Star Eater

Chapter 162 - 162

Chapter 162: Chapter 162

Lucia's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Alwin and I arrived at the outskirts where Arthur's estate resided. However, upon arrival, shouts could be heard from inside. They were muffled and sounded as if there was an argument of sorts occurring.

"Maybe we should come back later?" I suggested as Alwin and I came to a stop.

"If there is an altercation with the General, it would be best that we make sure things do not get more heated than they should. After all, Arthur has been known to act rashly in certain situations." Alwin replied as he checked the front door and found that it was unlocked.

Placing my hand on his shoulder to stop him from going inside, he looked at me. "Arthur is a man who likes his privacy, Alwin. I think this is a bad idea."

Sighing, he opened the door and went in as he spoke. "We came all this way, and I am not turning around empty-handed." Filled with trepidation, I followed.

Alwin and I moved closer to the sounds of the fight, and I recognized Cassidy's voice. They appeared to be in the kitchen, and I wanted to enter, but Alwin stopped me. Instead, he put up some manner of spell to hide us and gestured for me to remain quiet. This confused me and made me uneasy, but I did as he asked. After all, I was sure he had a good reason for it.

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

With another bite from my sandwich, Cassidy finally had enough and slapped it out of my hand. "I was still eating that." The redhead had hunted me down after the farm had been cleaned up.

"This isn't somethin ta joke about, Arthur!" Then she poked my chest angrily. "Austin and the others came back alright, but ya were out of commission for a few days!" Gesturing to me angrily, she continued. "Ah want ta make sure yer okay! Even when ya fought Rudnurth, ya didn't rest as long, nor did yer strange eyes disappear!" At my frown, she nodded rapidly. "Yeah! Ah heard about that."

"Well," I began as I spread my arms out wide. "As you can see, I'm perfectly fine. Stop worrying so much. The Leviathan is dead, the Ghouls are dead, and I'm still standing."

Huffing, she flailed her arms in annoyance before her hands found her hips. "Yeah, but Ah know ya can hide injuries like no one else." Then she glared at me. "Instead of seeking proper treatment, Ah watched as ya ripped your own heart out and set it on the dresser!"

Rolling my eyes, my arms fell to my side as I went to pick up the ruined sandwich. "I'm fine. I healed last time, and I healed this time. There's nothing wrong with me. Okay?" Throwing stuff in the trash, I sighed. "Not like I didn't get a new heart." I mumbled.

Cassidy groaned overdramatically as she began to pace. "Not just everyone can grow a new heart, Arthur! Can ya imagine what people would say if they found out!?"

I scoffed at that. "You care too much about what others think."

"And you too little!" She enunciated in a firm tone before she stopped and rubbed her face in annoyance. "Ah don't know what ya are, Arthur, and Ah don't care. Ah just don't like seein ya hurt. Human or not, ya matter to me, and Ah know ya care about us." Cassidy moved next to me as I did my best to ignore her. "Arthur..."

"What I am is the Knight of Lestrania," I answered back as I made another sandwich. "I've healed, and things are once again back to normal."

Cassidy placed her hand on my forearm, and I looked at her. "Nothing has been normal since ya arrived and saved my family." Her gaze flickered up to me. "Ah'd like ta think of ya as an honorary member. Ah know Austin and Grandpa do."

That was... Actually, very touching. "Thank you, Cass. That means more than you know." Turning from her, I frowned. "I've lost a lot of people, Cass, and I don't like letting people get close." Then with a smile, I turned to her. "But then a few people make it worth it."

She smiled back at that. "Then why do ya keep putting yerself in such danger? Ya could've run and come back with Austin. Why'd ya stay?"

"Because there are no more warriors in Lestrania."

Cassidy's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Arthur's hands gripped onto the countertop before he began to crush it from anger as he looked off to nowhere in particular. "Elincia proved that with how utterly powerless she was against those Ghouls." His tone became almost forced. "Lestrania is weak, and its people are weaker." Scoffing, he let go of the counter and looked at me. "Which is why I stayed behind. No one would've been able to kill the Leviathan except for me."

I frowned at that. "It didn't have ta be just you. We could've assembled an army and-"

Bursting out laughing, Arthur tried to stop himself as he looked at me. "What army?" He asked back, and I paused. "Lestrania has no standing army. Instead, they have three segregated divisions that don't communicate with each other." Then he smirked as he gestured to me. "Did you know I was supposed to have a Human Captain instead of Greigh because he's a Zugal?"

"All three divisions could come together." I offered.

"And what? Die? Cause that's all they would do." He said in such a matter-of-fact tone that it disturbed me before he gestured all around. "Let me explain something to you about Lestrania, Cass." Arthur leaned down and spoke in a serious tone. "Your priestesses, the other Generals, all of the military, and even the people in this entire Kingdom couldn't stop me if I went rouge."

"Wha-" I began in confusion, but then he gestured to me.

"Say you, as a student of the Priestesses, decided I was a threat and told your teachers." He shrugged. "No doubt there would be a confrontation of sorts, but it wouldn't matter. There isn't a person alive in Lestrania that could stop me. No one and certainly not your 'army.'" He mocked.

I quirked a brow at that. "Ya think ya could take on the Priestesses and the entire military and win?" It was a ridiculous question, but he nodded all the same. "Now that's just a bunch of bull if Ah've ever heard it."

Arthur merely smiled and patted my head. "Keep telling yourself that, but that is the answer to your question. It's why I stayed behind, and it's why when the war comes, which it is, I'll be on the front line." His cheerful demeanor faded. "Because there isn't anyone I would trust to stand beside me anymore." He went back to his sandwich as his tone became almost somber. "None that would be able to."

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Not after how Aydan died... God, I was a mess, and I knew it. Rubbing my temples in annoyance, I quickly jerked up when I heard a noise. Cassidy didn't seem to have noticed, but I knew someone was here. Grabbing Cassidy by the arm and putting her behind me caused her some alarm.

My eyes saw magic leaking around the corner, but it didn't appear to be Demonic. "Who's there?!" I shouted and quickly added, "Reveal yourself before I destroyed the wall you're hiding behind." Energy began to gather into my eyes as I readied myself.

Two familiar figures stepped out from behind the wall. "General." Alwin greeted.

Annoyed, I sighed. "Lucia and Alwin. To what do I owe 'the pleasure.'" I glared.

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