Star Eater

Chapter 189 - 189

Chapter 189: Chapter 189

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

"Why can't Ah stay!?" Austin whined.

Grandpa Reed was quick to reply. "Cause yer supposed ta be in bed!" Then he playfully wacked his bottom. "Now go get cleaned up before climbin in bed."

Austin wandered off morosely as Cassidy smirked. "Ah don't know what Ah'm gonna do with him."

"He's a good kid who wants to be older than he is." I stated and then crossed my arms. "Honestly, Austin is far more mature than most children his age. The only exception might be Typhon, but who can say for sure."

Aydalia nodded at that. "Well, both boys have had reasons to grow up quicker than most."

Before we could continue along with that topic, Augustus refocused on my presence. "Why're ya here, Arthur? It's always good ta see ya, but if Austin can't be around, Ah can't imagine this is goin ta be pleasant."

"It's not so much unpleasant as it is a warning." My attention turned to Cassidy. "I want you to be honest with me Cassidy, wholly and completely."

"Ah can do that." She said before crossing her arms to match me.

"Has Arceana, or Elincia, ever made you feel unsafe?" Naturally, the three others that were present, were surprised. "I don't mean with your training. That's necessary sometimes, but have they ever done anything were you were genuinely concerned?"

Cassidy seemed confused at that. "No? Why do ya ask?"

Gesturing to her, I shook my head. "I can't say, but if at any point you feel threatened, you come to me. Not Grandpa Reed, not the other Priestess or a fellow student, me."

Augustus and Aydalia gave each other a look. "Don't ya think ya might be-"

At my look, he stopped, and I turned back to Cassidy. "The dinner did not go well, Cassidy. In fact, I was rather disgusted with Arceana. I'm unsure if Elincia is the same, but I will not tolerate what Arceana offered me." Stepping closer to her, I put my hands on her shoulders. "Promise me that you will seek me out immediately if you ever feel in danger." My low tone seemed to surprise her, as did my grip. "Promise me!"

"Ah promise!" She finally said when I shook her.

"Good." My gaze then turned to Augustus. "Be very careful around the Priestesses, Reed." I gave Aydalia a short nod as well. "You as well."

"It can't have been that bad. Surely ya can work it out." Cassidy said after a moment since neither of the other two replied.

Pointing at the ground, I replied firmly. "If Arceana ever makes me such an offer again, I will be removing her from her throne." My statement was met with wide eyes and dropped jaws. "Do not think for one second I am joking. As such, you will need to keep this to yourself, Cassidy. Rennal, nor your fellow students, can know."

Cassidy frowned. "Tell me what happened."

My eye twitched as I felt a magic signature disappear from the top of the mountain. "You'll have to trust me on this o-"

A loud teleportation went off behind me and I quickly moved Aydalia along with Cassidy behind me. Augustus grabbed them and moved inside the house. Each of them saw that it was Elincia, which normally wouldn't be an issue, but the look on her face was rather unsettling.

"How dare you, you petulant worm!" Elincia seethed. "You attack Arceana and go about your night as if nothing ever happened?!"

Stepping off the front porch as Elincia floated to the ground with her magic flaring, I replied. "Your sister has likely lied to you, Elincia. When have I ever attacked either of you without reason? Every time has been in self-defense!"

Swords began to gather around the air as she eyed me with a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Bruising along her face, without a single mark on you, and you expect me to believe that it was self-defense!?"

Frowning, I drew Defiance. "To be honest, I don't give a shit what you believe." Planting it in the ground, I continued. "You sisters are starting to piss me off, Elincia. If you go through with this, you will regret it."

"I have held myself back during each of our battles, Arthur Pendragon! Do not think for one second that you will best me if I am serious!"

"You do not want this fight, Elincia." I warned.

Dozens of swords flew at me and I stood still as they impaled me through my armor. My arms went limp, as did my legs since some of the swords went through my stomach and stuck into the ground behind me. Given their length, they kept me propped up. I also upped my energy before she attacked so it barely hurt.

"Priestess!?" Augustus shouted in horror, while Aydalia just screamed.

I heard Cassidy quickly reply. "Grandpa, stop!"

Shuffling could be heard, and I saw Grandpa Reed move next to me with his arm extended in horror. Coughing up blood seemed to sink in the feeling that I was going to die for him. He put his hand on my shoulder, which was one of the few places that didn't have a sword impaling.

"Ah'm sorry, Arthur."

"Don't be." I replied before forcing my feet on the ground and standing upright. This ripped Elincia's magic swords from the ground while I shook my arms to dislodge them. "You really meant to kill me that time." I mumbled as the swords plopped out slowly.

Augustus backed away in shock with Cassidy pulling him away from me as I started pulling out the rest of the swords. "How?" Elincia whispered almost breathlessly.

I shrugged as I finally pulled out the last sword and tossed it on the ground. "Well, for one, I'm no where near as weak as you seem to think I am." Rolling my neck, I watched as the swords quickly floated back up and began spinning. "My healing is also far above anything you could do to me."

The swords became flying saucers as they spun at incredible speeds. "I care not."

Again, she launched the dozens of swords at me. "Oh, by the way," I began as all the swords came to a sudden stop before they could even touch me as I created hundreds of gravity pillars. "I have also been holding back this entire time."

Elincia's swords could be heard creaking as they barely shifted in place. "That's not possible."

"Priestess who eats dirt says 'what'." I rapidly said.

"Wha-" She didn't finish as she ended up face first on the ground.

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