She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 284: 284: My baby girl is going to be abducted!

Chapter 284: 284: My baby girl is going to be abducted!

Xue Jinghao never expected that a person with such a beautiful back would actually have an indescribable face.

Obviously a man.

But wear women's clothes and heavy makeup.

Like a flower.

Finding that he had recognized the wrong person, Xue Jinghao immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I've recognized the wrong person."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Jinghao turned around and left.

Wait! A hand suddenly grabbed Xue Jinghaos shoulder.

Xue Jinghao turned around and asked, "Are you okay?"

The other party squinted his eyes and looked at Xue Jinghao, "Tell me, do you want to strike up a conversation with me and add me on WeChat?"

? ? ?

What is this weird thing?

Xue Jinghao was just about to shake his head and deny it when he found that the other person's eyes were full of threats. It was clear that if Xue Jinghao didn't admit that he wanted to chat up via WeChat, he would kill himself directly.

Xue Jinghao swallowed his throat and turned to look at Lu Ye aside.

He hoped that his third brother could come to save him.

But Lu Ye just ignored his look.

With no choice but to do so, Xue Jinghao had no choice but to nod, "Yes, I miss you on WeChat."

The other party was then satisfied and loosened Xue Jinghao's collar, "Since you want to add me on WeChat, why don't you call me beauty?"

Xue Jinghao:? ? ?

Who can save him?

Call me beauty! the other party said immediately.

After saying this, he waved his fist.

Xue Jinghao pursed his lips, and finally surrendered to the opponent's fist, "Beauty, beauty."

The other party nodded with satisfaction, "Take out your phone."

Xue Jinghao took out his mobile phone tremblingly.

The other party called up the WeChat QR code and said, Scan me.

Xue Jinghao shook his hands and started scanning the code.


The sound of successful WeChat code scanning could be heard in the air.

After successfully adding WeChat, the other party looked at Xue Jinghao and said, "My name is Ma Tian. People who know me call me Xiao Tiantian. Please remember to note Xiao Tiantian for me."

Xue Jinghao felt like he was going to vomit, but he had to nod.

I have to leave first, see you later, little brother~ Before the other party left, he did not forget to blow a kiss to Xue Jinghao.

Xue Jinghao: "." Does disgusting a dead person count as murder?

Sometimes he really wants to call the police!

After the opponent's back was completely invisible in the air, Xue Jinghao dared to run to Lu Ye, "Third brother, why didn't you save me just now?"

Lu Ye lit up a cigarette, "Who made you blind and admit the wrong person?"

The current meaning is: deserve it.

Xue Jinghao continued: "Third brother, how did you tell that it didn't belong to Sister Lin?"

The back of that perverted man just now really looks like Lin Wu.

particularly similar.

Its the kind of look that even your biological mother cant tell apart.

Is this the power of love?

Lu Ye glanced at him and said in a low tone, "I'm not blind."

At first glance, the back of the person just now did look like Lin Wu.

But you can see it if you look carefully.

The two cannot be compared at all.

If Lin Wu is the plum blossom blooming in Linghan, that person is not even a branch.

Xue Jinghao: "."

He shouldnt talk too much and scold him.

The two of them continued to stroll around the night market. Xue Jinghao continued: "Third brother, I heard that there is a Pian'er soup diagonally opposite that tastes very good. How about we go and try it? Anyway, we are here."

Lu Ye didnt say anything, his gaze fell not far away.

Xue Jinghao followed Lu Ye's gaze in confusion, "Third brother, what are you looking at?"

Do you think that looks like her? Lu Ye said calmly.

Not far away, several young girls were picking out ingredients around an oden stall.

From Lu Yes perspective, they can just see their backs.

In early winter in Beijing, the temperature is already very low.

Lu Yes eyes immediately locked on a figure wearing an off-white coat and a khaki beret.

Although he is wearing a loose coat, he still cannot hide his perfect body proportions.


Who? Xue Jinghao didnt react for a moment.

Sister Lin. Lu Ye replied.

Xue Jinghao then looked over again, "The figure in the hat does look like her, but it's probably not that coincidental, right?"

"It must be her this time," Lu Ye continued, "Go and shout."

Im not going! Xue Jinghao refused directly.

Xue Jinghao, who has already suffered a loss once, naturally cannot be fooled again.

He must stay awake at all times.

Seeing that he refused to go, Lu Ye no longer forced himself and stepped forward.

