Star Eater

Chapter 170 - 170

Chapter 170: Chapter 170

Arthur's Point of View

The Old Castle

Immediately, illusions beset me. A room that could not exist shifted around the area. Almost as if it was moving along some manner of track. My eyes saw a haze cover the room that revealed the illusion for what it was. A trick designed by Aydan.

Reaching out with my energy, it completely destroyed Aydan's as the room appeared far away. In an instant, the room approached as I stood in the center of it. Nothing about it appeared to be special. However, there were two books up on the farthest stone wall. Suspended in midair thanks to magic, I approached carefully.

Once close enough, I read out the title of one cover. "The Uncrowned King: Mordred." A frown quickly came to my lips as I grabbed it.

My eyes darted to the other book and saw that it had no cover or indication of what it contained. However, I did see Aydan's magic along with Original Magic coating it. Whatever it was, Aydan deemed it more important than the first. With a sigh, my gaze settled back on the first book. Reaching out with my energy, I encased it before floating it over to me. Slowly, my hand ran over the cover.

"Arthur?" A familiar voice called out.

With wide eyes, I quickly took the lesser of the two evils to steer her away, but I knew I was going to have to sell this. Grabbing the first book, Elincia quickly came into view as I stepped out of the hidden room. Her eyes immediately darted to the book in my grasp before she met my own.

"Elincia." I said evenly.

How she followed without my realizing, was either my own fault, or she was far stealthier than I previously thought. "What are you doing in our old castle, Arthur."

I shrugged. "Looking into a few things."

Gesturing to the book, she narrowed her eyes. "And that?"

"A surprise find to be sure, but I plan on reading it thoroughly."

"I have never seen a hidden room like the one behind you." Elincia commented as she kept her eyes focused on me.

"You've seen one, you've seen them all. No doubt you have a few yourself somewhere."

The Priestess stayed focused on me. "I do, but finding one in our old castle is surprising, to say the least." Her eyes shifted to the book for a moment. "Not to mention with a book of sorts being the thing hidden."

Holding the book up and shaking it with a smirk, I replied. "This book?" She didn't respond. "It certainly seems like an interesting read. I'll have to look it over very carefully. Who knows what I might find..."

Elincia frowned at that. "That is an excellent point, Sir Arthur." She then held out her hand. "Perhaps my sister and I should give it a once over to make sure there is no curse over it. Who knows what manner of spells have been cast or hidden inside?"

Lowering the book, I saw some magic begin to gather in her hands. "I'll take my chances." Aura quickly illuminated the dark room as Elincia stared me down. "Do you really want to do this?" I asked her in a warning tone.

"Hand over the book, Sir Arthur. By order of your Priestess."

"You owe me a favor or five if I remember correctly. How about you leave and let me go about my day?" I suggested.

"That was if the favor was reasonable and within my power. However, this book is an unknown as are its contents." Her magic grew. "I will only say it once more. Give me the book."

I was ready to let them have this book if it meant the other wasn't discovered and I could get it later. This book was likely about me and no one else. If there was a connection to me, it would be something I would have to risk, but an unknown book by Aydan was a dangerous thing, and it had more magic surrounding it. Not only that but Original Magic was involved as well. So, I really needed to sell this.

Cranking my neck until it cracked with closed eyes, I groaned in relief. "You do not want this fight, Elincia. Things have changed since last time, and I have no qualms about throwing you through a few walls." Opening my eyes, I met hers before I started to add some pressure to her body with a gravity pillar.

A small flicker of demonic magic appeared as she began to summon swords. "Then I suppose I will have to stop holding back." The High Elf informed me as she took a fighting position.

My glare in response seemed to make her uneasy. "I've bested you every time we've faced each other. First, in single combat, and then again with your sister." Then I gestured with my head to the entrance. "Do yourself a favor and-"

Before I could continue, a growl cut me off. Both Elincia and I looked at one another, confused for a moment. It wasn't until we heard the tapping of paws from the hall that I saw large amounts of magic flowing into the room. Grabbing Elincia by her arm and pulling her behind me startled her. She looked up at me in surprise but made no comment.

One of those wolves I had seen when I first arrived entered the room. It was brown and two to three times the size of a tiger. My eyes widened upon seeing it up close. Its eyes were glowing with a green aura, and I kept it under a watchful gaze. However, I was able to tell it was around the same strength as Elincia or an Ancient Demon.

With a frown, I handed the book to Elincia, which surprised her again. "Leave. I will handle this." However, the Priestess flinched when I grabbed her arm roughly. "I will be reading that book." I warned before I let her go. "Now go."

She opened her mouth to comment, but upon two more wolves poking their heads into the room, Elincia teleported away. No doubt she could sense how powerful they were. Either she was still exhausted from her fight with the Ghouls, or she was testing to see if I would win. It didn't matter either way.

There were a few more in the hall, but with their size alone, it would've been impossible for all of them to come inside. One thing did stand out though. As soon as the first one entered the room, it never let me out of its sight. It focused on me and ignored Elincia, which was surprising, but animal instinct is impressive.

"Let's see if I can trigger a flight response from you mutts."

Upon unleashing my killing intent over the area, howls flooded the halls and other parts of the castle. A moment later, angry snarls and snapping jaws were on me. Dozens of wolves flooded the room and slammed me through a wall.

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