Star Eater

Chapter 153 - 153

Chapter 153: Chapter 153

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

"It's fine, Priestess. As we said, things have already been explained. There is no need ta bow, but thank ya kindly for yer words." Augustus stated. "Seems we both gotta deal with our fair share of troublemakers."

He said while looking at me. "Hey, I just work here. Trouble finds me!" Was my retort.

Rennal spoke up from beside Cassidy. "Be that as it may, word has it that you have spoken with several merchants through your connections. Many are nervous in the upper rungs about your sudden growth and hand in everything."

I shrugged. "You magic slingers aren't my problem." Then I gave Elincia a look. "Besides, you have the Priestesses looking out for your little band of pointy-eared stuck-ups." Turning back to Rennal, I gestured to her. "Not you, though. You're great." I quickly added.

Elincia quirked a brow at that and addressed me in a small huff. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Holding up a finger in her direction, I replied. "You don't want me to answer that." My warning tone seemed to be enough to make her back down, but she frowned regardless. "The merchants were just a bonus, but I needed to make sure that the Nobles wouldn't get any ideas about interfering with those whom I am doing business." I explained.

"Does that include us?" Cassidy questioned.

"It does. The Nobles already targeted some of the businesses. Not that it went well for them, but this will dissuade them from getting any funny ideas with the others."

Typhon spoke up and started holding up fingers periodically. "You already have a say in military affairs due to your rank. Many businesses have partnered with you." The boy continued. "Merchants hold you in high esteem and work with you directly. All while you look after the surrounding farmlands..." He quirked a brow before looking at his four raised fingers. "Did I miss anything?"

Chuckling, I shook my head. "No."

He then looked down in thought before he glanced up at me. "Why?" At my look, Ty explained. "Why did you go out of your way to do business with everyone and everything?"

"Well, a few reasons. First, it helps the economy and the people in The Slums." I replied.

"You mean the bottom rung." Ty corrected me.

"No. I mean The Slums. Such a nickname exists even if you don't use it." He seemed stumped at my correction. "Second, it gives me the resources I need to improve the defenses of the Capital along with the overall management of The Slums." I informed him before shrugging. "There are several other reasons, but spite is a big one, and I won't deny it."

Many looked confused at that. "Spite?" Rennal repeated.

Waving a dismissive hand, the group seemed lost as I spoke. "Don't worry about it."

My eyes focused on Cassidy, and I had a feeling there was a lot more to her being a student to the Priestesses than met the eye. Many looked around for clarification, but there was none to give. Eventually, Typhon shrugged it away and merely looked to Elincia, who was also lost.

"Do you believe the capital is in danger?" Elincia inquired as she took a more serious tone.

Giving her a 'are you fucking kidding me' look, I answered. "How much has happened since I arrived here? I don't know how things went before I got here, but it's been almost nonstop." Taking a more serious tone, I continued. "There's a reason I'm building a wall around the entire city with battlements to be manned."

The room was quiet from my words until Augustus tapped his cane in thought. "Ya think there's a war brewin?"

Elincia whipped her head towards me, as did many others, and I nodded. "You might not want to admit it, but I think we're already at war." My attention turned to the blonde priestess. "Demons have been roaming across Lestrania. Ghouls and other horrors that have been probing our defenses." Then I pointed to the East. "A giant Demon was cutting us off from communicating with our allies as well. Who knows what shape the Vithari Kingdom is in?"

Augustus frowned while Elincia looked down as she no doubt ran things through her head. Many of the others looked grim. The thought of war was likely something that never even crossed their minds. However, I knew I was right. If it hadn't already begun, war was coming.

"I-" Cassidy started, but a loud whirling noise caught our attention.

Moving towards the door, my eyes saw red magic signatures outside. Instantly, Defiance was pulled from my back as Elincia summoned her magic. Looking out the window, a barrier of sorts when up around the farm, which likely locked us in. Everyone went quiet as we waited for something to happen.

To my surprise, there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Rennal called out.

Elincia and I turned to her. While the Priestess gave her a look that told her to be quiet, I gave her a 'bitch, are you serious?' look. To all our surprise, they answered.

"Exit the house, or we will enter through force!" A woman's voice called out.

Glancing at Elincia, I whispered. "Put a shield up around the house, and don't move."

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