Getting closer.

Lu Ye was even more certain that this person was her.

Mr. K, who has never cared about his external image, stretched out his hands to straighten his clothes, then took out his mobile phone and turned on the selfie mode to take a look at the current situation.


Hair style is not messy.

The complexion is also very good.

Very suitable for greeting.

But Lu Ye did not call anyone directly. Instead, he opened WeChat and said, "Look back."

Lin Wu happened to be playing with her mobile phone when she saw Lu Yes WeChat message and looked back in confusion.

This look.

The corners of his mouth immediately revealed a beautiful curve, "Old iron!"

Although she had known Lu Yes name for a long time, Lin Wu still called him Lao Tie out of habit.

Lu Ye smiled and said, "What a coincidence."

Lin Wu said: "It's quite a coincidence. Just now you sent me photos of night markets. I thought all night markets across the country look the same, but I didn't expect that we are actually in the same place."

Seeing this scene, Xue Jinghao was stunned.

It turns out that fate is really so wonderful.

He recognized the wrong person just a second ago.

The next second I appeared in the night market.

Xue Jinghao immediately ran over to say hello, "Sister Lin, it turns out it's really you!"

Xue Liu is here too! Lin Wu was a little surprised.

Xue Jinghao nodded, "Third brother and I came to the capital for a small mission."

Lin Wu continued: "By the way, let me introduce to you, these are my college roommates. These are Wang Shengnan, Li Ziting, Liu Meizhi, Zhou Yue and Zhao Sisi."

Zhao Sisi frowned without trace.

Lin Wu What does this mean?

Why should she be introduced last?

Deliberately targeting her?

She had already seen that Lin Wu, a wealthy young lady, would not be friends with ordinary people like them.

Perhaps what I did tonight was just to entertain them.

After finishing her words, Lin Wu added: "They are my good friends, Lu Ye and Xue Jinghao."

At first glance, these two people are not ordinary people.

Especially Lu Ye!

Although he was not wearing any clothes or accessories with logos, he exuded an aura exclusive to successful people.

What's more, Lin Wu was originally from a wealthy family, and her friends were also from wealthy families.

Thinking of this, several roommates were a little cautious.

Mr. Lu, Mr. Xue.

Zhao Sisi looked at Lu Ye and felt that this man was somewhat familiar.

She seems to have seen it somewhere.

Soon, she remembered her cousin Ou Dinglans blind date.

Ou Tinglan was born well, so her family introduced many blind dates, but Zhao Sisi could remember only a few of them successfully.

The only one is Lu Ye.

This man has no ability but is very good-looking.

At that time, when Ou Tinglan was on a blind date with Lu Ye, Zhao Sisi was actually there.

But because the Ou family had a small status in Qingshi, her cousin's family looked down upon them. Therefore, Zhao Sisi just watched from a distance that day as Ou Tinglan humiliated Lu Ye severely.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wu actually knew such a friend.

To confirm whether he recognized the wrong person, Zhao Sisi looked at Lu Ye and then said: "Mr. Lu, do you have a repair shop in Qingshi?"

Yes. Lu Ye nodded slightly.

Its actually him!

Zhao Sisi was surprised.

She didnt understand how a girl as powerful as Lin Wu could make friends with a person like Lu Ye who had nothing in common.

What is Lin Wu planning?

Or is it that Lin Wu doesnt know Lu Yes true identity?

Thats right when you think about it.

For a man with such aura as Lu Ye, most people would think that he has an extraordinary status.

Since Lin Wu doesnt know.

Then she'd better not talk too much.

She was looking forward to seeing Lin Wu learn Lu Ye's true identity.

Hearing this, Xue Jinghao smiled and said: "This classmate, do you know my third brother?"

Zhao Sisi shook her head, "I don't know him, I just think he looks familiar."

Xue Jinghao didnt ask any more questions, but looked at Lin Wu, Sister Lin, where are you going after eating the oden?

Lin Wu said: "They go back to the dormitory, and I go home."

Xue Jinghao suggested: "We finally met, why don't you invite your roommates to have a drink?"

Lin Wu nodded slightly, "I can do it, it depends on their opinions."

There is no access control to the dormitory on Sunday night.

Zhao Sisi didnt want to have anything to do with Lin Wu. She smiled and said, I wont go. I have other things to do when I go back to the dormitory.

Lin Wu is not a good person. Lu Ye is not even a good person if he uses a false identity to deceive people.

