Star Eater

Chapter 209 - 209

Chapter 209: Chapter 209

Elincia's Point of View

The Island

"Typhon Delmaris is safe, Priestess Elincia." General Kheri reported to me. "Sir Arthur deemed it necessary that I inform you that he is alive and well. They have been swimming underwater for the last several hours."

That, once again, made me pause. "Am I to assume that it was without coming up for air?" She nodded. "I see." Taking a breath, I nodded in understanding. "Thank you for informing me. I have been concerned."

"Of course, Priestess." She bowed. "Permission to speak freely?"

Quirking a brow, I looked around and cleared the other guards out before I nodded. "Granted."

She stood and stared at me in the eyes. "I am concerned about the safety of Typhon Delmaris in Sir Arthur Pendragon's care. Staying underwater seems excessive for the amount of time they did so, and much of the other training is so grueling I wouldn't make most of my soldiers endure it."

"Typhon is a young boy on the edge of starting his journey into manhood. Without magic, I could never stay underwater with him as he explored. While it is concerning, Sir Arthur was with him and keeping a close eye on him." I explained and quickly continued when she opened her mouth to reply. "I will not presume to know how to train one of the Dragon Clan members, as it's never been done. Trust is necessary at this stage, and until Typhon himself comes to ask for my aid, I will trust in him and his teacher."

The General gave me a quick bow. "Yes, Priestess."

"If you feel it necessary, you are more than welcome to keep an eye on the two while we are here."

"I'm not sure that will be possible." Kheri quickly replied. "Sir Arthur told his student he would have the rest of our time here to relax since he was annoyed with the constant prying and sick of having people... Questioning him." She informed me and chose her wording carefully at the end.

My lips pressed together at that as it irked me. "Well then, hopefully, Typhon will be able to enjoy this trip more after the last two days of training he's been through." There wasn't much I could do about Arthur's decision, and we've pushed far past any point I would be willing to continue pushing. "Do you know where they are now?"

"I believe they were swimming back to shore. Sergeant Ziah Tib is likely still with them." As she said that, the Sergeant landed nearby, and the General frowned. "Or I could be wrong."

"I am sure both of them are safe. Sir Arthur knows not to put Typhon in unnecessary danger." I stated.

Before either of us could reply, we heard overjoyed hollering from above us. Many of us looked up to see Arthur flying around with Typhon on his back. They were off in the distance, but it was easy to hear the fun being had. A small smirk came to my lips as Typhon's whooping seemed to put a small smile on everyone's face. A few Zugal apparently went up to join them in their afternoon flight.

"Here they come now. Clearly, Typhon is enjoying his time with Sir Arthur, and both are safe. Nothing to worry abo-"

Before I could finish, Arthur and Typhon shot forward even faster. A rippling wave shot from the two as they shot across the island at speeds that no flier should be able to accomplish. A loud 'Boom' rang in our ears as several Zugal tumbled away in the air and back down to where we were. The shockwave of the speed he was traveling at made my heart race as I watched as the two quickly faded away. Many recovered from the rather loud and sudden sound.

"Should I go make sure they're okay?" General Kheri inquired as she glanced at me in concern.

Walking away, I answered. "I don't think you'd be able to catch them, General." That wouldn't sit well with her, but it didn't sit well with me either.

Arceana moved to my side as she gave me a pained look. "Should we do something?"

Giving her a small glare, I replied as I crossed my arms. "You made it impossible to do anything when you attempted your little dinner." That made her return my glare.

"I believe myself just in my actions!" My sister hissed. "Arthur has taken Typhon as his student, is building his reputation, and has threatened us! If he is not aiming from the throne, I would like to see someone who is!"

"You are more than welcome to challenge him, but just remember how that went last time. Arthur made it more than obvious what would happen if we challenged him together." I frowned. "We are at a disadvantage and we have only ourselves to blame." Taking a deep breath, I gave her a more pointed look. "Arthur is going to be helping me and he is looking out for Typhon and training him in earnest."

"He is a hostage!" Arceana shot back.

I shook my head. "I thought the same at first, but it would seem Arthur was honest in his words when he named him his student. Only time will tell. The fact remains that we cannot challenge him unless we wish to show everyone here who would come out on top." A sigh escaped my lips. "Even with everyone present, I doubt we would win. Arthur's power is truly that vast, and I know you know that."

Arceana huffed and looked back up to the sky. "I do not like this, Elincia."

"Neither do I, but it is the hand we gave ourselves. So far, Arthur has been rather honest. Does he have his own secrets? Yes. However, so do we. Working together is our only option now, and I have no intention of doing otherwise. In fact, I think you owe him an apology."

"An apology!? After what he did!?"

"Yes." I replied simply. "I already gave him one, myself. You should do the same. Especially for moving forward."

She fiddled with her scepter. "I will speak to him later. Hopefully, the island will improve his mood regarding me." My sister left and moved back over to our students.

"Not likely." I muttered.

Before I could follow her, a whistling sound started to rise on the wind. My brows furrowed in confusion as many of us looked around to find the source. As it continued, it got louder and louder. Soon, all of us looked to one side where there was a large grouping of trees.

A blur shot through the trees overhead where the bridges connected to some of the homes above. Typhon's cheers of glee could be heard, but the two were gone just as fast as a gust of wind followed in their wake. No one was hurt, and it wasn't strong enough to push anyone from the platforms as they disappeared into the other side of the trees whilst darting about.

My lips went flat as I realized that Arthur had been holding back far more than I assumed once more. His agility, speed, and reaction time to dart through the Island's canopies were unprecedented. Arceana turned to me, and I met her gaze with a knowing look. Arthur could have easily avoided all of my blows with his superior speed alone, but neither of us could push him to do so.

Once again, they were back high up in the sky, hooting and hollering. "At least someone is having fun." Cassidy said as she whistled in an impressed manner.

How could I blame her? Almost everyone else was too, me included. "Indeed."

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