Spy Mage System

Chapter 169

169 A Battle in the Graveyard

“Okay what is going on here?” I muttered to myself as I looked at them and then back at the game room door, where a man was standing with his arms crossed over his chest waiting for someone to walk in to play.

I went back into the game room, looking at the flashing lights and sounds as I saw the man waiting for someone to come in. Then, he shot a look at me and fear sizzled inside of my heart, and all of a sudden-in a matter of seconds, he began to start walking towards me, and now there was another person standing behind him!

“No wait! I don’t want to play!” I screamed out loud as I moved backwards to get away from him, but then two other people came out of nowhere and grabbed my arms.

This was bad, this was bad-bad, bad! Quickly, I kicked the one on the right of me on the thigh, which made him flinch; this was enough to get me free from his grip but not enough to escape from the other two guards holding onto my arms-they were strong!

But then I saw that one of the men was looking away from me towards another room on the side, where two more people had just walked out of it. They were both dressed in black suits like the ones that were guarding me, and they walked over towards the other two men-now four of us were in a circle!

I needed to do something, now! I stomped on the ground, creating a shockwave enabling me to be free from their grasp. They rocked backwards, flying through the air with their hands grasping at nothing; they crashed against a wall with a thud as they hit the wall, then they fell down into a heap on the floor.

That was a good start.

Quickly I began running, but as I glanced back, I saw them speeding like ostriches towards me with their guns drawn; they were firing bullets at me with every step they took as I dodged between them and their bullets. One of them aimed at me, and I jumped in the air just in time for his bullet to miss me by mere centimeters as it sailed past my head; I landed on a small platform as they approached me and opened fire again-but now they were too slow-I could see it in their eyes.

I jumped off the platform, landing on a moving platform with another shockwave causing me to fall; I stood up and began running as they fired bullets at me again; however, I jumped off this platform too. Then I ran out the door on the side, making a beeline for the exit with the men chasing me at full speed.


I got my radio out, quickly switching to the right one, before I spoke in it. “Hey, Tisiah! I think they’re chasing me!” I shouted, looking back and seeing them speed towards me, their guns drawn.

I began running even faster, my lungs burning in pain from running so fast through the streets of this town; I had to get away from those men in black suits because they wanted me dead-they were after me-and they would not stop until they had gotten me dead. The BMO found me, and it was only a matter of time before they found Tisiah, Nikki and Malachi as well if they weren’t already dead.

I could feel my legs burning as I ran faster and faster as I began to see the walls of the town pass me by until finally I saw an open space and ran straight for it.

It led straight to these bushes or something, and I pushed them aside as I saw them all laying in front of me on the ground. There were so many of them lying there-I don’t think there were even enough of them to make up one man. Still I needed to run quick and fast, so I ran straight past them and kept running until I saw an old truck on the roadside.

I leapt over it as I began running again; now my lungs were burning from all of this running-I needed to rest soon. As I looked up ahead of me, I saw a building-it was an old building that looked abandoned and forlorn in its appearance.

I began running for it, then as I got closer, I saw that it was a graveyard. Maddie Cone’s guys were still chasing me, and soon enough I was gonna end up in that same graveyard if I don’t get away from them.

“Hurry up!” I cried out into my radio as I ran towards it, but then I heard Tisiah’s voice on my radio:

“I’m coming!” he said in his worried tone.

“You better be!” I screeched inside of the radio, as I looked back to see them closing in on me.

“Hurry up!” I said in panic, but then a bullet shot past my head, missing me by mere millimeters; they were closing in on me like wolves on their prey.

“I’m coming!” Tisiah said in a panic as he finally reached me.

“You’d better hurry up!” I replied as I looked back at them; they were now only about fifty feet away from me-and closing in fast.

Tisiah ran past me as I moved back, watching them come at me. Then Tisiah came to a halt beside me as he drew his gun and aimed at them-I followed suit.

“Get ready!” Tisiah said in a low voice. Then the agents stopped in their tracks, and all of a sudden they got their wands out. It was serious business now, and I mean serious business because they were about to use their wands on us.

I got out my wand but all of a sudden, Tisiah fired a spell at them first. Two bolts sped at them, as they began to roll into cover. “Get to cover!” one of them shouted, as Tisiah dragged me behind a fence nearby, while they kept firing at us with their wands.

We were both behind cover now, as Tisiah fired another spell at them. Two more bolts sped at them this time as they tried to get behind another fence.

“Okay, what is going on?!” I shouted, hearing the noises of bolts scarcely passing me, but I didn’t know what was going on.

Tisiah began firing his wand again at them as they began to fire back at him; they were not giving up. Smoke and dust billowed from each miss of their spells while their bullets whizzed by our heads.

“Quick, cover me!” Tisiah whispered, as he rose up from his position, firing his wand at them as they fired back at him; they didn’t seem to have the upper hand yet, but if they keep this up-they would eventually get us-and we were still alive so far. I quickly punched the ground, sending a shockwave and knocking them back again.

Tisiah turned his head to me and began firing at them again. “Cover me!” he whispered once more as he stood up; then he fired again. The agents quickly began to roll themselves into cover as he shot another bolt at them; I watched as they rolled behind a car and then I quickly fired my wand at them too.

We needed to end this quick and now, but how? We were way too surrounded, way too outgunned, and they knew it too. I needed to find a way to get them to give up so that I could escape with Tisiah and get out of here-but how? Then I heard footsteps speeding our way. I turned my head, seeing Malachi and Nikki making their way towards the warzone, carrying their weapons with them.

“Go back!” I shouted, but Malachi wouldn’t hear me-he had no intention of doing so. He kept walking towards us with his gun raised as Nikki followed behind him.

Then as he turned the corner, an agent saw him but Malachi shot immediately, aiming right at his head. The agent ducked just in time for Malachi’s bullet to pass him by, but he fired a spell at him instead, sending a bolt of lightning at Malachi as he ducked behind cover once more.

“Oh, no!” I muttered in worry, now knowing they were cornered, but I still didn’t know what to do or what to do with them. They had us completely surrounded now; there was nothing we could do except wait for them to catch up and shoot us all dead. I needed to make a difference with my Perk, I needed to-there was no choice, there was no option anymore.

I quickly got up from my position and ran towards the agents as they were trying to take cover again, but I quickly threw myself into their midst. I jumped and dove down, punching the ground and shooting out a big shockwave that broke the road, sending them rolling into the air and crashing back onto the road as dust filled the air.

I stood back up, now breathing hard as I glanced back at the agents; they had gotten back up now, but they were still shaken up from the shockwave I had given them. “Come at me!” I said with a smile on my face as I started firing bolts of fire at them as they tried to take cover again; the bolts sped at them one after another, until suddenly there was silence.

The graveyard was silent and filled with smoke, and my heart was the only thing I could hear, beating loudly in my chest as I breathed hard and fast. My heart was racing so fast that it felt like it would explode at any moment; my palms were sweaty as well from running for so long and all of these spells were cast at me.

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