Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 37

Episode 37. Endless Express (6)


A high, monotonous mechanical sound echoed through the control room.

But no one was idle to pay attention to the sound of the machine.

“Confirmation of 200 km forward energy shift. Presumed to be a polyp based on the shape of the waveform. Groups of 20 or more individuals move in groups.”

“Captured the cry of a wyvern 50 km ahead. A alpha type. Presumed to belong to the chief.”

“Turn in the opposite direction of the group of drakes approaching 70km from the train.”

Dozens of monitors were attached to one wall of the control room.

What the monitors were showing varied.

Pie or bar graphs inside and outside the train. And even voice waveforms.

Numerous agents in the control room were busy watching the monitors.

The fragmentary information displayed on the monitor was collected and rearranged to turn it into valuable information.


A man burst through the control room door.

A nervous man with a cigarette in his mouth and a purple uniform half undone.

It was Salomon Arcraptor, the chief intelligence officer of the control room and the son of train designer Benjamin Arcraptor.

Even when a man with enormous power appeared on the train, the agents did not show much reaction.

Salomon didn’t mind either.

Salomon approached the controller and asked.

“What is the situation?”

“Not good. Based on current observations, compared to ‘Dragon’s Nest’ in August of the year before last, the life response increased more than 10 times. Of these, 70% are clustered around the railroad tracks.”

Salomon wrinkled his nose.

A cloud of smoke came out with his exhalation, but neither Salomon nor the controller cared.

“Did you notify the tin can?”

“That’s right. After the return of the 1st Battalion Commander, the Acutrus Regimental Commander and the 3rd Battalion Commander received written reports directly.”

“Did you collect the supplies well this time? Battle rations for the aging front compartment wheels and cans of bumper replacements. It’s all there.”

“Successfully retrieved. but… … .”

For the first time, the control room manager’s face was pensive.


“The quantity or quality of supplies is below target.”

“Write it, whoa.”

Salomon blew out smoke once more.

“Are these local resources drying up too?”

“It’s still fine. There are not many cities left untouched.”

“It’s not okay. Those cities are far away. It costs a lot and the return is small.”

The world of Endless Express has suddenly entered an ice age.

The source does not know.

Everything in the world froze in an instant, including countries, cities, and villages.

It is safe to say that it was destruction.

The only thing left in this world is a huge train and the few people on it. And because there were only monsters who survived the cold.

The resources the Guardians were looking for were coming from frozen cities.

Various daily necessities, luxury goods, and various materials.

In particular, the materials to reinforce the train could not be made with the current facilities inside the train.

So far there have been no problems.

The train’s routes lay through some of the world’s wealthiest cities, and most of the materials were ‘preserved’ thanks to the Ice Age.

However, the barn that was not filled was to be emptied someday.

‘And that one day is now.’

Salomon dispelled his thoughts and asked the controller.

“What is Untara?”

“No action yet.”

“What about the tin can? Do you have a solution? Resources are scarce, so can you catch all those lizards?”

“Isn’t it always the same? If necessary, ‘him’ will step out.”

“Oh, ‘He.’”

Salomon chuckled.

corps commander. True Dragon Sword (斬龍劍) Rescue.

The highest asymmetric force on the Guardian side, with no one to deal with except for the engineer’s highest peak ‘train designer’ and the ‘engineer’ who drives the train.

“It will be convenient that way. An old man whose teeth will soon fall out shakes his ass whenever he has a chance.”

“If you hear it from over there, you’ll hit the bell.”

“That’s what I’m talking about here.”

The controller nodded his head expressionlessly.

Although Salomon was rough in speech and conduct, he was not a bad person.

Rather, more than anyone else, he was a man who worked for humanity by making trains.

Woo woo.

Salomon Arcraptor’s eyes flashed.

“Give your opinions to the tin cans.”

“I will listen.”

“While the old man is holding his ass, let’s make raw fish from those lizards and use it as a resource. If you refuse, use the supplies you just received as an excuse to push through.”

