Star Eater

Chapter 172 - 172

Chapter 172: Chapter 172

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

When it rains, it fucking pours. "Hi, Arthur!"

Looking up from my sandwich, I immediately sighed. "If it isn't the pupils." Kine, Ayda, Cassidy, and Floyd had all let themselves into my home. "One of these days, I am going to get a butler or servant of some manner just to tell people not to barge in here."

Ayda immediately replied. "We were going to head to your office to speak to you until we heard you in the kitchen." She informed me.

"Lovely." Was my muted response.

"Hi, Arthur!" Floyd greeted again just as cheerfully.

I felt a headache building. "Floyd." The man jumped on the other side of the counter and grunted since it looked like he belly-flopped on the floor.

Kine crossed his arms and scoffed. "Always so welcoming."

Taking a bite of my sandwich, I didn't bother to swallow before speaking. "Given that I can't be left alone for more than twenty-four hours, I'd like to eat alone and in peace."

Floyd popped up next to me suddenly and looked at my sandwich. "Would you like me to whip you up some grub!?" He asked excitedly.

"First of all, back up." I told him.

This asshole bent over even more and arched his back up. "Like this?"

My eye twitched as I had to remember who I was dealing with. "No." Pushing him away, he stumbled before diving onto the other side of the counter again. "A home-cooked meal would be nice, but this is simple enough. I like my sand-"

Before I could finish, an arm carefully reached up from between my legs where I was seated, placed a plate of fresh and hot food in front of me on the counter. As the hand pulled back, it paused to rub my belly for a moment before disappearing. Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth to respond before Floyd popped up beside me again.

He wasn't touching me, but his back was arched up as he smirked. "Back up and fresh food!" Floyd smirked while giving me an approving look. "Nice."

Putting my sandwich down, I rubbed my temples as I chewed, slightly annoyed. "You know what?"

"What!?" Again, Floyd was right next to me with a large smile and inquisitive gaze.

"I don't care." Picking up the mashed potatoes and stew, I began to eat. "Thank you, Floyd."

"Of course!" He patted me on the back in an overly dramatic way that I barely felt but sounded like he was slapping my back as hard as possible. "Everyone should enjoy a hot meal every now and then!" Floyd then leaned in and whispered loudly. "Don't tell Sherry I took some ingredients from The Rainy Helm!" Taking my partially eaten sandwich, he took a bite. "Although, you technically can eat for free whenever you want, so..." He trailed off as his arms spread out with his hands going up and down on each side. "Win, win."

Several items from the sandwich were falling off. Mostly lettuce. Upon noticing my look, Floyd looked down and then back up at me. While keeping his gaze locked on mine, he started to push the lettuce under the counter with his foot. A few others giggled, especially Cassidy, but I ignored them as Floyd began to take a super slow bite.

He bit down and slowly backed away until he was next to the other three. "Aside from... Whatever that was..." I said with a gesture towards Floyd before continuing. "Why're you four here? It must be important if all of you decided to come for a visit."

"Well, Ah needed ta talk ta ya about some private matters, but we're also here for somethin else." Cassidy informed me before looking to Ayda.

"Priestess Arceana and Priestess Elincia would like to see you." Ayda informed me. "There was some mentions of wolves, a book, and a dinner date..." The Elf stated as she trailed off at the end.

Wondered when Elincia would come looking for me. "Interesting."

Ayda frowned. "Do you happen to know what they are referring to?"


Cassidy snorted in amusement while Kine rolled his eyes. "Look, General," The Zugal spoke in an annoyed tone. "We came here to tell you that you need to get your butt up the mountain. The Priestesses need to talk to you."

I nodded. "Very informative. Thanks."

"You're welcome!" Floyd replied as some of my sandwich fell from his mouth. "Always so polite." He commented idly before looking at something on the wall.

"Are you gonna go see the Priestesses or not!?" Kine asked in an irritated tone. "Cause I got other shit to do!"

Snorting amused, I responded with the spoon paused right in front of my mouth. "What? Fly off into the sunset? Your teachers ask you to do something, and you come here with a piss pour attitude? How in the world you were chosen as their student is beyond me."

Kine glared at me as he clenched his jaw in anger. "Arthur..." Ayda said slowly.

"Yeah?" I said after sipping on my stew.

The Elf moved across from me and placed both her hands on the counter as she stared at me. "Please just answer the question." Her tone was firm.

Rolling my eyes, I finished my stew quickly before turning to Cassidy. "Can we talk when I get back? I promise you'll get my undivided attention."

Cassidy gave a firm nod. "When the Priestesses call, we answer."

"Most of us." Kine commented as he stared at me.

I nodded in agreement, and Ayda sighed in annoyance. "Not many would argue with that assessment." The Elf pointed out.

"I know I wouldn't." My two cents weren't appreciated.

Floyd then handed me back my sandwich before walking off and fiddling with something. "Me neither!"

Opening a portal, I dumped the sandwich into it before summoning a new one. "Anyone need to come with?" I inquired.

"Ah think this is private, Arthur." Cassidy stated, and she gestured to my portal. "Ya behave yerself now, and Ah'll see ya when ya get back."

"Yes, Mom!" I said in an overly dramatic tone before seeing Ayda roll her eyes. "Don't take that tone of thought process with me, young lady!" The Elf quirked a brow as I pointed at her. "I can read you like a book."

Ayda opened her mouth to respond, but Floyd gasped excitedly. "Really!?" Then he grabbed Ayda by her shoulders and shook her. "What's the cover look like!?"

I do some stupid shit. On purpose, mind you, but Floyd is something special. Never once have I ever thought he was all there, and every instance I meet him just confirms it more and more. However, there was something about him that always threw me off.

The green-haired Elf just looked at me, slightly amused. "Never considered to be wary of the words that come out of your mouth, have you? Do you even listen to yourself?"

Scoffing, I turned to the portal. "Fuck no! I'd probably give myself an aneurism." Cassidy giggled at that as I left and appeared in the Temple Throne Room with two high and mighty Priestesses. "Forgive me, Priestess, for I have sinned." I immediately said upon them looking towards me with my portal quickly closing behind me.

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