Star Eater

Chapter 165 - 165

Chapter 165: Chapter 165

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

As I walked through the grass toward the Reed's home, I looked up at the mountain of Helmsforth. Four rungs in total. At the top, the Temple, highest nobles, and all the military branches. Almost poetic that soldiers were stationed right next to the Temple. Next was the middle rung which was for nobles, high-end businesses, and home to most merchants' offices.

My eyes drifted down towards the base, and I saw the lower rung. Rennal and other lower-ranked nobles resided here. Other businesses of more the more proper sort also resided here, along with a few warehouses that received more protection. Then there was The Slums, followed by the outskirts.

The wall I was building had blocked the view of The Slums, but things were getting better. Now just the outskirts, and the farms that resided there, were all on the outside. It was almost laughable how things changed the higher up the mountain you went. From literal farms to a shining beacon at the top.

"Admiring the view?" Augustus inquired as he stepped out onto his rickety porch and saw me studying the mountain.

"Something like that." He didn't seem convinced. "I'm here to talk."

"We've done that before, but this seems a little more serious." Augustus stated.

Cassidy stepped out from the door behind him. "It is." My eyes flickered to Austin, who also joined us.

However, Augustus seemed to read the room and gestured out to the fields. "Get on yer chores. Ah need ta talk ta Arthur privately."

The two grandkids seemed a little surprised, but they did as instructed and went out to the field. Augustus gestured for me to follow him inside, and I did so. However, when we got to the kitchen, I immediately covered it in my own energy, creating a sound barrier of sorts.

"Must be somethin serious if ya need ta go and do that." The old man commented as he grabbed some water for us before sitting down. "Please, sit." I did so, and he crossed his fingers on top of the table. "What is it ya wish ta speak ta me about? Cassidy said it was important."

"I ask that what we are about to discuss stays between us. You and me alone. Not your grandkids, the priestesses, or someone else. You. Me."

He quirked a brow at that. "What makes ya think Ah'd be willin ta honor that agreement if ya brought up a dangerous topic?" Augustus inquired.

Immediately, I homed in on the words he used. "Dangerous topic, huh?" I repeated slowly before I continued. "You once told me you prided yourself on the ability to keep your word. If you said something, you stick to it."

His face twitched. "That's true." Taking a sip of his water, he sighed. "Ah'll promise ta keep this between us if it doesn't amount to treason or somethin along those lines."

"Far from it, so don't worry."

Leaning back in, he studied me. "When it comes to you, Ah never know." Licking the inside of his lip, Augustus gestured for me to start. "Well, go on."

Tapping the table a few times with my pointer finger, I leaned back. "How much do you know about your ancestry?"

Augustus seemed surprised by the question. "Our ancestry?"

"Do you have any manner of record?" I pushed further.

He frowned. "Why the sudden interest in our ancestry?"

Sighing, I leaned forward and gestured to the older man. "Because I believe you to be a descendent of someone from long ago. A friend."

Augustus seemed confused, but he asked, "Who?"

"King Robert."

"..." There was a pause this time. "You think we are descendants of the Human King of old?"

"Are you?" I questioned back.

The older man leaned back in his chair and sighed as he looked away. "Ah can't answer that."

I figured that would be the case. This was likely a secret passed onto those of age or who go through specific training. Maybe even passed on to certain individuals in the family. Was it a family secret, or did the Priestesses inform them of such when they completed training?

At my nod, he looked at me. "I assumed as much. Were you a student to the Priestesses?" I inquired.

"I was. Once upon a time." He stated.

"...Would you mind if I showed you something?" I asked him and created a portal, which caused him to give me a suspicious glance. "It's nothing dangerous or a trap. I would genuinely like to show you something before we continue."

He nodded slowly and stood up with the help of his cane. Moving to the portal, the two of us entered after he gave me one last look. On the other side, we came out to a familiar view. A vast hole that was unknown in depth and looked to be as wide as Helmsforth was tall.

Augustus looked around confused, and his eyes focused on the giant hole before he looked up at me. "Where are we?"

Gesturing out in front of us from one of the surrounding mountain ranges, I replied. "This is what is left of Klasteris. A kingdom you won't find in any history book." He was confused as he looked around. "I am many things, Reed. A liar, hypocrite, cheat, fraud, and many more." Gesturing to myself, I continued. "I'm also far older than I look." Which was true.

The older man turned back to me, even more confused. "What?"

"It's true. There is a reason I despise being called a hero, and this wasn't the only incident that resulted due to my shortcomings." Looking down at him, I spoke softly. "Would you listen to part of my story? Despite what I just confessed; I give you my word that everything you're about to hear is the truth."

He seemed to contemplate my words. "Ah will hear ya out, but Ah promise nothing more. However, like before, Ah promise this will stay between us."

I nodded. "Then I suppose I should start with the fact that both Priestesses used to be students of mine," Immediately, his eyes widened. "And I used to be the King of Lestrania. Even if I did refuse to be crowned."

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