Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 82: I’ll take some for my father!

Chapter 82: I’ll take some for my father!

Xu Zhi constantly had to deal with all sorts of trivial tasks due to the sandbox.

Now that all sorts of players are gathering, and many secret research centers are trying to get their agents into a beta test, his current plan for dealing with them was: Show restraint and deny them entry for now.

Even the smaller sandbox could be considered a miniature world!

If he gave them a sandbox and let them develop civilization inside, theyd be able to do one hundred years worth of scientific research in just a day. After 30 days in reality, theyd be 3000 years ahead of other nations in terms of scientific development. This would seriously affect the power balance of the entire world.

It was understandable why everyone was so frantic!

This was already a real other-world!

Therefore, Xu Zhi couldnt allow them to enter. At least, not for a while!

At this moment, Grantham did not know that he had boarded the express train.

Countless big-shots from various research centers were assisting him behind the scenes in order to gather more data. Even with his credentials, it would be difficult for him to meet these big-shots under normal circumstances.

He was quite ecstatic at the moment.

"The online community is really filled with crouching tigers and hidden dragons. These guys are even better than some of the experts that I know!" He smiled and continued typing his post.

Future Skywhale: "Everyone, the armor is ready, so the next step should be to depart, right? There are two routes to the secret vault. Which one do you think I should pick? By the way, my mass purchases of alchemical materials may have attracted attention, and they should know that Im alive by now!"

A screenshot with a detailed map of the mountain range was posted.

"So this is the Alto Mountain Range?"

"There are so many Arrah beasts. They look quite fierce in these screenshots!"

"Amazing! Such a beautiful mountain range! There are so many species and plants living here; if this was the average online game, then these monsters alone would be enough for me to level grind for three years!"

"Well indeed need to consider the route."

The players immediately began to cross-examine the map, and another big-shot stepped forward to start a brain-storming session. After consulting many advisors, he picked the most suitable route, which was a long winding route through extremely difficult terrain.

After a few more minutes

Future Skywhale: "? Youve really saved my pitiful life! After advancing for ten days inside, I noticed an amazing fire erupting in the distance, where the other route through the mountain range was. That was probably an ambush, right? Luckily, I didnt go that way. You guys have saved me by picking this route!"




Countless netizens found themselves in awe.

Grantham was relying on them after all. Besides shamelessly begging for sympathy, he has also been quite generous with his screenshots.

Future Skywhale: "The route you guys chose is full of difficult terrain, along with many springs and waterfalls, right? I secretly took a few photos while Ermin was bathing, but she immediately caught me and chased me out."

Screenshots (three total)

These were low-definition photos of a beauty bathing in an ordinary hot spring. The images were hazy, but you could still vaguely see Ermins divinely beautiful figure half submerged in the spring water.

By now, everyone has become Ermins fan. She was a strong, beautiful, and kind girl with an outstanding personality.

Ermin was the real protagonist of this difficult journey.

Grantham, who had been reduced to a seriously injured and aging Slime, was now a pitiful weakling. He had been weakened to the level of a beginner First Level Wizard, and was only responsible for communicating with the outside Internet and acting as a commander.

The aloof and beautiful Ermin was the real protagonist of this adventure. She was far more beautiful than any anime heroine, and her fans used her gorgeous screenshots as their wallpapers.

Hands Off: "Bro, that was very inappropriate of you. How dare you sneakily take pictures of my goddess bathing! ?! ?! And why didnt you take more? ?"

Cerebral Bluff: "Im licking my screen right now. Everyone come! I have a goddess bathwater here. It's a life-giving elixir! One sip per person, no more! (?)"

Akinas Speedster: "Then Ill take a sip for my aging father! (?)"

I Love Learning: "Hah! You disgusting men! (?) Even though Im a girl, Ive also become her fan. During this journey, Ive seen how righteous, honest and passionate she is. Shell not leave a single companion behind and even wants to save Charlotte who defected from the Academy. This makes me think of Naruto passionately chasing after Sasuke If after your comeback, you dont designate Ermin as the next monarch, we fans will make you pay!"

