Star Eater

Chapter 192 - 192

Chapter 192: Chapter 192

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

My eyes darted down to the young Dragon. "Arceana and Elincia will be unable to deny me this boon, Ty. If you wish to become stronger, I can help you, but it will be painful!"

He opened his mouth again with a large smile. "Ye-"

I cut him off. "Be very careful in what you choose, Ty." I warned. "This life... This life was decided for me before I even had a chance. It was chosen for me and I will not do that to you. You need to think very carefully on this. What it means for you." The Dragon child looked at me nervously. "Because once you choose it, there is no going back." I shook my head. "I can't, and won't, allow you to stop."

Naturally, Ty seemed to lose some enthusiasm and became unsure. "Why will I be unable to stop?"

With a small frown, I answered honestly. "Because I won't let you." Taking a knee in front of the boy, I explained. "Despite what you and everyone else might think," I started as I gestured to the room. "I'm not a good person, Ty. I've done things I'm ashamed of and was a very different person before." A weak chuckle escaped my lips at that. "I'm a hypocrite, a liar, cruel, and so much more."

Ty seemed even more hesitant. "Will you be cruel to me?"

I nodded. "At times, yes. My training is not for the faint of heart and not for those without the will to see it through. It's dangerous, painful, and more."

"But I will become strong?"

"You will. That I guarantee." Placing my hands on his shoulders, I sighed. "I don't know how fast you will grow but know that being my squire will come with more learning than tasks." My grip tightened slightly. "You'll learn everything that I can teach, and everything that you are able to copy."

The boy thought on my words before he looked me in the eye. "Will I be able to help everyone who has helped me?"

I nodded. "Very likely, however, I want you to know that what I have to give you isn't an honor, but a burden. A lot of my teaching will be doing what I say and not as I do. I'm not a good role model. Thankfully, training you doesn't mean I have to be. If you want time to think on it-"

Typhon dropped his proper speech as he looked at me with a grin. "I'll do it."

Elincia came down the stairs at that moment and entered the kitchen while keeping her eyes on the boy. "Typhon-"

"Hey!" I said firmly in a warning tone as I raised a finger and pointed it at her repeatedly before speaking to the room. "Can everyone give us a minute?"

Ayda was the only one who seemed offended, but quickly was confused as her mother escorted her out with Cassidy. Augustus gave us a look before ushering out Austin and Typhon as well. Elincia was quiet as they left and looked at them before her gaze slowly shifted to me.

Moving in front of her got her to shy back slightly as I stopped inches from her face. "Typhon said yes. Now, I know you care for the boy, and you can take me at my word when I say I won't try to turn him against you, nor will I badmouth you or your sister." Then I moved in closer again. "But if you try to interfere with me again on some fuckin bullshit excuse, I will raise hell that makes our previous confrontations look like a kids play date."

"Arthur, you have to understand-"

"If you try to convince me otherwise, my fist is going to say hello to your jaw." I cut her off before quickly continuing. "Which would suck cause it'd probably end up ruining the house and you'd likely bruise." Then my tone turned mocking. "And given how your sister tricked you, we wouldn't want anymore misunderstandings, would we?"

"I thought you said we were still the rulers of this Kingdom."

Pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance, I replied. "I don't want your fucking kingdom. What I want, is to be able to work without you, or your bitchy sister, always getting involved." Poking her stomach got her to look down and then back to me, old spice would be proud. "So, you mind your own damn business, and I'll take care of mine. Typhon will be in good hands, but he will also be pushed to the limits."

She sighed. "Given how you have proven time and time again that removing my sister and I, is not your objective, I will trust you. Especially since you have spared us time and time again. You are a mystery, one that I will continue to look into, but do not expect us to bend over backwards for you every time you threaten us, Arthur."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"I mean it. Arceana and I are willing to work with you. Well, I am after the stunt she pulled, but I will not be cowed."

I smirked at that. "As a ruler shouldn't be." Patting her cheek condescendingly, I moved past her. "You take care of your students and I'll take care of mine."

Before I could move towards the group, Elincia grabbed my arm firmly and stopped me. Turning to her, I quirked a brow as she continued to look straight ahead. Normally, this would've irked me, but there was something clearly on her mind that was worrying her. Something other than me.

"Is there something else bothering you?"

Elincia began after a moment. "That Demon you said that is inside of me..." She trailed off before looking at me. "Can you remove it?"

Exhaling long at that, I rubbed the back of my neck as she let my arm go. "I don't know."

"Please!" The Priestess suddenly said in a fearful tone and hushed tone. "I have seen what happens to those with Demons infecting them... There is nothing that terrifies me more than becoming like them."

My arm flopped to my side at that, and I closed my eyes. "Maybe. Let me think on how to proceed and get Ty started on his training. You have flare ups when under pressure. As long as no Demons invade, I imagine you'll be just fine."

She smiled softly at that with a relieved smile. "Thank you, Arthur."

"Don't thank me yet. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'll do something... Eventually."

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