Seven Sins System

Chapter 86: We Will Become Corpses Before We Turn Into A Warrior

Chapter 86: We Will Become Corpses Before We Turn Into A Warrior

Seven Sins System Chapter 86. We Will Become Corpses Before We Turn Into A Warrior

What Evie said was true. I found the trio queuing at the counter and almost ordering coffee when I arrived at the cafeteria. I didn't say a word and only gave them my death glare, it was enough to get them back to the training arena in a rush. Of course, after they apologized to me.

After that, we started our training again.

As for Julia, she said that my team reasoned that they wanted to go to the toilet before starting another round. But it turned out they ran away without her permission. Unfortunately, she couldn't catch them up either since she had to keep an eye on her team.

Another hour had passed and our training was over. The trio lay on the floor in exhaustion due to the intense battle. Evie and Claire also sat on the floor for the same reason. Their sweat dripped down their face and body. Their uniforms were damp from it.

"Do you…hah-hah- want to kill us?" said Barry breathlessly. His voice sounded like a whine.

"I don't think I can move a muscle anymore," Darren sobbed, begging for my mercy.

"You aren't a doctor. You are hah-hah- a monster," Ion added in the same tone.

"Ha! He's not a monster. But a heartless monster!" Barry complained. His sobs sounded between his words.

I simply folded my arms and gave them an annoying smile. Since I was the only one who does the minimum of movement I was still on my feet. There was not a drop of sweat on my forehead.

"It requires a heartless monster to train a good warrior." I used my military training method a little bit as their punishment as well as to prepare them for the upcoming mission.

So instead of one hologram. I made them face monsters that could multiply. I started with a low-level monster and increased the level over time. So if they couldn't beat one in 5 minutes, it would summon another same monster, and so on.

This was my way to train my soldiers. But the difference was that their training was much lighter since they handled it in a team. While my soldiers had to handle it alone. Not to mention, my realm's monsters were much stronger.

"We will become corpses before we turn into a good warrior…" Ion whined like a little kid.

"Or hamburger patties." Barry sobbed since the monster almost flattened him before. But I used my barrier to protect him. Well, even without it he was able to dodge. That proved his reflex was getting better.

"You mean grilled meat?" Darren added. Previously, a hologram attacked him with its fire skill. But he could dodge on time.

"Hey, hey! Stop whining. It's better than dying in the real battle," I nagged.

They took a deep breath.

"Yes, sir..." they answered in unison.

"Right. I think that's enough for today." Even though we still had time, I knew they were at their limit. Forcing them to continue would only have a bad effect on their bodies.

Due to my statement, suddenly their strength returned. Spirit filled their bodies. Smiles grew on their faces.

Barry jumped happily, back on his feet as if the previous training was nothing.

"Yes! Yes! We are finished! Woohoo!" said Barry excitedly.

"I'm done here! I want to hit the bathroom and the bed," whined Ion. He looked grateful that his torturous training was over.

"And I want to 'hit' my girlfriend. I hope she's not on her period," Darren said shamelessly. A lecherous smile graced his face.

It made Claire and Evie cringe.

Noticing their reactions, he replaced his smile with the awkward one.

"Just pretend you didn't hear it. I'm too tired to argue," he continued.

"I thought you said you couldn't move a muscle anymore," I reminded him.

"For training, no. But for a date, I'm ready anytime," Darren replied. His smile didn't change.

"It was a booty call, not a date," blurted Claire, glaring at him.

"Sounds the same to me. So…" Darren shrugged nonchalantly. "Heh." It was a sign he didn't care about it.

"Just remember the academy's rules, okay?" I reminded him.

"You also need to remember it, doc," Ion reversed my question and pointed at Julia with his gaze before he returned it to me.

"Don't worry. I remember it. I don't think Miss Katrina can find a replacement mentor to handle you guys," I replied with an annoying smile.

Which was followed by an orchestra complaint from the boys.

"I'm just kidding. No more complaints, okay? See you tomorrow," I closed the training session and they disbanded.

Unlike those who immediately went to the changing room, I chose to sit on the bench and packed my bag. My eyes fell on Fiona, watching how she moved. Since the arena was empty today, I was thinking of coaching her here after her main practice was over.


Around 10 minutes later, the bell rang. After closing the training, Julia and her team went to the bench.

I approached them.

"Do you still have energy?" I asked without further ado.

"Yes," Fiona replied.

"Mind for a short training session? I have other things to do tonight," I had to make a longer call to the Shadow Realm or investigate the summoning formation a little longer.

"Sure," she answered.

"Mind for some audiences? My team member is also a bit curious about your training," asked Julia.

"I don't mind," I replied.

"Thank you." After Julia's reply, she and the others sat down on the bench. While Fiona and I walked to the center of the arena. This time, I decided to give Fiona easy training. Something related to her team since all her team members were here.

We stopped our steps and stood face to face.

"Today I will train you about how to support your team," I said.


Author note:

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