Cute Girl who wants to evolve into a Dragon: "How shocking! Ermin has been picked as the next monarch behind the scenes! Is this corruption, or bribery?"


When Xu Zhi saw this, he smiled and continued to drink his tea.

The netizens continued their lively discussion online. The end of this comeback journey may seem very distant, but it shouldnt take much longer. He could wait.

The aging emperor Grantham had embarked on a difficult journey with Ermin as his protector. Together, they must overcome countless hardships and dangers.

For the sake of their beloved goddess Ermin, the players outside frantically exerted themselves to help her defeat all pursuing enemies and turn the impossible into reality.

The Kingdom of Babylon, year 529.

The great Emperor of Alchemy has been assassinated. No one knew if he was still alive and the Three Kingdoms fell into chaos. The various Magic Academies were in turmoil, and the coming Dark Age loomed ominously over the entire land.

The culprits who caused all this, an organization full of Legendary Sixth Level Mages, were very shocked at this moment. Their pursuit efforts had all failed.

"Theyve escaped again! That ambush was supposed to be foolproof!"

"It's like they can see the future, and even know what were thinking."

"As expected of the Emperor of Alchemy, the living legend whos comparable to the King of Heroes who dared to defy God in ancient Sumerian myths Even when alone, wounded and dying, hes making us feel as if were up against the wisdom of countless sages"

"How can there be such a perfect all-rounder in this world? How is he such a competent and all-knowing polymath?"

The mages from various Magic Schools, the ruler of the Beastmen Kingdom, and the Rose Saviors didnt know what to feel at the moment.

Although they held an absolute advantage, and had pursued Grantham with overwhelming strength, they were beginning to feel very uneasy.

An hour has passed since Grantham last posted, and five or six years have gone by in the Magic World.

Another year or so had been spent on the run.

The rebel schools were getting desperate, and it was getting more and more difficult for Ermins party to escape.

Theyve traveled a long way. In order to keep their enemies from knowing their destination, they picked the longest and most complicated route possible, and what should have been a short journey had taken them six long years.

Their fearsome opponents had pushed them to the brink of death countless times, but in the end, they've broken through all obstacles and have finally arrived at their destination. Granthams secret vault was just ahead.

"Weve finally made it here alive."

Following the players instructions, Grantham began to brew the "Potion of Genetic Expansion" in the small vault.

After months of failure and wasting countless ingredients, he finally succeeded thanks to the help of countless medical students.

Future Skywhale: "Guys, I am going to take the medicine you made now. This is the moment of truth. Follow my livestream!"

(Screenshot of the Potion of Genetic Expansion)

The picture showed a potion straight out of a fantasy game. In a crystalline bottle, a hazy liquid the color of blood emitted a soft and mysterious white light.

"We've finally arrived at this moment?"

"We are about to create history! The Emperor of Alchemy who got attacked due to his old age has created a second gene or should I say, the Magic Worlds Potion of Genetic Expansion? Grantham has broken an immutable iron law of the Magic World! He has two bloodlines now and will live a second life!!"

"Hahaha! Grantham has brought alchemy out of the long night!"

"Hahahaha! Hes the peerless man who's grasped hold of heaven! You fools think you can slander the great Emperor of Alchemy, harm him, bully him, and humiliate him in his old age? But hes broken the law of this world and will live a second life! It's the Return of the King!"

I Love Learning: "You overexcited chuunis are in the wrong channel (?)"

Although they were joking around in their posts, they couldn't conceal their worry.

After all, this game was too realistic. Success was never guaranteed.

Everyone was anxious in the forum. In the past hour, they felt as if they had been transported into a movie to take part in an intense and exciting chase through another world. The flesh and blood people inside have truly moved them, which was why they couldn't afford to fail here and have all their efforts be in vain.

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