Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 75: Qiang, Cai and Su Dong, Took A Step Back.

Chapter 75: Qiang, Cai and Su Dong, Took A Step Back.

"... Brother Ye Please stop already."

A pleading voice echoed out, causing the person in the driver's seat of the red sports car to narrowed his purple eyes sharply before glancing at the usually gentle handsome man, currently gripping his seat belt while staring at him wide begging eyes before Qing Ye turn back as a predatory purple eyes stare at the silver car before him.

"Don't worry Brother Dong, I'll catch up to my stubborn Brothers in a minute."

That was not the problem Brother Ye!

Su Dong let out a crying face as he stares at the crazy person that couldn't be reason with while feeling his heart beating so fast for a while now, who would be able to stay calm when the usually crazy driver Qing Ye is currently driving more crazily and dangerous than he usually was?

But, the most important part was the fact that why didn't he damn know that Qing Ye had modify his red sports car speeds limits?

Besides, it is not your brother's fault that they weren't able to show you the list of identities of the blood races alright?

Not only was your request against the privacy of the blood races identities being leaked out but only the member of the Defense Organization with a higher rank was allowed to see those important information.

Your request this time is a bit excessive, there was no way that your brothers will be able to show it to you without giving them trouble to their work alright?

But as Su Dong stare at the crazily running silver sports car before him, although they were smart enough to know that those reasons won't be able to stop Qing Ye that is why they are currently running away at the moment.

However, those two brother wishful thinking this time is useless since there was no way that Qing Ye are willing to calm down and change his mind, since Qing Ye is extremely determined to get what he wants with all cost.

Su Dong can only lit candle to the two biological Brothers of Qing Ye while feeling glad to have an obedient and lovely younger sister, ah such a perfectly kind and gentle sister he has.


The red sports car has suddenly speed up with another level causing Su Dong to let out a loud scream, while feeling dizzy as he felt like the whole world has turned upside down while only hearing the sound of the car wheels screeching so loudly while the sound of the car hitting something echoed out soon after.

Su Dong who was finally able to get his bearings while feeling his entire heart was about to jump out of his chest has finally saw his current situation.

Somehow with magnificent skill, Qing Ye has used the red car to force the silver car to finally stop and despite how dangerous it has been, the red sports car remain undamaged while the silver car side of the car only has a scratch on its left side.

Fuck! Brother Ye are you trying to kill your own biological brothers? Su Dong couldn't help but shudder in fear while a chill running down his spine.

Although everyone has been safe and sound from the powerful impact but with just one single mistakes and those people inside the silver car would have died!

This situation has reminded Su Dong again about how ruthless Qing Ye can be, at this moment he couldn't help but think of the person that has been making his friend react like this.

Would that blood race capable to handle and control this cruel and indifferent man?

"Big Brother Qiang! Third Brother Ye has completely lost it this time for real!"

Cai widen his eyes while weakly getting out of the silver car, using his hands to steady his shivering body against the car.

Damn! In that moment, when the red car has hit their silver car, Cai life has flash on his mind, he thought that he was really dead this time and it was his own biological third brother that was the cause of it too!

"Qing Ye! There is a limit about how far you can go!"

Qing Qiang couldn't help but frown on his handsome face while dangerously staring at his devilish younger brother that has gotten out from the red sports car, the whole time his heart was beating fast.

Despite knowing their younger brother real personality and still loving him, but this time what he did was really a dangerous move.

Qing Ye who was walking toward his two older brothers couldn't help but frown before letting out a sigh while rolling his purple eyes.

"Brothers! You know that if I wanted you dead, I don't need to do all this trouble alright? Besides, I know what I am doing, there was no way that I would really put you two in any danger! Mother will get angry at me after all! I don't want to be nagged at, you know?" 

Devilish handsome face has shown an easy-going smile without any guilt and remorse about what he has just done, while long legs gracefully walk toward them.

The two brothers couldn't help but cringe and hiding a grimace on their faces while feeling helpless inside, while Su Dong that has been outside the red sports car as he tried to get his strength back, couldn't help but wince when he heard his friend's words.

Qing Ye is really an abnormal person before feeling glad at the fact that at least he wasn't going out killing and slaughtering people just for the fun of it, that would be chaos and disaster to their world, he was capable to do that after all.

Besides they also felt pity at this sin like existence because he doesn't even know that he has a big flaw and problem about himself.

"So Brothers! Give me what I requested alright? I am going crazy from waiting!"

Purple eyes that has been smiling the whole time, has instantly become wild as a worrying amount of craziness seemed to appear inside it, causing the two brothers to shiver at the dangerous aura around their third brother.

Fuck, what happened to their third brother? He is more abnormal than he usually are!

The two Qing brother couldn't help but turn around as a questioning look shoot at Su Dong that was trying to calm his heart down.

With a hopeless and wry smile, Su Dong spoke words that could easily explain the big changes of the already abnormal Qing Ye before them.

"...  Brother Ye has fallen in love."

The Two Qing Brother eyes bulge out while their mouth open up wide while Qing Ye that has heard Su Dong words, has instantly brightened while purple eyes glowed with overwhelming obsession and possessiveness.

"Yes! That is right! I need to find my Baby quickly! It has been awhile since I last caught a glimpse of his dazzling existence, that I am going crazy from missing him!"

Baby? Him?

Fuck, you fell in love with a man? But wait isn't he asking for the list of blood race from them???

A Male Blood Race at that? Brother what kind of mayhem are you trying to create this time???

"You will help me find my love right Big Brothers? He is so dazzling, I am so afraid that someone will try to take advantage of my Baby and maybe was being court at this moment! He can only be mine alright? I'll remove anyone that get in the way of our love!"

The three handsome men watch as their brother and friend seemed to descend into madness while dangerous aura spread all around him, that they even all took a wary step back.

At the same time, Qiang, Cai and Su Dong lit a candle at a certain person that has managed to get Qing Ye sole attention.

Before Qing Ye that has been going crazy from missing a certain someone, has suddenly turn quiet and still, as a familiar sound echoed out near his ears.




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