Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 675: Collaboration

Charles' heart skipped a beat. "007 is the Light God?"

The moment those words left his lips, silence instantly engulfed the room.

"Yeah," Feuerbach replied, "we gave Him a more resounding name previously, but since you call him the Light God, then let Him be known as the Light God."

"And the Light God was killed by 002?" The image of the Light God's colossal corpse, which was as majestic as a large mountain, kneeling on the ground flashed through Charles' mind.

"Judging from various aspects, that's most likely the case. However, this conclusion is purely speculation based on available evidence. As for the actual unfolding of events, none of us were there to witness it firsthand to know what actually went down."

"Then what is 005?" Charles posed another question. After all, he had just recently run into 005-3, which was a derivative of 005.

If 007 was the Light God, 003 was God Fhtagn, and 002 was the origin of all relics, then the fact that 005 was in the top ten meant that 005 had to be incredibly powerful as well.

Feuerbach froze for a moment before a strange expression appeared on his face. He answered, "Captain, you didn't request for intelligence on 005 earlier. I don't have that data stored in my hippocampus. It's a high-level information that is being stored separately. Give me a moment to request access."

With that, Feuerbach was about to disappear when Julio intercepted him, saying, "Enough. You don't need to request anything. Be it 004, 002, or 007, I don't give a damn. Let's get back to the main topic."

Hearing that, Feuerbach quickly returned to his spot, and with a gentle wave of his hands, the three-dimensional map reappeared before everyone.

"Oh, by the way, if you look at the map," Feuerbach said, pointing to the map. "We are responsible for exploring the right side of the darkness, while your task is to explore the left side. Cover as much ground as you can.

"It is fine even if you can't find the darkness' boundary in your designated direction. We'll fill in the missing gaps. We just have to find one boundary and calculating the approximate location of the anchor point will be much simpler."

At the end of Feuerbach's explanation, everyone's eyes turned to Charles. He was the leader of the exploration on the surface world.

"There's nothing more to discuss on this; I agree. However, I hope that the Foundation will be able to provide some technological support."

"Haven't we already done so? It's all stored in the communicator's memory. We even translated it to layman's terms for your convenience."

"I'm not talking about enhancing our military capabilities. I'm referring to advancements in technology, a boost to human technological progress as a whole."

Although Charles was desperately seeking the darkness to save the Subterranean Sea, he also wished to seek a Plan B at the same time. If the Foundation had the technology to allow the denizens of the Subterranean Sea to survive without living in the darkness, it would be ideal.

"Erm… I'll need to request permission for that. It's not my call to make. Actually, does it really matter?" Feuerbach replied.

"Yes. Please discuss this with them. It won't take much of your time."

Under the pressure of an imminent apocalypse, the Subterranean Sea' technology was rapidly advancing as if a jet pack was attached to it. However, their development so far was insignificant compared to the Foundation, which managed to create something like Dawn One.

If it weren't for 002 sprawled right above the atmosphere, Charles believed that the Foundation would have already advanced to the interstellar era and escaped into outer space.

"And one more thing," Elizabeth's weary voice cut through the tension. "If possible, please use your power to help us. The islands are gradually being submerged. We're losing people every moment. Since the death light, our numbers have dwindled significantly. We can't afford to lose more people."

Charles turned toward Elizabeth's sandy figure. Despite being composed of sand, he could clearly see the heavy dark circles under her eyes.

"There's no need to request for that; we won't be able to help," Feuerbach said, turning down the request decisively. It seemed like the Foundation's GK Council had already prepared a response for that request in advance. Feuerbach then continued with an explanation, "We must dedicate all resources into finding the anchor point of the darkness; we can't afford to waste any time in the Subterranean Sea. Besides, it's not like that many people have died."

Charles' brows knitted tightly at the indifference and lack of compassion Feuerbach displayed toward the plight of the humans in the Subterranean Sea. His earlier suspicions resurfaced. Regardless of what their current goal was, it was clear that the Foundation wasn't for mankind as they had claimed to be before.

"Alright, go ask. I'll wait here for your response," Charles said.

With that, Feuerbach vanished from view again. However, it didn't take him long to return to convey the message that the GK Council had come to a decision. They mentioned that even if the denizens of the Subterranean Sea were to gain technological knowledge, they wouldn't be able to fully assimilate it in a short time—it would take a whole generation's effort.

However, as a demonstration of goodwill of the upcoming cooperation, they agreed to guide the humans in the Subterranean Sea in technological development.

In the days that followed, both parties discussed the details of their newfound cooperation. For days, Charles spent countless hours inside the tent without leaving it.

The battered Narwhale needed repairs, but the other explorers had already made a move. Brimming with confidence, they set sail toward finding the western boundary of the darkness.

When all the intricacies had been finalized, Charles felt more exhausted than he had after any expedition. As he watched the sand figures before him slowly collapsing into piles, he stretched his arms forward and yawned deeply.

Just as he was about to leave the tent, he saw Elizabeth walking toward him.

"My love, it's been so long since we last talked. Why haven't you even sent me a single telegram?" Elizabeth said with a slight smile on her visage.

"I'm sorry. You know how hectic things are right now. There's hardly any time for me to deal with personal matters," Charles replied as he reached out an arm to wrap it around Elizabeth's slender waist. However, his hand passed through the sand.

"No worries. As long as there's a place for me in your heart. Don't forget me. Although I have many lovers, you are the only man," Elizabeth said teasingly.

Charles returned with a jest, "Then, out of all your lovers, who do you like the most?"

A trace of distress crossed Elizabeth's face. "How am I supposed to answer that? If I were to ask you that question but it's between Anna and me, how would you answer? Of course, you'd say that you like us both. With all those lovely girls in front of you, can you really answer otherwise? We're one big family now."

Charles shrugged nonchalantly and shook his head. "Thanks. Talking to you is really calming me down. There's just too much going on right now."

Elizabeth looked at Charles with a thoughtful expression and asked, "Are you and Anna having a fight?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"It's pretty obvious. Only a fool would fail to notice. If you need my help, just say the word," Elizabeth said with a wink.

Looking at the woman standing before him, Charles nodded. "Thank you. If I need anything, I'll come to you."

Elizabeth then blew Charles a passionate flying kiss before her sandy form gradually collapsed into a pile of sand.

Left alone in the tent, Charles set for a very long while with his eyes closed as he pondered over everything. When the sounds outside dwindled, and it was getting deep into the night, he took out the communicator once again.

"Oh my god, Captain. Do you know what time it is? Don't you ever sleep?" Feuerbach yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"They don't care, but I do. I need to know all the secrets the Foundation holds. What exactly is 005? Is it Edikth?"

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