Wait, then.

Sooner or later, these two people will fall over.

As soon as Zhao Sisi finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Wang Shengnan was speechless.

Zhao Sisi's hostility is too obvious.

Fortunately, Lin Wu didn't take it to heart.

Wang Shengnan looked away from Zhao Sisi and continued: "Sister Lin, forget it if Zhao Sisi doesn't go. How about we go? I heard that there is a bar near here with a very good atmosphere."

Several other roommates nodded, "Yes, yes, let's go to that place to clear it, shall we?"

In fact, they have wanted to go to Qingqing Bar for a long time. Although Qingqing Bar has a good atmosphere, it is still a bar after all, so they usually just think about it and no one dares to actually go there.

Several roommates all want to go to the bar, so naturally Lin Wu can't let them down.

Half an hour later, everyone came to Qingba.

Lin Wu has a pretty good drinking capacity. She sat at the bar and asked the bartender for a glass of Long Island ice tea.

Several roommates were already swaying in the middle of the dance floor.

However, the dance in a clear bar is much gentler than that in a normal bar.

Lin Wu drank a glass of Long Island ice tea and felt it was a bit unstimulating. Just when she was about to reach out to the bartender for another drink, a handsome hand suddenly handed over a glass of warm milk.

Children, dont drink too much.

Lin Wu picked up the cup handed over by Lu Ye, a little surprised, "The bar still sells milk?"

Lu Ye nodded slightly, "Yeah."

But who comes to the bar to drink milk? Lin Wu raised her eyebrows slightly.

Have a drink and enjoy yourself. You have just drank a glass of Long Island ice tea. This mixed cocktail has a very strong staying power. Warm milk warms the stomach and relieves hangovers. It is very suitable for you now.

Lin Wu tried to take a sip of milk.


The taste isnt that bad either.

Xue Jinghao was a frequent visitor to the bar, and he quickly heated up the atmosphere in the bar. Several of Lin Wus roommates also liked him very much.

At this moment, Xue Jinghaos cell phone rang.

It was Shi Wenli who called.

Xue Jinghao immediately found a quiet place to answer the phone, "Hey, Lao Shi, what's the matter?"

Shi Wenli's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Is the boss with you? Why is his phone not being answered?"

Xue Jinghao smiled and said, "Lao Shi, you may not believe it. Do you know where the third brother is now?"

"Where is it?" Shi Wenli frowned slightly, "It can't be Country P, right?"

"I'm afraid you will never be able to guess where the third brother is."

Lu Ye has a slight mysophobia and is afraid of noise, so he never goes to bars, dance halls, KTV and other entertainment venues.

Shi Wenli continued: "I have something urgent to do with the boss, so don't show off."

The third brother is busy chasing the third sister-in-law! You have to wait even if there is a big emergency.

Shi Wenli:? ? ?

You dont have a fever, right? Shi Wenli asked next.

He doesnt understand other people.

But Lu Ye absolutely understood.

With Lu Yes unruly character, how could he pursue someone?

Xue Jinghao did not explain, and continued: "There is another more explosive thing."

What? Shi Wenli asked.

Xue Jinghao continued: "The third brother is at the bar now, and our future third sister-in-law is sitting next to him."


Shi Wenli can confirm that Xue Jinghao must have a fever.

Either you drank too much.

After all, everyone started talking nonsense.

Thinking of this, Shi Wenli hung up the phone directly.

It wasnt until 10:30 in the evening that Lin Wu left the bar and returned to Tangs house.

As soon as Lin Wu got out of the car, Fang Youling, who was waiting for her outside the door, took a coat and put it on her body, "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold," Lin Wu wrapped her coat tightly and looked at Fang Youling, "Grandma, it's so late, why don't you go to bed?"

Fang Youling smiled and said, "I can't sleep."

It was either that she couldn't sleep, or that her granddaughter had promised to come back at night, but she still couldn't be seen. Fang Youling was particularly worried.

I am worried that my granddaughter will be like my daughter more than 30 years ago.

Once bitten, twice shy.

The incident with her daughter left a big shadow in Fang Youling's heart.

Occasionally when she dreamed back at midnight, she was still trapped in the strange dream that she could not find her daughter.

When Lin Wu walked to the hall, she realized that Mr. Tang was not asleep either.

Seeing Lin Wu, Mr. Tang immediately put down the chess pieces in his hand and said excitedly: "Xiao Wu is back! Come and help grandpa see how to solve this broken chess game."

