Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 612: Stomach

Naturally, Paiper couldn't do it. If it had that kind of strength, that thing earlier wouldn't have been able to kill two of its underlings.

"No matter what, we are better at harnessing a Divinity's power compared to you. Handing that mouse over to us is the best course of action," Paiper persuaded, seemingly unwilling to give up.

"Are you referring to your special technology that allows crossbreeding of species or that Divinity's corpse in your possession?

"I don't think those things will be of much use in this situation. Each of you individually might be formidable, but your numbers are far too lacking compared to humans."

Paiper's form started to gradually turn transparent as it appeared to be preparing to leave. With a trace of evident annoyance in its voice, it said, "I've heard that you were detestable, and now I can see why."

"That's not all to it. I need detailed intelligence on what's there up there so that we have enough clues for our next exploration," Charles demanded.

"Let's talk about it after your return to the fortress. I'll pass all the relevant information to the Explorers Association upon my return. It will be available to anyone who needs it." As soon as Paiper's last words fell, its figure completely disappeared from Charles' view.

Charles' brows furrowed as he reflected on everything that had transpired after encountering Paiper. He was thinking about how to make use of the Haikors to his advantage and what role could those beings play in exploring the surface.

Though he had dismissed their abilities earlier, Charles remained keenly interested in the value of the Haikors' demigods, especially since they had a Divinity's corpse in their possession.

Moreover, those beings had played a crucial role in the birth of Sparkle between him and Anna.

Their abilities could indeed be of great use, but the most ideal scenario would be for them to integrate their powers with the resources at his own Relic Research Institute. Then, they could formulate a strategy to enhance the overall strength of all explorers.

Just then, a sudden, intense pain struck Charles in the abdomen, disrupting his train of thought. He winced and headed toward the hatch.

But before he could take more than a couple of steps, he staggered and collapsed onto the deck. As his consciousness faded out, the last thing he saw was Bandages running out of the cockpit.

When Charles finally opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a bed within the infirmary. Nearby, Linda was using a syringe to feed water to Lily.

"You're awake? Refrain from using that relic too often. Its side effects are too severe. Because of it, part of your stomach has necrotized, and I had to remove that section,” Linda explained.

Charles pulled back the blanket and looked down at the scar that ran across his abdomen. "Which relic doesn't have severe side effects? This won't affect my strength, will it?"

Earlier, he had been so focused on Lily's injuries that he had forgotten about his own.

"Honestly, your condition isn't ideal. Even after your wound heals, your stomach's functionality will remain significantly reduced. You'll need to abstain from food that is hard to digest or food that can irritate your stomach.

"Also, your stomach capacity will be smaller, and you'll have to eat smaller meals but in more frequent intervals from now on," Linda answered.

Charles nodded. "Understood. These are all minor issues."

"Mr. Charles! That isn't a minor issue!" Lily interjected. "You won't be able to eat a lot of delicious food from now on!"

Charles smiled at Lily, who was on the bed next to him.

Lily was all wrapped up like a little mummy mouse at the moment.

Gently patting her on the head, Charles asked, "You're already feeling better?"

Lily's fur remained grayish-white instead of returning to its usual golden hue, but she seemed to be in a better condition than before.

Lily shook her head in response. "It's not that, Mr. Charles. You've actually been unconscious for a few days."

"I've been out for that long?" Charles was stunned.

"To allow your body to heal as much as possible, I administered some medication so that your body would be able to take the proper break it needed," Linda explained.

Just then, a blaring ship's horn sounded from outside. Charles threw back the covers, walked to the window, and drew the curtains open.

A grand procession of exploration ships and floating airships were moving out of the pitstop and heading out into the distance.

Clearly, the Explorers Association had mobilized upon receiving the news.


"Go join the factory and contribute for the sake of everyone," Bandages' mother, Elena, said with a sigh to her younger son and daughter. They were just at that delicate stage in life where they were transcending from childhood to adolescence.

Compared to their previous luxurious abode, their current place of residence was extremely simple, and ordinary candles were the only source of illumination.

However, it was unavoidable; the island's land was shrinking, and livable space was becoming scarce.

To house more people, the spacious opulent buildings in the island's heart had been repurposed, and having a room to oneself was considered a luxury.

"Mommy, did you call us here just to say this? But didn't they say that the families of explorers are exempted from factory work?" Elena's daughter asked.

Elena shook her head. The wrinkles on her weathered face showed signs of hardship over all this time.

"I know," Elena began. "But you must go. Everyone is giving their all to save the seascape, and we can't be exceptions.

"The work we do at the factories will ultimately benefit Weister. The more we contribute, the sooner he will be able to return.

"And not just you two, I will go as well," Elena concluded. A firm resolute light shone in her eyes.

Before her two children could persuade her out of it, a calm voice sounded from the doorway. "Madam, we already have enough manpower at the factories."

Elena lifted her gaze to see James standing at the entrance in his police uniform.

"Ah, Chief. Please come in and have a seat," Elena approached the man with a welcoming smile.

James entered the room with a smile. "I was just passing by and thought I'd check in. Is everything alright at home?"

"With nothing to do, everything is just alright. I'm bored to death every day, and I just want to help out at the factories," Elena replied.

James frantically waved his hands, "If Bandages learned that I allowed his mother to work as a laborer in the factories, he would come after me."

Elena frowned slightly, feeling upset about James' reaction. "Chief, are you implying that I'm useless? Back where we were still on the docks at Whereto, I raised three kids all by myself. I can handle any kind of work!"

In the face of Elena's determined request, James wanted to throw the towel. He didn't want to upset her, but he also didn't want to actually send her to work at any factory.

"Since everything's fine here, I'll be going. I need to check on the other crew members' families as well," James said as he swiftly moved toward the door.

"Wait, Chief, have you received any updates about Weister? Has he returned yet?" Elena asked, the traces of concern evident in her tone.

"Uh… not yet. But don't worry. As soon as Captain and the crew return to the Colossal Hole Fortress, I'll inform you immediately," James reassured before swiftly leaving the residential area like he was escaping from a monster.

The moment he was back in his car, James let out a weary sigh. His face was painted with fatigue. As the ever-rising sea levels submerged more land, problems were beginning to surface.

Although he had faith in Charles and believed that he and the Narwhale crew would bring back the darkness, many people were losing hope.

According to the intelligence from his spies hidden among the populace, the denizens were starting to waver. The seeds of doubt in them weren't something that could be easily suppressed or eradicated through military control or propaganda.

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