Seven Sins System

Chapter 81: Why Here?

Chapter 81: Why Here?

Seven Sins System Chapter 81. Why Here?

"Evie, do you know who's the author?" I asked before she answered a word. My eyes focused on her.

"That's just my guess," answered Evie quickly.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Miss Aria is a professional paladin. If she's in love with you, she just has to say it. Fanfic is for someone who is not sure that she can get her idol. That's why I'm not sure she is the author," she quickly reasoned. Faintly, I could catch the panic on her face.

I looked straight into her eyes, observing every change in her expression.

"Who do you think the author was?" I cornered her.

She shifted her gaze to the other direction nervously.

"I don't know. I think it's someone who loves you so much. But it's not me for sure," she denied it.

It convinced me that she was the author.

"He never said it was you," Claire chimed in. A frown on her forehead. I was sure she had the same thoughts as me. Her suspicion was clear in her eyes.

Quickly, Evie turned to Claire.

"Just saying in case you guys think it's me," she added.

I wanted to ask more, but a tap on my shoulder stopped me.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" said Barry who stood beside me with his typical cheerful tone. His elbow hung on my shoulder casually.

"Are you guys talking about Miss Aria and Dr. Allen?" guessed Ion who was on my other side.

"Or maybe you guys are talking about me? And asked for Dr. Allen's advice?" Darren flashed a dazzling smile at the girls.

"Just a reminder. I already have a girlfriend, so don't expect too much from me," he added confidently.

It made Claire and Evie cringe. While I and the boys looked at him with a flat stare.

The smile on Darren's face faded.

"What? I'm just kidding. A bit of narcissism won't hurt you, ya know," he said awkwardly.

"Yeah, right. But I think you should fix that," Claire complained.

Darren frowned.

"Hey. I'm handsome and I know it. So the bit of flexing should be fine, right?" His confident chuckle followed it. He poked his elbow at Ion who was standing next to him.

"Right?" He demanded Ion's support. He chuckled between his words.

But Ion was still giving him a flat stare.

So Darren turned to Barry. His chuckles faded.

"Right?" he repeated.

Barry answered with a shake of his head from side to side and a dry smile.

"Oh okay..." Darren said in a grimmer tone. His confidence disappeared in an instant.

Realizing this was going to be a stupid talk, I clapped my hands once, breaking our unuseful conversation.

"Okay, the break is over. We should continue our training now," I said.

After those words left my mouth, an announcement on the red box popped out in front of me.

[Anomaly power detected.]

[Estimated: demons]

I froze in shock. Although I was still able to maintain my composure, my expression suddenly changed.

'Why here?' I knew they could appear anywhere, but why here of all the places?

The others immediately noticed the change in my expression.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Claire worriedly. I had never shown that expression before so I could understand her curiosity.

I put my hand on my stomach and grimaced.

"I suddenly have a stomach ache. Just start the training without me," I blurted out my random excuses before I turned and left without waiting for their answer. If I used my Shadow Space here, I would magically disappear in their eyes. So at least I had to find a quiet place before I used it.

"Are you going to take number 2? Or get some medicine in the infirmary?" asked Barry loudly. Claire quickly poked him with her elbow, but he didn't seem to care.

"Number 2," I shouted nonchalantly and turned to Julia.

"Julia, can you keep an eye on them?" I asked without stopping my steps.

They would practice using holograms, it could turn into a disaster if there was no mentor to supervise them. In the worst case, the hologram could kill them. That was the reason why only the mentors and teachers could access the hologram.

Julia, who just defeated her team's hologram, turned to me. Our eyes met each other. From her gaze her question as to what happened was clear.

I answered by moving my mouth without making a sound.


She gasped in shock and also moved her mouth without making a sound.

'I'll come with you.' Quickly she was about to follow me, but I stopped her.

"Help me to keep an eye on my team for a bit, okay?" I shouted.

She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay," she answered in a relatable tone.

After that, I rushed to the exit And walked to the changing room in a hurry. I had to move quickly before the demons realized they were not in their realm and destroy everything around them. Especially since I had to deal with demons. Their temper was worse than angels.

But one thing's for sure, I was pretty sure this wasn't just a coincidence. Indeed what happened on my first mission was a coincidence. But two attacks nearby when I didn't get any clue for the previous 3 months was definitely not something usual.

That meant, what happened in the Whispering Forest had led the attacker to this academy. In other words, he/she had made me his/her target. Or rather the Clourmity Academy since the attacker didn't come directly to me. So he/she should be able to only guess I was one of the members of this place.

Well, this was great news for me. Since I didn't have to bother looking for it anymore. Though I was not sure he/she would leave any clues behind other than a crappy summoning formation. Well, I hope it was clearer this time.

I went into the changing room and closed the door behind me in a rush. After making sure no one was inside, I snapped my fingers.

'Shadow Space.'

Once my black dome covered the academy, I teleported to the rooftop to get a better view of my surroundings. And the next thing I saw made my eyes widen in shock.

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