Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 628: Dandelion

Perched on the ship's railing, the spider gazed downward. The island's web white expanse gradually grew closer, allowing Charles to discern the island's terrain at a closer proximity.

The elliptical floating island had depressions and forests. Its landscape looked nothing different from that of an ordinary island, save for the pervasive white layer covering everything.

The exploration vessel landed with a loud thud. The impact kicked up the white material, causing them to swirl and dance in the air. They were so lightweight and dry.

It was then that Charles realized that the "mold" he had thought earlier was actually similar to a dandelion as they drifted and scattered across the island.

The explorers descended from their ships via soft ladders and started to prepare for the upcoming exploration.

After a brief exchange with the captain of the other ship, he led a team of five men and one woman toward the right side of the island. They planned to split up and reconvene in three days.

Charles briefly alternated his gaze between the two teams before willing the spider's furry legs to scuttle after Luke's group.

The white dandelions blanketed the entire island, forming a layer thick enough to reach an adult's waist.

As a spider, it was challenging to maneuver through this environment. Eventually, Charles decided to have it leap onto Luke's broad back and hitch a ride.

Of course, Luke noticed the spider, but he didn't react.

Luke and his crew looked around vigilantly as they scanned their surroundings for any potential threats Most of them carried at least one relic. From their appearance, those relics were clearly of offensive-type relics.

Luke himself stood out the most. His shirt was unbuttoned to reveal his torso that was covered in spiraling tattoos. The black ink on his pale skin seemed like it was moving.

"Captain, how's it looking over there?" A voice beside him caught Charles' attention.

Charles straightened up from his slouched position against the railing and turned to look at Second Mate Nico with his sole, remaining eye.

"They had just disembarked and started exploring. They hadn't found anything. Why?"

"Since they've gone in, should we prepare to move too?"

Charles shook his head. "No need. Get the exploration supplies ready and wait for my command."

He wasn't out of his mind to go seeking death. Since there were others willing to scout the way, he wouldn't let his own crew take unnecessarily risks.

Judging from previous events, it was highly likely that there would be more of those Feuerbach clones on the island. As long as they capture one, they would be able to extract fundamental intelligence on the Foundation from the clone's mind.

As for this familiar yet foreign organization, Charles's understanding of them remained close to zero. The lack of knowledge didn't spell good news of whether they'd become allies or enemies in the future.

And looking at the Foundation's exploration efforts, trying to get the exact coordinates of the darkness might be more efficient than just searching blindly...

As the thoughts swirled in Charles' mind, the spider eye shook violently to inform Charles that something was happening with Luke's group. Charles quickly refocused his attention.

A series of gunfire echoed through the white forest. They had now reached a segment of the forest where the blanket of white dandelion-like fluff had grown thicker, reaching up to the chest of an average adult.

Captain Luke's face contorted into a snarl as he led his crew in a relentless assault on the white fluff covering the ground.

Earlier, Charles' attention was on Nico and the Narwhale, so even after shifting his focus back, he was not yet certain what exactly Luke's group had encountered.

"Fuck! Boss! That thing bit me!" A burly man wielding a double-barreled shotgun lifted his trembling right hand. A large, triangular chunk of flesh was missing, and his bone could be seen from the wound.

The clean-cut wound suggested that the weapon their enemies were using was incredibly sharp.

As soon as his last word fell, the woman in the ground let out a pain cry, her hand instinctively clutching her knee. Yet the next moment when she lifted her hand to check if she was bleeding, she realized that her hand had been completely cut off and blood was spurting out of her wrist.

Chaos erupted and their situation turned dire. Every crew member was under constant attack.

Luke immediately turned toward the man clad in a black robe, who was standing silently next to him. "Don't just stand there! Release the bugs!"

The sound of insects buzzing filled the air as black wings emerged from beneath the black-robed figure. The white blanket of dandelion fluff gradually turned into a shade of black as something seemed to be spreading amongst it.

The moment all the surrounding white fluff turned black, the attacks on the crew ceased.

Charles controlled the spider to leap directly into the black dandelion fluff. Immediately, he spotted the black beetles that filled most of the gaps, making it impossible for enemies to run. The man in the black robe had the power to control insects.

"They're not among the fluff; they came from elsewhere," the black-robed man said as he slowly raised his hands. In response, the insects lifted the entire dandelion carpet

Charles spotted it now; the ground beneath the dandelion fluff was riddled with uneven pits and hollows. The enemies that had been attacking the group earlier came from these burrows.

Nodding silently, Charles pulled out his journal and pen to make detailed notes.

After the latest attack, Luke and his crew became exceedingly alert and didn't dare to let their guard down for even a single second.

"Pearson, coat everyone's clothes with No.9 toxin. Hurry up, don't just stand there," Luke instructed; he was making preparations for the next potential ambush.

Time ticked by as the group continued their exploration. The creatures from the ground continued to harass them from time to time but each attack became less effective as the humans adapted to their tactics.

That night, they divided into two groups, one rested and the other ate voraciously.

As Luke devoured the meat chunks within the can, his right hand slid under the woman's shirt to knead her mounds.

The woman, adorned with a gold nose ring, seemed unfazed by Luke's actions and devoured her food just like the others. In addition, her previously severed hand had reattached itself somehow.

Even as an experienced explorer, Charles couldn't fathom how she had managed to do something like that.

"It seems like there's another layer beneath this island. However, what's down there can't possibly kill the previous explorers. They must have encountered something else but I just don't understand why those things haven't appeared yet," Luke said to his crew.

"Boss, it's probably because we don't have our brains so their attacks can't work on us. That's why they can't even be bothered to come out," one of the men suggested.

Luke let out a snort. "I'm not that optimistic. If we face an unsolvable problem, I'll activate the Reversal Pendulum. All of you need to be prepared."

Hearing this, the crew members swallowed their food and nodded with grave expressions.

"The lucky guy who found the darkness has already received his reward from the governors. He's now on his way back to the seascape to claim his three islands. Guys, keep your game up! We're next!"

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