Seven Sins System

Chapter 297: El And Riri

Chapter 297: El And Riri

Seven Sins System Chapter 297. El And Riri

Those words gave me pause, my heart skipping a beat. "El." The name echoed in my mind, a piece of the puzzle falling into place. If she was referring to me as El, then she was Riri—the person who had been connected to me in a past life, the person who had made that eternal pact with me.

I fell silent. My expression, once playful and elusive, transformed into something colder, more distant. 'So my old friend is my own nemesis,' I thought, a mix of irony and resignation coloring my perception. It was the kind of twist that only life, or perhaps fate, could conjure.

As my thoughts churned, I found myself walking the fine line between emotions. It was a peculiar situation to be in—discovering that the one I had been clashing with, the one who had become my opponent time and time again, was also bound to me by the threads of fate. The irony of it all was not lost on me.

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips, the irony of my situation threading through my thoughts like a sharp undercurrent. I was now left to ponder whether I should be happy or sad about this revelation. It was a surreal realization. What was clear, though, was that this unexpected twist was both a boon and a burden.

I ran a hand through my hair, my gaze distant. On one hand, it meant that neither of us could kill the other without dire consequences—a sort of twisted immunity. On the other hand, it meant that we were tethered together, our destinies irrevocably intertwined.

I leaned against a nearby surface, my thoughts a tangled web of uncertainty and irony. The seven lords of sins were likely going to have a field day with this revelation. I could already imagine their smirks, their amusement at my expense. I would become a laughing stock among them, the devil who had been unwittingly paired with his adversary.

But despite the complexity of it all, I couldn't deny the practicality of the situation. Aria's presence in my life was no longer just a challenge; it was a potential ally, someone who could help me navigate the mysteries that surrounded this mission. It was an ironic turn of events, but it was also a chance to collaborate, to pool our strengths for a common cause.

One question, however, still nagged at the corners of my mind. I turned my gaze back to Aria, my eyes searching hers. 'If you were bound to me, if your feelings for me were this deep,' I thought, 'why did you leave me in the past? Why didn't you stay?' The question hung in the air, a puzzle piece that begged to be solved, a missing link in the chain of our shared history.

Aria's expression shifted from confusion to concern as she frowned, her brows furrowing at the change in my demeanor. "Allen? What's wrong with you?" Her voice was laced with worry, a reflection of the genuine care she held for me.

I hesitated, caught in the crossroads of whether to reveal my identity or keep it hidden. It was a delicate situation, and my heart wavered between honesty and secrecy. After a brief moment of contemplation, I opted for a middle ground. "Are you Riri?" I finally asked, doubt lacing my words, though the answer was already apparent to both of us.

The moment I uttered that name, Aria's lips trembled, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of emotions that spanned relief and vulnerability. "El? Are you really El?" Her voice trembled with vivid emotion, and for a moment, it was as if the floodgates of history had opened between us.

She opened her arms, a gesture that seemed almost like an invitation to embrace her, to reconnect with the past. "El!" She called my childhood name.

But then, I resisted, stepping back and giving her a look of displeasure. The years of uncertainty, the countless times she had stood against me, all of that had built a barrier between us that wasn't so easily overcome. "So, you are really Riri," I stated, the words heavy with accusation. "Why did you betray me?" I questioned, the bitterness of our history coming to the forefront.

Aria's confusion was evident as her brow furrowed in response. "What do you mean?" Her voice held a hint of frustration, her eyes searching mine for an explanation for the accusation I had thrown her way.

I let out a sigh, my anger tempered by the genuine need for answers. "In the past, you left me. Why?" I said, my tone laden with a mix of frustration and longing.

Aria's confusion deepened, her brows furrowing as she tried to make sense of my accusations. "I don't understand. What do you mean?" Her voice held a note of frustration, her attempt to grasp the situation evident in her expression.

The atmosphere had shifted dramatically, the warmth of our earlier interaction replaced by tension and unresolved history. Aria's smile had faded, replaced by obvious confusion as she grappled with the weight of my words and the emotions they carried.

My frustration bubbled to the surface, years of unspoken questions and lingering hurt coming to a head. "You left me," I said, my voice edged with a mix of accusation and pain. The memories of waiting, of hoping for her presence and her betrayal, were wounds that had yet to fully heal. "I waited for you there, but you never came. Why didn't you show up?" I asked, the annoyance in my tone betraying the deeper hurt that lay beneath.

She opened her mouth. "What do you mean?" she began, her voice shaky as if grappling with memories that were as painful for her as they were for me.

I ran a hand through my hair, the frustration of years of unanswered questions surfacing. "You left me waiting, Riri. Do you have any idea what that felt like?" My words held a rawness, a vulnerability that I rarely allowed to surface.

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