Someday Will I Be The Greatest Alchemist?

Chapter 477

Chapter 477

Majority of the people living in the Sanctuary were gathered inside the building, all excited.

The First Sanctuary Bowling Tournament

The completed bowling alley was accepted by the residents, and the first ever bowling boom made its way into the Sanctuary.

The bowling alley was crowded with Sanctuary residents every single day, and some people said they want to open concession stands to sell light meals and drinks, so now the bowling alley was expanded to have a resting corner.

Gogogoooo! Bakkyaaaaaan!

Kuh, a split

Fufufu, Gnome, its not just about throwing it with all of your might, you know?

Yes, control is important.

Gogogoooo! Bakyaaaaan!!

Kyaaaa! Strike!

Kuh, am I losing to the lass?!

Gnome was vexed that he was being given advice by Undine and Sylph.

In my field of view, the Great Spirits were enjoying bowling. They might be a little too passionate about it though, they should receive a reward for a perfect attendance since the bowling alleys opening.

The residents had jobs, but the Great Spirits basically live doing whatever they like. They sure have a lot of time.

And, of course, Akane frequented it with Lulu-chan, and I made the potions Laeva was supposed to deliver to the Papeck Company.

Well, this was originally my job though. Laeva also looked like shes having fun..

To my surprise, even Sophia and Marnie were practicing diligently too. When I tried asking them about it, they replied with something unexpected.

Sophia, Marnie, you guys have really taken to bowling? Im glad youre enjoying it though.

We definitely enjoy it, but this is practice for the bowling tournament.

Bowling tournament?

Yes. Akane-san said a bowling tournament is going to be held.

Akane did? Well, if everyones looking forward to the event, thats good.

Hearing about the bowling tournament, I remembered the company recreational events during my time as a salaryman. So, even though Sophia and Marnie were working hard, my head tilted.

Umm, this is some earnest practice.

Yes. The winner will get an extra prize for Takumi, after all.

extra prize?

Yes. Akane-san said that you would grant any wish they desired.

h- hmmm. D-do your best.


I dont know what these two want, but first, I have to go talk to Akane, who arbitrarily decided that I have to give an extra prize.

I looked for Akane in the bowling alley but couldnt find her, so I returned to the mansion and there I found Akane all cozied up on the living room sofa.

Akane, I heard therell be a bowling tournament.

Ahh, Takumi, thats how it is so, counting on ya!

Yea wait, thats not it, I heard that I will be granting any wish as an extra prize for the champion.

Thats right. Dont you think its even better to have more than just prize money and a trophy? So if you were to grant any one wish, everyones level of excitement would be much different, right?

Haa~ I would have liked a heads up.

It couldnt be helped since it looks like the Sanctuary residents already knew about it, but I would like to not be made to give out extra prizes without being notified beforehand.

Takumi, youd be happier if everyone was happy, right?

Fine. Its not like anyone would make an excessive request, and it makes the bowling tournament more exciting.

Heck yeah, Takumi. You know what Im talking about.

Then I tried asking about I just thought of.

Not feeling well?

As she was talking to me, Akane was sprawled on the sofa, all exhausted.

Fufufu, its not that. Im also aiming to be the champion. Fufu, what should I get you to do, I wonder

Ill also go practice.

For some reason, Akanes chuckle sent a chill down my back.

I dont know why, but I have a feeling Akane shouldnt become the champion.

With that hunch that I could most certainly believe in, I ran to the bowling alley.

I dont know why, but I had a feeling that I had to prevent only Akane from becoming the champion.

And rushing to the bowling alley, I practiced immediately not.

Yep, I had to wait for two hours.

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