Fang Youling was speechless, "What time is it and you ask Xiao Wu to solve the endgame for you? Xiao Wu, ignore him! Let's go to bed."

Lin Wu smiled and said: "It's okay, it can be solved in a few minutes anyway."

Mr. Tang said proudly: "As expected of me, Tang Shaowei's granddaughter, she is a chess genius!"

The endgame that others couldnt solve in a day can be solved in Lin Wus case in a few minutes.

Mr. Tang immediately took out his mobile phone to film Lin Wus process of solving the endgame!

He will have to show off a lot tomorrow.

Half an hour later, Lin Wu returned to the room and started washing.

Just after taking a shower and preparing to close the window and go to sleep, Lin Wu suddenly discovered that it was snowing outside, and goose-feather snowflakes were fluttering under the street lights.

After a while, the road turned into snow white.

She stretched out her hand to pick up a snowflake, and the warmth in her palm quickly melted the snowflake.

Lin Wu took out her mobile phone, took a photo of the flying snowflakes in the direction of the street light, and sent it to the small group of four people, [Babys, its snowing! [Picture jpg]]

Qiao Ran was the first to reply: [Oh shit, its really fake!

Miao Yajing: [[Picture jpg] Ahhh! It's really snowing.

Their children living in southern cities, like Lin Wu, saw snow for the first time.

After exiting the group chat, Lin Wu was about to send a photo of the snow scene to Lu Ye.

Only then did she realize that Lu Ye had already taken a photo of her ten minutes ago.

This years first snow. [Picture jpg]]

Lin Wu replied: [I saw it too.

Lu Ye replied instantly: [Arent you asleep yet?


Looking at the snowy scene in front of her, Lin Wu suddenly remembered a TV series, and then replied: [I heard that roasted sweet potatoes go best with the first snow.

Its a pity that its already midnight.

Otherwise, she had to try.

This time Lu Ye did not reply immediately.

Approximately half an hour later, Lu Ye sent another message, [Have you slept?

Lin Wu: Not yet.

Seeing snowflakes for the first time in her life, Lin Wu was so excited that she couldn't sleep at all.

Although she didn't know what she was excited about.

But I am very excited.

Then you go downstairs.

What are you going downstairs for? Lin Wu replied.

Lu Ye took a photo and sent it. The man's bony hands were holding roasted sweet potatoes.

The background is thick snowflakes.

Lin Wu was very surprised, [Dont say you are at my door now?

Congratulations, Miss Lin, you got the answer right. The reward is a roasted sweet potato.

Three minutes, I'll be down right away.

Remember to wear more clothes. ] Lu Ye then replied.

Lin Wu randomly found a long down jacket from the cabinet and put it on, then put on thick snow boots, and then went downstairs.

Lin Wu ran all the way and walked out of the gate of Tang's house. She saw a man in a black trench coat standing under the street lamp.

He is tall and slender, and the dim light of the street lamp falls on him, giving him an indescribable sense of dignity.

Youre really here.

Lu Ye nodded slightly, "Yeah."

After he finished speaking, he took out a roasted sweet potato that was still steaming from his arms.

Lin Wu took the roasted sweet potato and said, "It's so late. Where did you buy the roasted sweet potato?"

"There are some for sale on the roadside." Lu Ye said in a calm tone, as if he was talking about a very simple thing.

Thank you. Lin Wu lowered her head and took a bite of the roasted sweet potato.

Very sweet, very soft, very waxy.

Heart-warming and stomach-warming.

Her heart became faster at this moment. It is always easy to be impulsive at night. Lin Wu looked up at the man standing in front of her and said seriously, "Lu Ye."


Lin Wu continued: "I decided to give you a chance."

Also give herself a chance.

Be a common man, greedy for money and lustful.

What opportunity? Lu Ye was stunned for a moment.

You dont need it, forget it. Lin Wu turned around and left.

Looking at her back, Lu Ye realized something and immediately ran after her, holding her hand. "You need it, I need it very much. Don't leave."

Ouyang family.

Ouyang Yi was working on documents in the study room. At this moment, he sneezed inexplicably.

Ouyang Yi rubbed his nose, it was really strange.

Are you going to catch a cold?

Thinking of this, Ouyang Yi looked at the assistant beside him and said, "Go and make a bowl of **** soup." (End of chapter)

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