Star Eater

Chapter 182 - 182

Chapter 182: Chapter 182

Arthur's Point of View

Middle Rung

I was unsure of how I felt about the woman sitting across from me. After reading Aydalia's journal and talking to Augustus, my feelings were mixed. After all, she was still my student all those years ago. Even if she has done horrible things, and I distanced myself from her to make it easier for my return, do I just let things lie?

"You look like you have something to say?" Arceana pointed out. "Perhaps you feel like expanding on your abilities?"

Shaking my head slightly, I replied. "No. We've talked about me enough." Her lip twitched at that.

After a moment, she smiled her usual smile. "As long as it is safe."

I shrugged. "For the most part. It's certainly dangerous and has injured me more than some enemies, but it's also saved my life time and time again." Giving her a knowing smile, I continued. "I wish I had more than one 'magic' like some others that are out and about." Sighing, I smiled. "It'd make things even easier for me."

Arceana was quiet while I chuckled. She didn't seem to know how to take what I said and as I looked around, a few energy signals were hidden slightly. Naturally, when I first arrived, I assumed it was servers or other staff. However, as my eyes drifted about, it seemed more obvious that it was guards for the Priestess. At least, I hope it was guards and Arceana wasn't as stupid as I thought she was.

Licking my lips slightly as the magic signatures remained in hiding, Arceana replied. "I do not know who, nor do I see what is so amusing."

Quirking a brow at that, I leaned forward. "You're joking, right?" At her more serious look, I offered, "Rudnurth? Elincia?" My questioning tone got her to narrow her eyes. "Both have more than one type of magic. Surely you know this."

It would seem for the first time of the night, Arceana showed her true colors as she frowned. "I do not care for what you are insinuating, Arthur."

"It's no skin off my nose and it's not my problem. Yet." I told her with a simple shrug as I took a drink. "No reason to get uppity."

She seemed to muse over my words before she took a sip herself. "How would you know about this 'other magic' that Rudnurth and Elincia have?"

Fluttering my eyelashes at her, she instantly caught on. "My eyes are rather special. I don't talk about them much, but I can essentially see different types of 'magic' and gauge how powerful an opponent is."

"That is, indeed, special. However, I fail to see how that correlates to my sister and Rudnurth."

It amused me she didn't call Rudnurth her brother. "You have white magic. It's the color of your magic." I explained simply as I steepled my fingers on the table. "Elincia is exactly the same, but also has a magic that flares up from time to time. That one is red and black, which is synonymous to Demonic Magic." Then I gestured to her. "You must see where I'm going with this."

"I most certainly do not. Please feel free to explain it to me in more depth." Her tone was defensive, and I saw her magic starting to gather slowly.

"I'm not trying to ruin your relationship with your sister, or slander her, but she has Demonic Magic inside her. Not of her own volition mind you." Then I brought up both of my hands and had them act as a scale. "It's small and minuscule and it would appear it's mostly under control." Then I lifted my right hand up higher. "However, Rudnurth is the opposite. He has mostly Demonic Magic with little bits of white magic mixed in. Think of him and Elincia as complete opposites."

Arceana looked down in thought, and what looked to be a small amount of fear. I watched her as her eyes darted back and forth. Clearly, she was disturbed by what I had said. Which part affected her more, was beyond me. However, something about this topic spooked her and I assumed it was likely about Elincia having a Demonic Magic inside her.

The Priestess seemed more on guard. "Why have you not told me of this before now?"

Giving a small shrug and flip of the hand, I answered. "Why would I?" I asked back genuinely.

"Because it is something I should have been informed about." She said in an obvious tone.

"So?" She gave me a look and I explained. "What have you done for me, Arceana, that I would go out of my way to inform you of something like this?" My inquiry surprised her. "When Rudnurth escaped and I was on the verge of killing him, you belittled me. After Typhon followed me, and he explained that it was all a misunderstanding, you and your sister attacked me." I stated and then held up a finger as I added to it. "Which, I also defended both of you from a Demon after knocking each of you unconscious."

Arceana frowned as she sat quietly and listened. No doubt she wasn't expecting this. At least, not to this degree. Having information flaunted in front of her was likely something she never had to deal with without having the means of acquiring it.

"Your students attacked me after I defeated some Ghouls, followed quickly by Elincia. I've had people question me left and right. Your Elves have attacked me, and I killed them within the confines of the law. Each one was completely justified and legal, but you belittled me and even seemed indifferent. Your sister took my book, which she had no right to." Then I waved my hand about as I continued. "There are far more that we both know of, but those are just some examples."

Naturally, the High Elf took in my words. "We had an agreement that we would let you take care of the Slavers in exchanged for your Knighthood."

I barked a laugh at that. "Which is fucking hilarious." Gesturing towards her, I laughed. "You make it seem like me cleaning up the slavery ring here, which is still very illegal, was actually a favor for me." Then I leaned forward. "However, the truth is, I cleaned out the scum in your city because it was the right thing to do." She opened her mouth, but I cut her off with a quick glare. "Although, lets continue on that train of thought. The deal was you'd let me deal with the slavers, but you immediately turned on me when I killed that Elf at the Knighting Ceremony, which was also, well within my rights."

Arceana sat silently as she listened to my little tirade. "You were given a large estate and have been rewarded handsomely." Was her weaker reply.

Holding up three fingers got her to look at them. "I use all of three rooms in my estate. My office, bedroom, and the kitchen. Do you know how filthy that overly large and unnecessary home is?" I asked her rhetorically. "I would've been fine with a shack and don't even pretend that your reward and that estate were nothing more than bribes." Well, this went down hill rather quickly. "I don't even know the correct amount of time I've been here, but it's been a shitty year overall, Arceana."

"What are you trying to say?" The Priestess asked me softly.

Tapping the table with a finger, I leaned back. "Why am I still here in Lestrania?" My question got her eyes to widened.

I knew it wasn't all her fault with whatever was fucking with her mind, but it didn't make me any less angry with her.

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