Spy Mage System

Chapter 155

155 Storming

“Well,” I said as he pointed at me and then pointed at Tisiah and then Nikki, “help us think of a plan.”

He nodded as if that was the right answer, and he got up. “Follow me,” he said, as he got up from his seat. He went into the elevator as we followed, before it shot down about two floors. Then as he opened up, my eyes burst with shock, as I saw computers with agents walking through, some of which had their hair cut short and some of which had long hair with beards and such. Some were even bald with a big nose and ears sticking out of their head.

“Alright, agents!” he shouted, as everyone paused. “I want you to find where Maddie Cone’s base is located here in Japan, I want her out of there.”

“Yes, sir!” they shouted, as even more shock burst on my face, as I saw that many of the agents had red eyes or looked pale in complexion, with their hair either dyed or just really dirty looking with no sense of style whatsoever. Talk about being a spy mage, but I guess they all had to be that way.

“Has anyone got anything yet?” he asked, although no answer was given. I looked at the other agents that were here that weren’t like him and noticed that some of them were pretty young. “Sir, we’ve found that there is a location-although we’re not sure there is really any sort of base there, but it seems like they’re preparing something.”

“Something like what?” B asked, as the person looked at him, scratching the back of his head awkwardly before pointing to the screen and scrolling through it to find what he was talking about. “Oh,” he muttered before he turned back around.

“Right here.”

I looked up, seeing a row of cars behind one another, and I immediately knew what was happening. “The convoy is being set up.”

“I want agents there to scout the area, and arrest Maddie Cone,” B said. He turned over to us, “Once they get ready, I want you guys to assist them, I hope one of you guys has a Perk.” No problem, no problem.


“You’ll have to wait,” he said as I nodded my head in agreement. “Once they’re ready, we’ll take out her convoy.”

“Let’s hope so,” I said, as September looked at me, her mouth hanging open.

“Yes...we have to,” she said as Nikki looked at us and smiled awkwardly. “So how do you want us to take them out?”

“Storm in like calvary,” B said, staring at each of us, as I nodded my head again. “Take them out, and arrest Maddie Cone.” “Yes sir,” Malachi said, rubbing his hands, as I looked over to Nikki, who just stood there with a blank expression.

“Now, go,” B said as we started moving towards the exit of the room. “Get ready, I’ll get the cars to set up.”

“Yes, sir!” I said, as we exited the room, before B followed us. Once we got out of the base and onto the outside, I looked up at the sky, noticing that there was a moon in it that seemed like it had an eye on it. Weird to be honest, not gonna lie. Then B closed the door, as the silence took over.

“So when are these cars coming?” Malachi asked, looking around, his eyes filled with anxiety as September looked at me.

“Soon,” I said, walking over to a bench and sitting down on it. “They’ll be here in a little bit.”

“I hope so, because we don’t got-”

All of a sudden, three or four Escalades piled into a line, as confusion spread all over our faces. I’m impressed to be honest, not expecting them to pull anything off. But when the doors opened up and everyone got out, I saw that most of them were not like B’s agents. They all had short hair with the exception of one or two people who had long hair, one woman who had too much long hair.

“Alright, let’s go,” September said. Now which car should I go into, I thought to myself, but instead I chose one at random.

Once inside I saw that there were seats with arm rests, and they seemed like they could fit about ten people comfortably, with the rest being able to stand if needed. September and Tisiah joined me, as we sat down on one of the seats, as everyone else went to stand by the door. As they were opening up the other door of the car-that was when I saw that there was another car that was following us.

Now there were five cars that were assisting us, so that meant that there were twenty-five people altogether in the cars. Then again-not including me and Tisiah-there were six people total in this car, and it made me feel uncomfortable that I didn’t have enough space.

It was crammed like crazy, but it was worth it.

Soon enough, the group of cars began to embark on the journey. “Well this is just splendid,” Tisiah said, trying to shimmy through the space, as Malachi sat next to him in the seat, just as uncomfortable as Tisiah was. I felt bad for them both.

“Yeah,” Malachi said, coughing a bit, his eyes wide open as he looked at me and Tisiah. “This is a little...uncomfortable.”

“Oh yeah?” he asked. “You think?”

We continued driving, now moving onto a highway, heading straight north until we passed by Tokyo and headed into Yokohama city proper. I noticed that there weren’t many other cars moving around and I wondered why until we reached an area where all the buildings were being replaced with a wall.

I’m pretty sure I went way past my bedtime, to be honest, but once we arrived at our destination I noticed that the wall didn’t end-in fact it went on for miles, as if we had just driven into a gated community or something. I wondered what we were doing here.

“Alright everyone!” someone shouted out from one of the other cars that had stopped alongside us, before he got out of it. Soon enough, agents piled out of the vehicle, each of them holding guns or wands as they moved into the streets.

“Alright everyone!” the person shouted again, before he got closer to us and addressed us. “We got surveillance in the sky, everyone needs to get into a position where you can’t be seen. We need some inside people.”

“What do you mean by inside people?” Nikki asked, as the man turned back to us, walking over to us with his hands on his hips and a frown on his face. “What is it you need to be done?”

“I mean that we need people inside Maddie Cone’s base,” he said as Nikki sighed and nodded his head. He had black hair and his face was I guess brown, but maybe the dark was affecting my vision, or maybe I just didn’t know him that well. “We need someone in there who can spy on what is being planned and let us know.”

“I see,” Nikki said, turning to us. “Alright, we will!”

“Good, but don’t get caught. Any guard comes, knocking them out immediately,” he said, looking at all of us as he walked back and forth, his face blank and his eyes looking straight ahead. “You guys know what to do?”

“Yes,” I said quickly before I looked over at Tisiah who nodded his head in agreement. “Alright, follow me agents!”

Agents began to follow after him, as we approached this sort of hill, like a big hill that was surrounded by a fence. It was like a bunker of sorts, and then they stopped.

“I want three agents on the left side and three on the right, I want about three or four up on the trees,” he said, as agents began to speed towards their positions, jumping and climbing up onto trees and such. “Don’t get caught, anyone,” he said as the agents went off to their spots before disappearing into the bunker.

The bunker looked very intimidating to be honest, with such a large figure, standing tall at the front of the building that was a very white color with no windows and only a few small ones on each floor.

“This is it,” Tisiah said, as he pointed to the building.

The bunker was also very wide: probably about fifty meters in each direction and at least five stories tall. There were several different areas within it and I noticed that the left side of it was open, with a big fountain in the middle of it and some trees and a statue of an eagle with its wings spread out at the front of it. I knew that this must have been a nice area in the past, but now it was just used as a training area.

I saw the rest of our team-my team-arrive as we looked at one another. “Malachi, me and Nikki will go to the left side of the bunker. You and Tisiah go to the right, okay?

“Yes ma’am,” I said with a nod, as Nikki and Tisiah nodded their head as well. “We’ll go in there,” I said with a nod as I looked up at the bunker’s front door, which was big enough to fit a car through.

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