Seven Sins System

Chapter 227: The Devil's Favorite Kid I

Chapter 227: The Devil's Favorite Kid I

Seven Sins System Chapter 227. The Devil's Favorite Kid I

The soft, rhythmic sound of objects falling in the dead of night roused me from my peaceful slumber. As I slowly opened my eyes, feeling groggy and disoriented, I saw a shadowy figure standing just a few feet away from the cozy sofa where I had been sleeping.

Slowly, Carl's figure began to take shape in the dimly lit room. His pajamas were still wrapped tightly around his body, and his expression was one of shock and confusion. A baseball bat lay at his feet, evidence of the fear and uncertainty he must have felt upon discovering my presence.

"Oh, morning, Carl," I said nonchalantly, my voice rough and groggy from sleep. I carefully removed the sleeping Rachel from atop me, gently untangling her fingers from my clothes.

"A-Azrael?" he stammered, his eyes wide with disbelief.

I yawned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Yes, it's me. Who else could enter your house without sounding the alarm?" My hands automatically went to my messy hair, even though it wasn't itchy.

"What are you doing here?" Carl asked, his tone still laced with surprise.

"Sleeping, of course," I replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Then, my brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait, that should be my question for you. What did you do to my room?" My voice was tinged with annoyance.

"That's not your room," he said, his own voice growing defensive.

"Right. My former room," I corrected, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Conny needed a place to play and I home-school him to heal his trauma," Carl explained, his eyes pleading for understanding.

"Right," I said, finally understanding the strange pictures and unusual set-up of the room. It all made sense now, especially the reason why Conny had drawn me in one of his pictures.

Carl's gaze shifted to Rachel, who was still sound asleep on the sofa. "Azrael… who is she? Is she still alive? Did you bring a corpse to my house?" His voice was tinged with fear as he pointed an accusatory finger in her direction.

I glanced over at Rachel, taking in her peaceful features before turning back to Carl. "Oh, she's alive. Don't worry about it. She's a student at the academy and since I just fucked her last night, now she's also my succubus." I said it lightly as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

His jaw dropped in shock. "Y-You fucked your student? A mortal?" he stammered, his voice laced with disbelief.

I frowned. "Yeah, so what? It's not like devils don't have sex," I said, feeling slightly defensive.

"That's not the point, but---" Carl's words were cut off by a high-pitched voice that suddenly called out from behind him.

"Brother!" Conny exclaimed happily, his small frame bounding into view.

I turned to Conny, the sight of his smiling face immediately lifting my spirits. His joy was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile back at him. As if sensing my affection, he ran towards me with arms wide open.

Without hesitation, I bent one of my knees and opened my arms to welcome him, a gesture I reserved only for him. He was the only mortal who could make me bend my knees without a fight, and I did it willingly, gladly.

Conny bumped his small body against me and hugged me tightly. I immediately lifted him up and stood tall.

"Hey, little guy! How are you?" I asked, my voice filled with happiness.

"I'm fine. Hehehe!" he replied, his laughter ringing in my ears like music.

I raised him high with my hands, admiring the way he had grown since we last met. "Look how big you are!" I complimented him, proud of his progress. "You have more flesh and blood now."

He laughed happily, his joy infectious. "Yes! I eat a lot!"

Feeling a gaze from my side, I glanced at Carl who was staring at me in horror. Just from his expression, I could already tell what he was thinking. His fear was palpable, and it annoyed me to no end.

My smile faded, replaced by a flat stare. I gave Carl a look that conveyed my irritation and impatience, hoping he would catch the hint.

"I'm not going to eat him," I clarified, bringing Conny into my arms once more.

Conny's voice broke through the silence, drawing my attention toward him. "I miss you so much!" he exclaimed, his eyes bright with happiness and excitement.

"Really?" I asked, feeling a sense of irony that this mortal child could miss a devil like me.

"Did you also miss me?" he asked eagerly, his expression filled with hope.

"Um… Yeah, maybe. That's why I came here," I replied hesitantly. I couldn't bring myself to admit that I missed him, but I wanted to see him nonetheless.

"Yay!" he shouted happily before he threw himself into me, hugging me tightly.

"Are you going to take me for a walk in the park again today?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation. I had taken him for a walk in the park several times when I still lived in the area.

I chuckled at his excitement. "Well, mortal park sounds boring, how about torture park instead?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

But then I felt a gaze from my side, and I turned to see Carl looking at me with a frightened expression. It was as if he knew what I was capable of and feared the worst.

"For my father's sake, Carl. I'm just kidding. I'm not going to take this little mortal to my realm," I said in annoyance, irritated by his unfounded fears.

But instead, it was Conny who spoke up, his voice filled with disappointment and confusion.

"Eh??? Why?" he whined, his eyes pleading with me to take him to my realm.

I couldn't help but smile at his innocence. "Cause your dad wouldn't allow it and the 'White-winged police' would burn me on the stake if I did," I explained to him, trying to keep my tone light. That winged police, of course, were angels.

"Huh?" he looked at me, completely confused by my words.

I sighed, realizing that it was difficult for a mortal child like him to understand the complexities of the supernatural world. "Simply put, I can't take you to my realm even if I want to," I explained, hoping that he would understand.

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