Spirit Ruin, Sword Coffin, Blind Swordsman

Chapter 18 Yu Suian

Chapter 18 Yu Suian

As night descended, a thick wooden stake appeared in Li Guanqis backyard. He observed the new stake with a slight smirk playing on his lips. Without hesitation, he assumed a stance and began practicing his martial arts.

The constant banging sounds from the villa halfway up the mountain drew the attention of a young girl who was wandering aimlessly. She crouched on the rooftop, her gaze fixed on the young man with a stone box strapped to his back as he vigorously struck the wooden stake.

With each punch, countless wood chips flew into the air, and his tense body moved fluidly.

On the rooftop, the girl lay with wide eyes, her expression filled with disbelief. This guy is treating the wooden stake in front of him like imaginary opponent!

Hes really impressive despite being blind.

Whats that hes carrying on his back

Having completed his practice, a sweat-drenched Li Guanqi prepared to take a refreshing bath. He was eagerly anticipating his first lesson at the sect the next day. Moreover, joining Li Nantings sect today seemed like a great decision. At least in his perception, when the old man looked at him, his eyes held nothing but pure intentions. Setting aside his sword, he immersed himself in the bathtub, relishing the soothing bath.

However, unbeknownst to him, a little girl had stealthily slipped into the courtyard from the rooftop.

She moved stealthily toward Li Guanqis room.

Li Guanqis ears perked up, and a smile graced his lips, but he paid her no heed.




Help me~

Without delay, Li Guanqi quickly grabbed his clothes and draped them around himself as he burst out the door. Stepping outside, he immediately spotted a small figure trapped beneath the sword box, her hands flailing desperately.

She muttered, Help me~

Li Guanqi swiftly lifted the sword box with one hand and helped the little girl with the other.

Observing the girls darkened face and the steamed bun still in her mouth, along with another bun held in her hands, Li Guanqi couldnt help but chuckle. She had snuck in on her own and knocked over the sword box, injuring herself. Now, she was blaming him for the accident.

Just as Li Guanqi was about to say something, he suddenly noticed the little girls face turning slightly red. He immediately crouched down, examined her, and inquired in a concerned tone, Are you experiencing any pain in your chest?

Yusuians eye rims turned slightly red, and tears the size of beans began to fall from her eyes as she nodded.

Li Guanqi swiftly reassured her, saying, Its okay, its okay. Dont move for now. Let me put on some clothes and take you to find someone.

Li Guanqi promptly returned to his room, dressed himself, and then picked up the little girl before rushing out the door. He needed to find his master! It was possible that when the sword box had fallen on her, it had broken one of her ribs.

As they journeyed, Li Guanqi, concerned that the little girl might be frightened, gently inquired, Whats your name? Ive seen you twice now, but I dont know your name.

The little girl, feeling that the pain was subsiding, took a bite of her steamed bun to calm herself and said with a clear voice, My name is Yu Suian, and Im six years old.

Li Guanqi blinked, pleasantly surprised by how pleasant-sounding the little girls name was. He finally reached Li Nantings courtyard, relieved that the Elder hadnt yet retired for the night. As he tried to explain what had happened to his master, Yu Suian leapt onto Li Nantings bed and fell fast asleep.

Observing the peacefully sleeping little girl on Li Nantings bed, Li Guanqi couldnt help but be curious and asked, Who is this girl? Ive seen her twice around the peak.

Li Nanting tucked her in gently and patted her lightly. Little Bun isnt anyones child. I found her three years ago when I came down from the mountain.

Found her?

Yes, found her.

Three years ago, there was a severe famine in the northern region of the Great Xia Sword Sects territory.

Two years of drought left the farmers with no harvest, so I went to use my spiritual incantations to bring rain.

Thats when I saw her squatting by the roadside, next to a woman who had starved to death.

I brought her with me and shared a hot meat bun with her on the way.

To this day, I remember the bright look in her eyes when she gazed up at me.

She told me that it was the most delicious thing she had ever eaten.

Li Guanqi listened silently to the old man recounting the story of the little girl. It made him reflect on his own past during the same period.

It seemed that both of them hadnt lived very well

No wonder he had seen this Yu Suian holding a bun in her hands both times he encountered her. Her past had also been marked by a tumultuous fate.

The old man looked at Li Guanqis thoughtful expression and said, You seem to empathize with her.

Li Guanqis made a into a bitter face as he looked up at the night sky and whispered softly, Yeah back then, I used my sisters funeral money of ten copper coins to cremate her.

When I returned home, I personally killed my distant uncle who had a gambling problem, which caused my mother to fall seriously ill and die.

Amidst heavy snowfall, I picked up two steamed buns on my way back while carrying my sisters ashes.

Those buns were hard and stale, but to me at that time, they were a taste of heaven.

That day, I went to the crematorium twice.

Li Guanqi spoke softly, his voice calm and steady, devoid of fluctuations.

The old man, however, gazed at the young man with eyes full of tenderness and gently wrapped his arm around the young mans shoulder.

Its okay, everythings in the past. In the days to come, consider your master and fellow disciples as your family. Heavenly Thunder Peak is your home.

The two of them sat silently in the courtyard.

The next morning, Li Guanqi woke up in an unfamiliar bed, realizing that he had fallen asleep on the old mans shoulder the previous night. He had actually slept directly in Li Nantings room.

At this point, it was still at least two hours before dawn, and the old man was sitting on a mat meditating.

Li Guanqi got up and quickly tidied himself. Then, he started practicing his martial arts in the backyard. Every punch and kick was executed with utmost dedication, accompanied by the sound of the wind. At some point, the old man was quietly standing at the door, nodding approvingly.

Li Guanqi had been practicing this set of martial arts for eight years, and he had complete control over every subtle variation of each move. Years of continuous practice of martial arts and stance training had perfected his control over every muscle in his body.

When Li Guanqi finished his routine and turned around, he noticed the old man standing behind him and couldnt help but give him a thumbs-up.

The old man then personally demonstrated the same set of martial arts that Li Guanqi had just performed. The entire set flowed like water, with graceful and effortless movements. Li Guanqi stared on, struck by inspiration.

Seeing the contemplative look on his face, the old man smiled and said, Alright, youll figure out the key points as you reflect on it later.

Now, if you dont hurry to Heavenly Water Peak, you might be late.

Lan He doesnt like tardiness.

Only then did Li Guanqi notice that it was already daylight. He quickly tidied up and, before leaving, bowed in front of Li Nanting to bid farewell. Master, Im heading out now.

Haha, very well, go ahead.

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