Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 783: 177 Tobba

Chapter 783: 177 Tobba

Inside a giant oval-shaped type-9 Containment Chamber in SITE 2…

Charles swept his gaze across K9, T6, O5, and the other GK Council members in the distance. He was ready to destroy his eyeball spider at any time, but he decided to extract some information before retreating. "So Tobba is your spy as well? You guys almost fooled me. That was great."

K9's four eyes stared at Charles in the distance. His jet-black raven beaks opened as he said, "Tobba? Are you saying that 177 had attacked the central computer with you? How did you guys do it?"

Charles' brows furrowed slightly. This wasn't quite what he had thought. If this was all a plot by the Foundation, then Tobba had to have been involved. Perhaps the Foundation still wanted to feign ignorance?

Just as Charles was pondering over the answer to his burning question, the door on the white wall next to him was pushed open.

Tobba had pushed the door open, and he promptly walked in, saying, "Don't overthink it. That birdhead right there is trying to deceive you; you should've seen their faces. When the central computer exploded, they were so scared that I bet they almost pissed themselves."

Tobba smiled and nodded at everyone. He looked just like a tourist inside a tourist attraction.

"Charles, didn't I tell you that your brain has become a weapon with immense power? It's really incredible. The central computer is partially paralyzed right now, but we need more than just that," Tobba said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a rusty bicycle bell that he had picked up from somewhere.

"What are you going to do?" The GK Council members noticed that something was amiss and immediately became alert.

They were familiar with 177. The database records told them that 177 had a bizarre ability of foresight, but he was still in the body of an ordinary human being. In other words, he wasn't a threat to the Foundation.

Tobba seemed to have read their thoughts as he chuckled and said, "Hehehe, don't underestimate me, all right? I'm still a project, after all."

Tobba put his right hand on his bald head before triggering the bicycle bell.

Ring, ring, ring!

The sound produced by the bicycle bell pervaded the vast, empty chamber.

"Hey~ Come out, everyone! I'm here! Come here, quick~" Tobba exclaimed, deliberately drawing out his voice as if he were calling for his chickens.

It wasn't a threatening gesture at all, but when Tobba's words fell, everyone felt their scalps go numb. Alarm bells started ringing in their heads, and they felt like something bad was about to happen.

K9 raised his right talon and spun it. Immediately afterward, several jet-black shadows rushed out of the steel floor. They emerged from the floor like flying fish, and they made a beeline for Tobba.

Charles' heart was instantly gripped by nervousness at the sight. His spider body was too weak to withstand any attack. Tobba's survival now depended on whether his foresight ability could help him read the trajectory of the attack or not.

However, Charles reeled in shock when the smiling Tobba simply stood quietly without making any attempts to dodge.

A grotesque noise echoed as the jet-black shadows pierced Tobba. His figure stiffened instantly, and streaks of blood covered him almost immediately afterward. His blood soon dyed his clothes in a crimson hue.

"Tobba!" Charles' true body on sunny Hope Island abruptly stood up, and his scream startled everyone.

The optimistic and child-like light in Tobba's eyes dimmed. His lips, which were rapidly losing their color, fluttered open as he said, "Captain Charles, do you know that life becomes meaningless once you've lived long enough? Goodbye.

"Oh, and remember to eat breakfast even when you're busy. That way, you won't be hungry in the morning."

And just like that, Tobba's figure disintegrated as if he were a building that had been demolished. The attack had dismembered Tobba into more than a dozen pieces that scattered to the floor, dyeing it in a sticky crimson hue.

The rusty bicycle bell fell to the ground and rolled a few times before finally landing in the pool of blood. It quivered a few times before coming to a stop.

Charles was beyond shocked.

Tobba was no more.

He could foresee the future, but he died just like that?

All of a sudden, the grave that Tobba had dug for himself on Hope Island popped up in Charles' mind for no reason.

Ring, ring, ring!

The bicycle bell on the floor suddenly started ringing on its own. It rang nonstop, and its ringing grew more frantic and piercing with each passing second.

One of the towering Pedes raised his right hand, which was riddled with pitch-black holes, to grab the bicycle bell. Then, he squeezed his hand, crushing the rusty bicycle bell.

When the rusty bicycle bell was shattered, everyone looked up at the ceiling riddled with lights.

At some point, the steel ceiling had caved inward. There was a massive dent in it that resembled an equilateral triangle, and the creaking of the metal up above proved to everyone that it was under immense stress.


A thunderous noise echoed as more than half of the elliptical ceiling caved inward at once. To make matters worse, more and more triangular dents were appearing in the ceiling, and they were also popping up at a rate that was getting faster every second.

The special steel that the Foundation had used to build the facility seemed to be no different from a piece of paper in the face of what was up above.

"Quick! Initialize Plan DIO-3! We cannot lose SITE 2!"

The members of the GK Council didn't seem to have any plans of surrendering, but before they could do anything, the ceiling finally collapsed.

The invisible monsters up above brought down the steel ceiling and carried with them the force of a mountain as they charged at everyone down below.

Charles had no idea what happened afterward, as his eyeball spider had already crawled out through the door that Tobba had opened for him. As soon as the bicycle bell started ringing by itself, Charles realized that "they" had been successfully lured over by Tobba.

Charles knew back then that he had to run away now, or he was doomed along with everyone else in that chamber.

Rumbling and creaking noises pervaded the air as the containment chamber that the Foundation wanted to use to imprison Charles began to collapse. Fortunately, the eyeball spider was both agile and tiny, allowing Charles to escape before the facility collapsed completely.

Charles stood up straight and looked around. The city had fallen into chaos. The clones were running around with bewildered looks. They tried to connect to their devices, but they couldn't establish a connection with the Foundation's network.

Charles was very certain that Tobba had attracted not just two perspective police this time—just two couldn't possibly tear down the entire SITE 2.

Just then, every single clone nearby found themselves weightless. The next moment, they let out horrified screams as they plummeted rapidly toward the sea above their heads.

Charles immediately thrust his eight spider legs into the ground, and he barely managed to resist gravity. However, his resistance lasted only for a brief moment, as even the ground began falling toward the sea surface.

Charles and the perspective police's attacks proved to be too much for SITE 2 to bear, and it could no longer defy gravity to stay suspended.

In the end, the upside-down city of the Foundation plunged into the sea at breakneck speeds. It was the final scene that Charles saw through the eyeball spider before it perished along with SITE 2.

A sharp, needle-like pain radiated from Charles' empty eye socket, but Charles was too excited to care about the pain. The fall of SITE 2 was an opportunity—a great opportunity to deal with the Foundation once and for all!

He had to seize this opportunity!

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