Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 491. Returning Home

Chapter 491. Returning Home

Lily stealthily hid in the corner of the corridor and tried to pick up any distant sounds from the room. A hint of unease appeared on her furry face.

What are they talking about? Can Monster Sister really cheer Mr. Charles up?

As Lily debated whether to edge closer to eavesdrop, she felt a sensation akin to a stiff brush stroking forcefully against her fur. Startled, she whirled around in surprise to see a large, fluffy face looming before her—the very creature was licking her affectionately.

"Ah! Blackie! I can't believe you still recognize me after all this time! This is wonderful!" Lily exclaimed and joyfully lunged toward the black cat.


Blackie was one of the two cats Lily had adopted and cared for just before her death. It had been a kitten then but had grown considerably and was now a plump feline hardly resembling its former tiny self.

After a heartwarming moment of affection between both of them, an excited Lily leaped onto Blackie's neck. She gently stroked its smooth black fur with her tiny paws and instructed, "Let's go. We haven't seen each other for a long while. Let's go out to play."

The chubby, black cat seemed to comprehend Lily's words immediately and dashed toward the Governor Mansion's main gates with Lily on its back.

Soon enough, the mouse and cat duo found themselves on the bustling streets of Hope Island. During Lily's absence, the island had undergone a radical transformation. Walking through the island now felt like strolling down the mechanical streets of the Albion Isles.

There were cameras as big as bricks, colossal radios shouldered by passersby, and civilians sporting gear and steel prosthetics. It felt like machines and mechanical technology had been integrated into the daily lives of the islanders.

However, what truly astonished Lily was the item she saw in the middle of a gathered crowd: a television.

The screen was monochrome and appeared somewhat low-definition. Its bulky rear could even house an adult. Despite all these "flaws," its functionality mirrored precisely that of the television she had seen on Charles' phone.

The wonders of the surface world were gradually being replicated on Hope Island.

While Lily gazed in amazement at the device, a chubby little hand reached out toward her.

Blackie's fur bristled in defense as it brandished his claws and teeth, ready to attack.

Hearing the commotion, Lily turned around and spotted a green-haired young boy with snot dripping from his nose. The young boy hastily retracted his hand in fear.

"I know you! You're Mr. Feuerbach's son, aren't you? What's your name again?" Lily asked.

"Just call him 'Snot'. That's what everyone calls him around here." A lazy voice that sounded familiar rang out from behind her.

Lily turned around and spotted Feuerbach. The former second mate of the Narwhale was leisurely munching on something elongated in his grasp.

"Ah! Mr. Feuerbach! Long time no see!" Lily chirped as she looked up at his approaching figure.

With a gentle smile on his countenance, Feuerbach half-squatted and tenderly patted Lily's small head.

"You've actually come back to life. I thought James was lying to me," Feuerbach remarked with evident amazement in his voice.

"Yes! I'm alive again! I'm really happy about it. I really missed all of you," Lily responded, her voice bubbling with joy and her face lighting up with a sweet smile.

"Welcome home, Lily. But I have a question. Have you developed a liking for metallic hues?" Feuerbach asked as he ran his fingers through her that now shimmered with a golden sheen.

Lily shook her head. "No, my fur turned this color on its own when I was resurrected. I didn't dye it."

"You didn't? This looks good anyway. Shiny and adorable."

As the two conversed, Lily's eyes soon drifted onto the mysterious object in Feuerbach's hand.

"What's that in your hand? I've never seen it before. Is it tasty?" Lily asked.

Feuerbach extended the slender white object in his hand toward Lily and said, "Have a bite. It's the core of a banana tree. I'm the first one to invent this delicacy."

Lily eyed the "food" skeptically and asked, "You can eat banana trees? Isn't that like chewing on wood?"

Despite her doubt, she nibbled on the piece. The crunch of the banana core filled her mouth, and as she chewed, the sticky, white sap stretched into long threads.

"This thing isn't sweet at all. And it's so sticky... Why would anyone want to eat this?"

Feuerbach took the banana core back from Lily and bit off a chunk before saying, "Though it's not the tastiest, it's an additional food source for Hope Island. Think of how many bananas we grow yearly and how much core we can collect. This is essentially free food. If we sell it to other islands, think of the potential mon—"

At that, Feuerbach stopped speaking, and his smile froze. After a moment, a forced smile reappeared on his face.

"So Lily, how did you come back to life? Did the Captain use some special method?"

Lily shook her head and answered, "I don't know. When I came around, I was already lying in Mr. Charles' arms."

"Then do you know what the Captain encountered at sea this time?"

Again, Lily shook her head. "I asked Mr. Charles, but he didn't answer me. He seems to be in a bad mood lately, so I didn't press further."

Just then, a puzzled expression crossed Lily's face as she looked at Feuerbach.

"By the way, Mr. Feuerbach, why weren't you on the Narwhale?"

Letting out a sigh, Feuerbach replied, "I was injured, and it was rather serious. The Captain had me stay on the island to heal.

"Look at this scar on my belly," Feuerbach said as he lifted his shirt to reveal the grotesque scar left behind by Charles' stabbing.

"Woah... That's a really long scar. It must have been painful."

"What's a little pain? By the way, is the captain still at the Governor's Mansion?"

Lily nodded affirmatively. "Yes, he is, but he's very upset and down. Monster Sister is comforting him, so we shouldn't disturb them."

"Alright. I understand. Do visit my place if you have time. My son seems to like you," Feuerbach said before turning to leave. The moment he turned away from Lily, the radiant expression on his face twisted into a cold look.

"Goodbye, Mr. Feuerbach!" Lily waved toward Feuerbach's retreating back view.

After bidding farewell to Feuerbach, Lily continued her journey on Blackie. As they wandered down the streets, the new snacks lining the shelves of the stalls caught her attention. She wanted to try them, but unfortunately, she hadn't brought any money with her and could only gaze at them longingly.

Eventually, they arrived at the cemetery. She pondered for a brief moment before hopping down from Blackie and entering the place.

"Doctor Grandpa, good afternoon!" Lily called out as she stood before Laesto's grave.

"Doctor Grandpa, I managed to come back to life. Maybe you can, too!

"Wait for me to find a way; I promise to bring you back to life. How does that sound?"

Lily then continued her one-way conversation with Laesto's gravestone before she moved to the neighboring gravesite with Blackie.

The warm sunlight cast slanted beams across the mound. Green grass and delicate yellow flowers had begun to flourish on the soil. It was Lily's own final resting place.

The sight of the wax dolls and dried flowers in front of her tombstone brought a sweet smile to her furry face.

"There are so many things left for me. It seems like I am loved by many people. I'm so happy."

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