Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc VII Chapter 2

Arc VII Chapter 2



Arc VII Chapter 2


Satoshi scanned his surroundings, noticing the amount of corpses before clearing his throat. This was going to be difficult ... “It saddens me, but I was ordered to detain you. You are officially under arrest now, Captain.”

Asami blinked before answering with a smile. Her lips were strained, spending no effort in hiding her displeasure. “What did you say, Satoshi? Because I think I might have misheard.”

“...” He sweated. Asami didn’t attack, but this was a delicate affair. His acting skills were asked from here on. 

Satoshi played dumb and scratched his head.  “Well, you see, I was ordered ... to detain you, and here I am. I hope you will cooperate with us. We are civilised people, so no need to resort to violence. We can solve this entire affair peacefully.”

Asami narrowed her eyes. “Satoshi, who ordered my apprehension? And what am I guilty of?”

Satoshi gulped. “The Hokage.”

“The Hokage?”

He nodded. “The Hokage.”

Asami glared. “Satoshi, I warn you, even my divine patience is limited. I don’t like this type of joke. Stop this nonsense. Get out of my sight. Immediately.”

“You have your orders. So don't waste my precious time with such trivialities.” Asami gripped her sword and left. The enemy was still operating in the area, and they were waiting for her to pay them a friendly visit.

Satoshi mustered his courage. “But this isn’t a joke. The scroll says ...”

Asami halted and glared. “Which scroll, Satoshi?”

Satoshi presented her the scroll. “The scroll comes directly from the Hokage and authorises me to arrest you ...”

Asami rolled her eyes. Such a nuisance at such an inconvenient time. Dealing with an arrest order in the middle of an invasion. “Hand me the stupid scroll, Satoshi. Let me see this official order.”

Asami snatched the scroll from his hands and scanned the document. This was probably just a case of miscommunication and some idiot in the chain of command too eager to act. Why should the Hokage arrest her? It didn't make any sense. She served the village her entire life. Why should Konoha repay her loyalty with betrayal? 

But Satoshi didn’t lie, and Asami's mood worsened. Her face darkened and her eyebrows twisted. The scroll wasn't forged. The scroll was genuine. The seal, the paper, the order. They were genuine and left little doubt, the village wanted her to be arrested.

Asami clicked her tongue. Such an annoyance. “Satoshi. Who gave you this scroll?”

Satoshi smiled. His hand reached for his pouch. “The Hokage himself.”

Asami raised her eyebrow. “I doubt ...” Her hand gripped her sword, acting first. Her blade attacked, but Satoshi dodged her horizontal slash. He ducked, and her sword passed over his head.

“...” Asami frowned. Her strike missed.

“...” Satoshi retreated with a kunai in his hand.

As expected, they aimed for her life. Asami chuckled. “You disappoint me, Satoshi. Did you really think that a mere kunai can kill me ...”

Asami froze. Her body refused to move, and Satoshi grinned in triumph. They got her. They won. Asami was strong, but her hubris spelled her downfall. Five Nara and their shadows pinned her down. Seven Yamanaka kept her in check.

Asami gritted her teeth in rage. “Satoshi, do you realise what you have done?”

“...” Satoshi hesitated. Her eyes ... Her predatory purple eyes petrified him. They weren’t normal. Her ghostly eyes flickered purple and red. Something was wrong here.

Satoshi fell back and panicked. Forget the plan. “Kill her! Kill her immediately!!! What are you waiting for?! Kill her !!!”

The first wave obeyed his order and attacked. They charged and met her barrier. Her shield didn’t budge and withstood the assault.

The second wave followed. The ANBU once again failed to pierce her barrier.

The third wave charged and they succeeded. Their swords didn’t snap, didn’t bend. Their blades struck her chakra and her purple shield yielded.

Her barrier shield fractured and shattered like brittle glass. They got her. How wrong they were. They didn’t taste the sweet nectar of victory, but despair. 

“...” Satoshi fell silent, and so did the rest of his men. Emptiness, shock, disbelief filled their hearts. He stared at the macabre scene, his fists clenched, unable to avert his eyes. He recognised this aura. He recognised this power. He had seen it before. He hadn’t forgotten Shisui even after all these years. Danzo sacrificed all of them from the beginning. They were nothing but disposable pawns to him.

“Hahahaha!” Satoshi descended into a maniac laughter. Asami was an ... Uchiha. The girl was an Uchiha that slipped under Konoha's radar, but the senile arsehole knew.

The corpses of his men hang, floating in the air like lifeless puppets. Dripping blood stained her kimono red. A humanoid skeleton stood before them and a girl bathed in blood.

His men died instantly. Her purple rib cage murdered them. Her ribs speared them like pearl string.

A fine purple mist saturated the area. Her chakra created a radiant aerosol and permeated the air. A beautiful scene, a kaleidoscope of purple and light.

“...” Satoshi paled. He had witnessed this jutsu before.

Asami beamed, joy and evil glee filling her purple eyes, her luminescent sharingan. Her heart was elated, ecstatic, euphoric. “Satoshi, you don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment. The day has finally come to eradicate all of you.”

Asami snapped her fingers and produced a spark, a spark that sealed their fate. Her spark ignited the very air. The oxygen burned. Her gigantic flare enlightened Konoha’s sky.



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