Spy Mage System

Chapter 164

164 A Terrible Time in Hawaii

I walked towards the voice, hearing the silent groan, and then I saw Marcello lying on his back. He looked messed up, way different than when we met him from Russia, but he still had his eyes open. “Marcello!” I shouted as I ran towards him, kneeling down next to him and grabbing his hand that was covered in blood.

“Who are you?” he asked, as eyes dazed, looking up at me with a blank expression on his face. “You are not who I thought you are,” he said weakly as he coughed out blood on to my face.

“It’s okay,” I said with a gentle smile, pulling his hand that was covered in blood. “I’m here to-”

“Wait, you’re one of those guys with Rocke aren’t you?” he said, now his eyes filled with rage, making me back away as he sat up slowly. “You’re working with him?”

“No,” I replied quickly, shaking my head. “I don’t work for Rocke.” But he didn’t seem to listen, because he kicked me in the stomach, making me stumble back. I fell to my knees, but not too bad to where I couldn’t get back up, but my gun fell out of my hand, and it landed on the ground next to him.

“You’re lying!” he screamed angrily, kicking me again. “You’re lying!” He screamed again, and then he began to stand up, but then he fell back down onto his knees. He seemed to be very injured, because he wasn’t moving like he usually did.

“Marcello?” I said softly, kneeling next to him and lifting his head up so I could see his face clearly. He looked different from how I remembered him being, but I could tell that he was still Marcello.

But then he pushed me back, and now he fully got up onto his feet again. “Listen, I-” I protested, but he threw an overhead punch which I ducked under, and then he pulled me by my neck and pushed me backwards. My head slammed hard against the ground, making it feel like I was about to pass out from the pain that shot through my head and spine, but then I quickly grabbed his arms and began to push him off of me as I tried to get away from him.

He wouldn’t let go of me, even though I pushed him off with all my might, and then he punched me in the face several times, making me fall back onto the floor.


“So you want to kill my agents now?” he muttered. “Rocke wants to kill my-my-agents?!”

“No, that wasn’t-” I said trying to get up, but then he threw a punch at my stomach, knocking all the air out of my lungs again.

“I told you, that’s not-” I said before he punched me again in the face.

My face felt like it was on fire. But I couldn’t fall down again before he beat me to a pulp again, and I felt a sharp pain in my left eye.

“Why?” he asked, dropping his arm. “Why do you want to hurt me?” He asked me with a cold stare. “Why did you try to kill me?” He threw a punch, but I quickly halted it with my hand before I kicked him in the stomach, making him back up with a gasp.

“Because you’re going to kill me!” I screamed at him, making him cover his mouth in shock. “You’re going to kill me!” I screamed again, making him lower his hand. I then gave a hard blow to his cheek, then a quick left to his stomach, then a right uppercut to his chin that made him fall backwards onto the ground, holding his face in pain as he fell over onto his side.

“Try me,” Marcello said, returning back to his feet. “Try me.”

I took a deep breath, as I threw a right but he ducked, holding me by the throat. Suddenly by his sheer force he pushed me into the car, as some glass shattered into the air. He began to throw punches at me again, but I ducked every single one of them as he threw them at me like he was throwing stones.

But then he kneed me in the stomach, and instead of breathing, wheezing was taking the wheel instead, making it harder for me to fight him off as he punched me over and over again until he had no more strength left in him. Then he fell down onto his knees, staring at me with blood dripping from his face and hair.

“Listen Marcello,” I said, feeling weary of all the punches, kicks, and punches he threw at me. “You don’t need to kill me.”

“Why not?” he asked with a cold stare as if he didn’t even know who I was.

“Because I’m not working for Rocke,” I said, wiping the blood from my face. “Never have.” He looked at me with disgust, as if I was a piece of garbage or something that he stepped on.

“Then what are you doing here?” He asked with a serious look on his face.

“I’m here to stop you from killing anyone else,” I said with a serious look on my face. “We know you’re the mole.” All of a sudden, Marcello’s eyes widened-his mouth agape, but then he held himself together again.

“What are you talking about?” he said calmly. “I’m not-”

“We found out that you were the mole for the BMO,” I said, pointing my gun towards him. “Maddie Cone, recognize that name?” He was silent. “You provided information to her about Charlie, and now they’re ready to kidnap a child for their new weapon. Let me guess, they offered you money?”

Suddenly, he threw a very quick, but harsh right, which I blocked with my arm and then pushed him away from me.

“You’re going down,” he said coldly as he wiped some blood from his eye with his hand.

“You’re going down,” I said back to him with a cold glare. “Now here’s what you’re going to do okay? You’re going to surrender yourself as we get you to the YMPA. After we’re done-well-that’s on the YMPA to decide.” Marcello looked at me, breathing heavily with rage, as if I just killed his dog.

“Okay,” he said slowly. “I’ll surrender myself to you.”

“Good,” I replied quickly with a smile, making him smile as well. “You’re actually pretty easy to negotiate with.” Marcello chuckled but then his smile faded away again, his eyes almost closed, as if he was thinking about something.

“Come on,” I said to him with a gentle smile as I grabbed his hand and began to pull him away from the car. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps running towards my direction. Through all the smoke, I saw September and the rest of the team, but they all stared at Marcello and me like they were in shock.

“What’s going on?” Tisiah asked as he ran towards us. I sighed, not feeling like explaining much at all, and I nodded towards Marcello.

“Get him out of here,” I said quickly. “He’s not a threat anymore.”

“With what car?” Nikki asked, looking around, as if there was a car somewhere.

“We’ll figure something out,” I said calmly with a smile, trying to avoid having to explain too much. “We might figure something out...” The smoke was heavy and almost unbearable, and the smell of fire was itching my nose, making my stomach feel sick.

“What are you doing?” Tisiah asked Marcello as the smoke began to make him cough. “We can’t get out this way.” He looked at me with confusion and annoyance in his eyes as Marcello was coughing loudly.

“Just come here,” I replied as Marcello shook his head and then tried to cough as hard as he could, making blood spurt out of his mouth as it ran down his lips and chin. I looked around, seeing one of those Mitsubishi Outlander.

“Marcello,” I said softly as I grabbed him by the hand and began to drag him towards the car. “Someone, open the door.” Marcello nodded and then started coughing again-he looked weak and tired already, like a dying man on his knees with his life slipping through his fingers. September nodded, as she quickly galloped towards the door, unlocking it and opening it wide enough for us to get into.

“Get in the back seat,” I said as Marcello laid his head against the seat and then closed his eyes, taking deep breaths and trying to hold the pain.

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