Spy Mage System

Chapter 149

149 Hotel Motel

“Well quite some bad things to be honest,” September said, looking down at her hands on her lap as she spoke to him. “We’ve been going through some things recently, but we need your help to find out if he’s okay.”

“Yes he is,” he said. “He’s in his room.”

“You really might want to get him out of here as quickly as you can,” Tisiah said. Zakeshi Kin looked at us confused, “Why?” “Because he is in danger of getting kidnapped,” September said, taking out a picture of him from her bag. “This is his picture.”

Zakeshi Kin looked at the picture and then back to us with an expression of concern on his face. “Maybe it’s just business threats, the usual thing that happens,” he said. “There’s no actual threat.”

September shook her head, “No this is a bit more serious than that, we’ve been warned about it.”

He looked at the picture again, “Do you think someone is trying to kill him?”

“No, but actually trying to use him,” September said, taking out another picture from her bag and handing it to Zakeshi Kin. He looked at it for a moment before he looked up at us again with his eyebrows raised. “Use him for what?”

“Classified information we can’t exactly tell you,” Malachi revealed, making me feel sick to my stomach for some reason.

“What is it?” Zakeshi Kin said, looking at us suspiciously. “You look like you’re telling me something that will harm my family.”


“Well because it might,” I winced, seeing the expression on Zakeshi Kin’s face. “But if you would just believe us-”

“It is too early for that!” Zakeshi Kin said. “I don’t believe for a single moment, and you expect to trust in the fact of something I can’t know? You could be the kidnappers for all I care.”

“No, Mr. Kin, that would not be so,” September said. “Not at all.” But he was not convinced, as he just rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You’ve had your chance now.” He said as he got up off of his chair. “If you’ll excuse me...”

“Mr. Kin,” I pleaded, “You need to listen to us.”

He turned around and looked at all of us, his face full of annoyance and anger, and I knew this was going to go nowhere good. “I don’t care,” he said. “I’m warning you, its-”

“I don’t care. You guys are a bunch of kids who want to annoy me, and you’ve succeeded. Now get out!”

“You’ll soon care,” September said, getting up from her seat, walking up to him and grabbing his shoulders tightly. I could tell she was trying to stay calm and act strong but she was losing control. “We know you love your grandson very much. And want to save him.”

He looked at September, but he wasn’t bulging. “Out,” he said once more.

September stood there for a moment in shock, then slowly headed for the door, and we soon felt the grab to follow after her, and I saw a maid closing the door as we walked out of there.

Zakeshi Kin stood in the middle of his room as we left, and I noticed there was a window open on his wall. He looked horrified and scared. I would be too. “Well that was a bust,” Malachi said, as we got inside of the limo, and we began to drive off.

“Yes it was,” I said with a frown. I did not want this to end in failure. Not when we were this close!

“Let’s just call Mr. Drails, so we can see what to do,” September said. But as she got the radio, only static was responding to her. I hope this isn’t what I think it is. Is the signal cut off from Japan, is that why they wanted to attack him here?! “Oh, no that’s bad,” Nikki said, looking at September, who then gave her a glare before she pressed the button once more. Still nothing was coming back. “This is not good.”

“What happened?” I asked, concerned as well.

“There’s no signal,” September said. “None.”

“Alright, how about we get you guys to a hotel-a favorite of ours-and maybe a signal could come back,” the driver said, looking at us, but I wasn’t so sure he was right.

“Yeah that’s a good idea,” I said. But there was an uneasy feeling deep inside my heart. Why would there be no signal? If the JSA works here, how do the agents communicate? Thoughts blundered my mind, and I didn’t know what to think of it all.

“Well we can go there,” Nikki said, sitting back in her seat, as she looked at September and me with a worried expression on her face.

The limo drove through the streets of Japan, but nothing changed; no different buildings, nothing new. It was still a place I never really knew, and I wondered if it would be a good place for me to live as a child. It seems crowded to me, but then again I was a child myself so that would make sense to me. But I could never imagine myself living here long-term for any period of time. It seemed like there was always something wrong with it; like it was too fast paced and people didn’t have any patience in them anymore.

After a few hours driving and seeing nothing but the same thing over and over again, we finally arrived at our destination, and I thought that I might have seen some different or even better than Mr. Kin’s house. But instead it was quite the economic hotel, which looked like the one in New York City only smaller. It looked like a typical hotel; with white walls, and blue chairs on each side of the lobby floor.

“Well, this looks like a favorite,” Nikki said sarcastically, looking around at the lobby before she got out of the car with September following behind her.

I stood up from my chair and exited as well, as Malachi and I walked over to Nikki and September who were standing in front of a very large man behind, who looked to be very annoyed at us for whatever reason. “This is our room number,” September said as she handed the man the key card for the room that we would be staying at.

The man nodded and looked at us, his eyes squinting as if he were angry or something. He was probably annoyed at us for just being there, but we didn’t care; we just wanted to get inside and find some answers as to why no one could get a signal from Japan, so time was of the essence.

He gave us the room, as we walked into the elevator, and then he turned around and made his way back into the lobby with the keys in his hand. “This is our floor,” September told us once we were inside the elevator. The elevator smelled funky, like someone had recently taken a dump in there. It made me want to throw up in the corner, but I held it in because we were in Japan and I didn’t want to ruin anything here.

I’d prefer not to embarrass myself, for one thing.

The elevator stopped and opened right in front of the room doors; as we walked out, we could see that they were very similar to Mr. Kin’s place; the hallway looked like a large hall that had three doors down each side. There was also a room with a huge sliding glass door on each side of the hallway as well.

“Okay, now we’re talking,” Malachi nodded, walking over to the doors and opening one of the two doors that led inside of the room. There was a small desk with a computer on top of it, as well as a small kitchen counter with a sink on it and a microwave in the corner.

“Alright, let’s settle down and hope we can find a signal here,” September said as she sat down on the bed, which looked like it was made of cheap material with a comforter on it, and Nikki and Malachi went to sit down at the computer desk, which I wasn’t sure if it was the same type as the ones in the USA.

“Hopefully they got room service,” Malachi said, pulling out his phone and looking at it to see if there was any reception.

I took a seat at the computer desk as well, and Nikki sat down beside me and turned on the screen to see if we could get anything.

It turned on and immediately Wi-fi was connected, and Nikki sat there holding her head in her hands as she was trying to find any signal from Japan on her phone. “Oh man,” Nikki said, turning to me and giving me a sad look on her face. “Why doesn’t it work on our phones?”

“You’d think the SIM’s card would do something,” Tisiah said, staring at Nikki, but then he pulled out his phone and opened it up as well. Nothing, nothing at all, not even the slightest hint of a signal on his phone. I began to get really nervous.

“This is really weird,” Nikki said, looking up at the ceiling with her eyes full of worry as she shook her head.

“Something is wrong,” September said.

“We need to try something else,” Malachi said, as he got up from his seat at the computer desk and went into the kitchen area and pulled out two bottles of water that were sitting in the fridge. “Maybe this isn’t Japan. Maybe its-”

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