pestilence!" Credo ordered as he immediately did so and not a moment too soon.

The bandaged Demon did as instructed as the sand outside of their shield began to float into the air. Water from the ocean below Arthur began to twist into the air as fire seemed to follow suit from all around us. The black waves continued to pulse through the water and other debris as another spell slammed into Arthur. My heart sunk for a moment until I saw the spell warp and began twisting around Arthur like everything else.

It was almost as if he forced his body into having its own pull all around him. Credo and Pestilence grunted as they seemed to strain. So much so that their shield slid forward slightly before they readjusted it. That confused me. How strong was this pull that two Demons were struggling, just holding up their shield?

"Holy..." Pestilence let out in shock as we watched in awe.

Soon, light began to twist around Arthur as the world around us seemed to darken. Like a tint had rolled over the world and was slowly getting darker and darker. Which made it all the more blinding when the Dragon that was approaching let out another blast of fire in the form of a beam directed entirely at Arthur's floating form. Again, it slammed into him but quickly warped and twisted around him violently. I would've shouted at him, but I could no longer hear anything. There was no sound to be heard at all.

Soon, it was impossible to see him at all as the beam, spells, and other things that were there encased him entirely. The only thing that could be seen were the black waves. Even the two Demons began to grunt and huff as the magic from their shield started to get pulled in too. However, everything disappeared before it could become a problem, and a blinding light covered the area.

Everything had brightened so suddenly, that I had to blink several times to adjust my eyes. Arthur was falling towards us but caught himself periodically before he fell onto the sand wheezing. Ziah and I rushed forward only to be stopped by the Demons barrier. After exchanging a glance with them, they looked at each other as Arthur lay in the sand, struggling.

I was concerned the two Demons might turn on us, but my attention was taken away as I saw two streaks of magic through the sky. They seemed to be fading and each streak led in separate directions. It was weird seeing them slowly fade as if a candle was going out. I thought no more about it despite the large clouds of smoke in each direction since the Demonic shields dropped.

Ziah and I moved forward while I heard Elincia shout. "Bring him over here and grab on! We're just about ready!"

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