Seven Sins System

Chapter 222: My Personal Toy

Chapter 222: My Personal Toy

Seven Sins System Chapter 222. My Personal Toy

As soon as I decided to help Rachel, all of my lust tentacles retreated back into my body. They slithered away, almost as if they were ashamed of their previous actions. I let out a deep breath, gently put Rachel down on the ground, and released my other tentacles from her body.

Rachel looked at me with a mixture of confusion and relief. Her eyes were wide with uncertainty as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. She was no longer pinned by my tentacles, and her body was free to move as she pleased.

"Why?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

I looked at her with a bored expression and shrugged my shoulders. "You aren't afraid of me," I said in an indifferent tone. "It's boring."

Rachel blinked in surprise, not expecting that kind of response. She took a step back, unsure of what to do next. It seemed like she was trying to process what had just happened and what my words meant.

"Boring?" she repeated, her voice filled with confusion.

I nodded my head. With a faint shimmer of my dark aura, I transformed myself into my human form, taking on the appearance of Dr. Allen. My tentacles, wings, horns, and tails all disappeared, leaving me looking like an ordinary man. My clothes adjusted to fit my new form, and I took a step closer to Rachel. Despite my transformation, my eyes were still fixed on her, observing her every move.

Rachel looked at me with her jaw dropped, and her eyes were wide with surprise. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Dr. Allen?" she said in a stammering voice, pointing at me as if trying to confirm if it was really me.

I let out a sigh, unamused by her reaction. "Yes, it's me," I said in a disappointed tone. "Now you're more shocked with my human form?" I couldn't help but express my dissatisfaction with her continued surprise.

Rachel looked at me with a furrowed brow, seemingly studying me intently. "Are you really Dr. Allen?" she asked in a questioning tone.

I let out a small sigh before answering her. "Yes, Rachel. This is my human form. It's a disguise I use since I need to investigate demon incidents like before," I explained.

Rachel's expression changed from confusion to relief, and then back to uncertainty as she processed the new information. She was silent for a while, perhaps trying to make sense of everything that had just happened.

Finally, she looked up at me with a questioning gaze. "So, does this mean I don't have to pay for the deal anymore?" she asked hesitantly.

I shook my head in response. "No, Rachel," I said firmly. "You still have to pay for it. My appearance doesn't change the terms of our deal."

I took a step closer to Rachel, my eyes narrowing as I focused on her. I reached out and gently lifted her chin with my hand, my fingers wrapping around her delicate jawline. She looked up at me with a mix of confusion and apprehension in her eyes, unsure of what I was going to do.

But I knew exactly what I wanted. Since fear didn't give the reaction I wanted, I would make her feel something else, something she had never felt before due to her bad experience.

"I must admit," I said in a low voice, "at first I wanted to take you by force. But now I've decided to give you a choice." I paused for a moment, looking deep into her eyes, trying to gauge her reaction. "But one thing is for sure," I continued, "once you belong to me, you will only belong to me. I am a possessive devil."

Rachel's expression flickered between confusion, fear, and something else that I couldn't quite place. "What do you mean?" she asked in a soft voice.

"I mean that I don't want you to be a stripper anymore," I said firmly. "Once I take your body, you will no longer have to resort to that kind of work. You will belong to me, and I will take care of you."

Rachel's face flushed as she tried to process the new information. "But what about my needs?" she asked hesitantly, still unsure of what exactly I wanted from her.

I raised an eyebrow at her question. "Wealth is an easy thing for me," I replied coolly, my voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Don't worry about your needs, they will be taken care of." I would return to my realm tomorrow; I could simply give her a piece of my gold. Something enough to meet all her needs.

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" she said in disbelief.

I nodded. "Yes. But you have to understand that once you agree to this deal, there's no going back. You will be mine forever."

Rachel hesitated for a moment, looking deep into my eyes as if searching for something. Finally, she took a deep breath and said, "Okay. I'll do it."

I leaned in closer, my lips just barely grazing the skin of her earlobe as I promised her that it wouldn't hurt. "Just relax," I whispered, my voice low and hypnotic. "I promise it won't hurt."

Rachel's eyes fluttered shut, her body tense as she braced herself for what was to come. But as I gently touched her, she found herself feeling strangely at ease. She couldn't explain it, but there was something about my touch that made her feel safe, even though she knew that I was the devil.

Her body relaxed under my touch, her muscles slowly loosening as she surrendered to me. It was a strange feeling, knowing that I had this power over her, but it was also intoxicating.

I knew that I had to change my approach. Fear had always been my favorite emotion when dealing with mortals, but with Rachel, it was different. She was broken, fragile, and afraid. Destroying her would be easy, but it would be boring. I wanted a challenge, something that would keep me entertained for a while.

So, instead of fear, I would make her crave me. I would make her addicted to me. It would be more interesting than forcing her, and it would give me a sense that she had never felt before. Rachel may have been afraid of me, but I would change that. I would make her see that I was the one thing she truly desired. I would make her my personal toy.

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