Seven Sins System

Chapter 216: Not A Mortal, Not A Demon

Chapter 216: Not A Mortal, Not A Demon

Seven Sins System Chapter 216. Not A Mortal, Not A Demon

'Maybe that's why the mortals are trying to summon demons...' I thought. I couldn't help but ponder their motivations. Perhaps it was their insatiable thirst for power that drove them to such desperate measures. After all, who wouldn't envy the immense power that the demons and angels possessed over them? It was all just speculation on my part, though, as I had no concrete evidence to support my theory.

The fight had been raging on for a full ten minutes now, an unusually long time for someone like me who usually dealt with small fries. My tentacles moved with a speed that matched their ferocity, attacking with all the skill and strength I had honed over the years. Yet, despite my best efforts, they somehow managed to hold their own against me. This was a clear indication of how much their strength had grown since our first encounter.

"Well," I unfolded my arms. "I need to wrap this up," I said.


[Evidence number 9 has been found. Mortals who turned into demons]

I used my teleportation skill, and in an instant, I vanished from sight. When I reappeared, I was standing directly behind them, my tentacles coiled and ready to strike. Their shock was palpable, their mouths hanging open in disbelief. For them, it must have seemed as though I had vanished into thin air, only to materialize out of nowhere, like some kind of spectral apparition.

Without hesitation, my tentacles shot forward, stabbing through the air with deadly precision. They never stood a chance as my appendages pierced their flesh, plunging deep into their bodies with a sickening squelch. With each strike, a burst of crimson blood sprayed forth, painting the surrounding area with a gruesome shade of red.

I targeted their vital organs, aiming for their hearts or their heads, wherever I could inflict the most damage. A second later, they fell before me, their bodies twitching and convulsing as life drained away from them.

Their lifeless bodies lie in twisted, contorted positions, and blood burst forth from their wounds like a geyser, spraying out in every direction. It painted the surrounding area with a sickeningly dark red hue, the metallic scent of it filling the air. It was a brutal sight, but one that I had grown accustomed to.

But there was one exception. Gem.

I stood there, looking down at their lifeless bodies. But then something strange began to happen. Their skin began to shift and change, morphing into a deep, obsidian black. It was as though the darkness of their souls had seeped into their very flesh, tainting it with an otherworldly aura.

As I watched, the transformation grew more and more pronounced, their skin crackling and sizzling as if they were being burned alive, though there was no fire to be seen. It was a side effect of the demonic crystal they had used.

And now, that energy was coursing through their bodies, twisting and distorting them beyond recognition. I knew from experience that this transformation was irreversible, a permanent mark of their dalliance with the dark power.

The fact that nothing happened after killing them showed that they have turned into demons, the agreement did not count them as mortals.

My attention turned to Gem. He was the only one still alive, his body writhing in front of me as he clutched at his stomach, blood oozing from the wound I had inflicted upon him.

Despite the terrible injury he had suffered, however, he did not seem to be in any pain. In fact, he roared at me, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. His claws swung a few inches in front of me. It was as though he had tapped into a well of power that was beyond mortal comprehension, one that had given him the strength to defy even death itself.

Two of my tentacles snaked out and wrapped themselves around his arms, lifting him off the ground and suspending him in mid-air.

Despite his best efforts, his legs flailed wildly as he tried to break free from my grasp. But my tentacles were strong, and they held him fast, their grip unyielding.

Before Gem could do a thing, my other two tentacles snaked out and wrapped themselves around his legs, binding him firmly in place. He struggled against the restraints, his face contorting in anger and frustration.

But it was no use. My tentacles were too strong, too powerful for him to break free from. With a final roar of defiance, he fell silent, his body going limp as he realized the futility of his struggle. I held him there, suspended in mid-air, and could feel the power of the demonic energy coursing through his body.

"Let's see what's on your mind…" I muttered.

With Gem firmly restrained by my tentacles, I brought him closer to me, my eyes fixed on his now twisted and inhuman form. As I looked at him, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. He was no longer human, not entirely, and I was intrigued by the transformation he had undergone.

My eyes were on him. I noticed how he roared and raged like a wild beast, completely consumed by the demonic power that now coursed through his veins. It was a strange sight, one that both repulsed and fascinated me.

So before I could read his thoughts, I decided to conduct a little experiment

"Tean (Friend)?" I asked using the demon language. If he understood this, he was simply just a demon vessel. In other words, this creature was not a mortal named Gem anymore. Gem simply had given his body as a container of a demon.

But he answered me with a roar of anger. It was not a mortal language nor was it the demon language. It was simply a useless shout.

"Tean?" I asked one more time.

But he gave me the same reaction.

"Hmm…" I hummed. "So you are neither a mortal nor a demon. That's really sad…" I muttered.

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