Opinion that the Guardian’s staff will refute if they hear it, saying that they don’t know the scene so much, so don’t talk nonsense.

Instead of answering, the control room manager lowered his head.

Salomon quickly left the control room.

“Oh right.”

Salomon, who was about to open the door and leave, stopped and turned around.

“Do you have any more business?”

“The ‘those’ that came in this time. How are you?”

“You mean ‘them’?”

The control chief gestured to one of the agents to accept the report.

“Average power is no different from usual. However, a few possess conspicuous force. The discovery is relatively recent, so there is little data gathered.”

“force. About how much?”

“There are three people worth noting, but compared to the historical specimens observed, I estimate two superlatives and one superlative.”

Salomon laughed as he chewed on the filter-only cigarette.

“You can use them too.”


After completing simple training, Taeyang and Ran were assigned to the ‘leading defense battalion’.

-The results are beyond expectations.

“It’s worth the effort.”

Leading defensive battalion.

It shared a lodging with the 3rd Battalion, but administratively it was a battalion under direct control of the regiment.

It was also an elite unit that had half the number of soldiers than other battalions and was rated 1.5 times more powerful.

The lead defense battalion was the unit to deal with monsters rushing towards the engine room in the frontmost compartment of the train.

The sun glistened in his eyes.

‘As the mission is a mission, it’s very close to the engine room. As far as the eye can see.’

If things go wrong, it is a position where you can try to force yourself into the engine room.

Of course, such an option was to be avoided.

The engine room was the most important location in this large train.

It was also heavily protected.

The Endless Express natives had a lot of strong players that were difficult for players to deal with.

The corps commander’s train designer was almost superhuman, and the regimental commander’s CIO (Chief Information Officer) was also very powerful.

Even the relatively frequent battalion commander level personnel had at least the skills of a well-solved ranker level.

-know? I think the battalion commander is worthy of being held, and the regiment commander rank is worth doing if you are the one you are now. But those two asymmetric powers must never be touched.

In the first place, the Endless Express stage was designed to reach the ‘engine room’ at least once by gaining trust rather than confronting the natives.

‘If you do everything you’re told, they’ll eventually let you see it.’

“the youngest.”


Taeyang quickly approached the senior guardian’s gesture.

“It will be difficult to adapt, but it moves right away. I have prepared the equipment you need to bring. This is only happening once today. In the future, you will take care of it.”

“Is it out?”

“okay. I will do a lot in the future. Our unit is one of the busiest on the train.”

“Thank you for caring me.”

Taeyang received the equipment armament from the senior guardian.

At best, it was just a piece of equipment worn over the uniform.

“I really feel sorry for this guy. Why did you transfer to a place like this?”

“Are you going to be able to hold on anyway? I don’t even have time to educate myself these days… … . If possible, I would die right away.”

“I heard the 1st battalion commander assured me?”

The leading garrison battalion was organized into two companies.

The 1st Company made up of male Guardians.

And the 2nd company made up of female guardians.

Normally, they would have moved in shifts, but these days there were so many raids that one company couldn’t cover them.

Even so, the tail compartment was at the level where dragon monsters were often seen, but the leader was already on the verge of entering the ‘dragon nest’.

The senior guardian asked while passing through the columns of the 2nd company on the other side.

“What’s your relationship with him?”



The sun answered dryly.

Other seniors booed.

“It wouldn’t have been.”

“Isn’t it? Rumors are out, man.”

“What rumors are you talking about?”

The Guardians laughed silently.

At that time, the vanguard battalion commander in black uniform appeared accompanied by two company commanders.

“Are you ready to go?”


All the guardians of the 1st and 2nd companies quickly formed formations as if they had never laughed and chatted.

Then he took out the air injection device from his coat of arms and put it on.

“It’s full. In case of emergency, use this to return. It’s your spare life.”


Ran on the other side also seemed to be hearing the same story from the senior.

Ran shook his head, saying he didn’t need the device.

