Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 498. Night Dialogues

Chapter 498. Night Dialogues

The airships clung close to the cavernous ceiling as Charles and his forces advanced toward their destination. Suddenly, Charles snapped awake upon hearing a loud bang. Lying underneath the spider-silk blanket, he gasped for air as cold sweat drenched his forehead.

"What's wrong? Is your head hurting again?" A delicate, soft hand reached out from beneath the blankets to gently pat Charles' chest.

Swallowing dry saliva, Charles grabbed the hand and squeezed it lightly. "It's nothing. Just a nightmare."

Anna scooted closer. "Since it's a nightmare, don't dwell on it too much. We'll be arriving at our destination in another six hours. You'll be home soon. Once we are back on the surface, what are your plans? Do you plan to continue your studies or go back to work?"

Charles stared blankly at the ceiling. "I have no time to think of those. I'm more worried about what the Light God will do upon reaching the surface. He had killed so many in the Subterranean Sea in just one move. How many out of the six billion plus people on the surface would perish because of him? That was what my nightmare was all about."

Anna patted Charles soothingly on the chest. "You don't have to worry about the Light God. He wouldn't do something so lame. The humans on the surface will be just fine."

Charles turned onto his side and looked at Anna in the dark. "How are you so sure? He surely has His own purpose for heading to the surface. It's probably pandemonium up there now."

"Think about it. The Light God is the collective will of the Foundation's seven highest commanders. Considering their style of doing things, their operations usually come with a clear motive. And indiscriminately killing humans isn't their style."

"Then what about all of those who died in the Subterranean Sea? Are those countless lives not considered humans? Perhaps from the moment the GK Council ascended to become a Divinity, they ceased to be considered human," Charles retorted.

"I'm not just making wild theories here. I have my sources." Anna then lifted her right hand, which transformed into a tentacle. It then darted out to pull a book with a yellow cover from the bookshelf on the wall.

Anna then extended another tentacle and drew back the curtain. Sunlight flooded into the cabin and illuminated the title of the book in Charles' view: The New Testament.

"This is the Divine Light Order's religious text?" Charles asked in puzzlement.

"Mmhmm, have a read of its contents." Anna then curled up closer into Charles arms and flipped to the first page.

As her tentacle slid over a particular line, the content immediately caught Charles' attention.

Thou shalt have no other gods before the Light God, for he who worships any other shall be consigned to everlasting punishment.

Thy soul, thy flash and thy bones belong to the Great One, the ancient ruler who reigneth over all things with His omnipotent power.

His throne is established upon the waters; yet now its location remaineth a mystery, serving as a test unto thee, that it may be revealed who among you is superior in their endeavors.

The Light God is merciful. Upon the day of His advent, He will bestow upon His brethren life everlasting and shall guide them unto the Land of Light, where joy and tranquility persist through the eons.

Charles grabbed Anna's tentacle to stop her from flipping the pages. "Why are we reading this absurd propaganda nonsense? They are all gibberish designed to cement the faith of the Light God's followers."

Anna gently shook her head, her soft hair brushing against Charles's chest.

"No," Anna retorted. "Think about the actions of the Light God and the Pope. Perhaps they don't value human lives but one truth is undeniable: they never lie."

Charles' eyes narrowed slightly as he mused over Anna's words and read through the earlier passages once more.

"Do you get it yet? Consider the Foundation's principals where their main goal is to serve humanity, the deeds of the Light God and also the Pope's questions about the cosmos," Anna continued. The corners of her lips curled up into a smile as she looked up and gazed at Charles' chin.

"Do you mean to say that the Light God wishes to leave Earth?" Charles voiced the theory that came to his mind.

"It's not that simple," Anna said with a chuckle. "Don't forget. He took nearly millions of his followers after He broke out of His seal. The Light God believes that Earth is beyond salvation, so he plans to take all His followers as seeds, journey to another solar system and rekindle human civilization.

"Your previous speculations had all been off the mark. The 'Land of Light' the Divine Light Order followers speak of isn't referring to the surface world. In the eyes of the Light God, with the multitude of Divinities in the subterranean realm, the surface world is not anywhere safer. That's why He has set His sights on another planet for resettlement. That's what He meant by the 'Land of Light.'"

Anna then pushed the book, The New Testament, into Charles; hands. "Have a read. Read it thoroughly. His plan is laid out as clear as day in it."

Charles accepted the yellow-covered book and flipped through the pages, one by one, carefully reading and dissecting the cryptics, zealous passages for their underlying meaning. After three hours, he finally finished reading the last page of The New Testament. He closed the book and looked toward Anna with a grave expression.

"You are right. That's indeed a highly plausible theory," Charles remarked.

A smile surfaced on Anna's visage as she snuggled closer to Charles' chest. "That's why, I said there's no need to worry. The Light God won't target the humans living on the surface. No matter which perspective you look at it, He wouldn't do such a thing."

Charles' anxious heart became slightly at ease. As long as the Light God wouldn't be taking any actions on the humans on the surface, no disaster would befall them. Unlike the denizens of the Subterranean Sea, those on the surface grew up living under the sun.

"Don't be so tense," Anna remarked and pushed Charles back onto the bed playfully. "You should learn how to relax when it's time to relax."

"Anna, I'm not in the mood right now. We're reaching the exit soon; I want to head to the deck and have a look," Charles protested as he propped himself back up.

Anna's eyebrows twitched slightly. She quickly straddled his chest and gazed down at him with a hint of allure.

"Gao Zhiming," Anna cooed. "You don't have the right to refuse on this matter."

The curtains were drawn shut again, plummeting the cabin into darkness. However, with his night vision, Charles could see everything as clear and sharp as day.

Time passed by quickly and soon several hours flew by. It wasn't until the airship captain came knocking on the door that Charles realized that they had reached the island that housed 010.

Having changed into a fresh set of clothes, Charles and Anna stepped onto the airship's bridge.

A beautiful island, bathed in warm sunlight, entered their vision. It was the island that they had visited before—the one with the time loop.

However, a hint of astonishment flashed across Charles' face as he took in the sight. It was indeed the same island as before, yet the vibrant, multicolored time bubble that was characteristic of 010 was gone.

Where did 010 go? Did the Light God scare it away, or has He captured 010?

However, Charles didn't dwell long on this question. Because something else had caught his attention. On the rock layer overhead, the metal door that had been tightly shut was now open.

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