After all, he’s a guy who can ride the wind and fly.

The commander of the vanguard defense battalion gave a briefing on the situation with a firm expression.

“Untara did not move, but 7 white wyverns, his blood relatives, were found.”

“White Wyvern!”

“There will be about 3 or 40 of them.”

“The fact that they moved doesn’t mean that Untara actually started acting?”

The Guardians murmured.

White Wyvern.

When they hatched, they were the chief wyverns who were born bigger and stronger under the influence of the white dragon Untara’s mana.

“Those damn lizards are flying, so it’s hard for us to catch up and kill them. Therefore, we have to defend on the front row.”

The guardians began chewing on the anti-cold pills.

The sun also chewed along.

“Three goals. 1st goal. Train wreck protection. Second goal. Slaughter the White Wyvern. Third goal. When a wyvern is killed, the body is retrieved. From now on, all personnel will move under the leadership of each company commander. inrush!”

“Did you hear me wrong?”

“Retrieve the body?”

“Do you really do that?”

The soldiers groaned.

The two company commanders swung their arms, ignoring the soldiers’ reaction.


1st company and 2nd company.

A round circle appeared under each of the two groups.


“Space movement magic circle. It is moved to the roof of the leading column. Stay alert. If you don’t, you’ll fall under the train… … peel!”

As soon as the senior guardian’s words fell, a strong snowstorm hit the sun.


It became a warp.

The senior guardian shouted to the sun.

“You don’t move separately, just guard this magic circle! If damaged, the entire 1st company will be in trouble! One needs someone to protect!”

“it’s okay.”

“Shut up and do as you say! Protest is a summary judgment!”

After speaking, the senior guardian jumped out.

-Hahaha You despise Yoon Taeyang like this.

-Yes. Ah haha I could kill them all if I wanted to!

-I don’t think so.

-agreed. I can’t catch anything that flies.

-But what if there is a ran?

It was a word that was considerate of Taeyang, a newcomer.

One way or another, on top of the train. There was no way to get inside if the magic circle was damaged.

Turning around, it seemed that Ran had been assigned the same role.

“Hmm, I don’t like it.”

The sun furrowed its nose.

He might be able to skip one battle while sucking on honey, but what Taeyang needed was a major that stood out.

It was to quickly gain trust and clear the stage.

The clearing rate for this stage was too low, so there was too little information released.

Since we had achieved good results so far, we decided to take a break for about one stage.

‘Even if it’s not like that, I have to run amok to lose the rewards or achievements.’

While Taeyang pondered whether he should ignore the order and run, the lead defense battalion skillfully defended.

Three or four wyverns who fell out in a short time.

His skill was clearly superior to that of the Guardians of the 1st Battalion.

‘They were spearing behind a meat shield.’

In particular, high-ranking officers such as battalion commanders and company commanders directly participated in the battle.

The magic that hit the right place with a huge sword was effectively suppressing the war situation.

-Is it going to end like this?

“You don’t think anything will change if I run from here?”

-right. I’m glad I didn’t get treated like trash.

It was then.


The air around them was freezing cold.


Ran, who was sitting in the magic circle of the 2nd company, jumped up.

“The wind has stopped.”

Finally, Ran came running to Taeyang.

“sun! The wind has stopped! No, the wind is frozen! This is unbelievable… … .”

“… … That’s not what’s important.”

The wind has stopped.

And that wasn’t all.

The sun pointed ahead.

Ran’s eyes followed the sun’s fingers.

Then he inhaled and held his breath.

Guardians belonging to the leading defense battalion screamed.

“Rescue! Call the rescuer!”

“It’s mana frozen! The communication device is not functioning!”

“shit! You know the emergency scroll! Bring it!”

“Scrolling doesn’t work either!”


Its large wings swayed gracefully through the air.

The pure white scales covering the wings are spotless and clear.

“… … White Dragon Untara.”

Crow la la la la la la la la la la!

A predator at the top of a world-wide food chain roared.

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