Seven Sins System

Chapter 209: Fierce Night Hunt

Chapter 209: Fierce Night Hunt

Seven Sins System Chapter 209. Fierce Night Hunt

But then, as if answering my prayer, I heard the chime of my phone. Quickly, I reached for the device, my hopes raised by the promise of a message from my dad. Quickly, I unlocked the screen, my eyes scanning the text that lay before me.

Dad: Tomorrow. 12 hours from now, I will summon you back to the shadow realm. I need you to prepare yourself. Bring the phone.

A grin broke out across my face, the joy that I felt almost palpable in the air around me. This was exactly what I needed, a chance to restore my strength, to break the seal that had been holding me back.

"YES!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the empty room like a thunderclap. Without thinking, I jumped up from my chair, my body filled with renewed energy and purpose.

This was my chance, and I was determined to make the most of it. I knew it would not be an easy one, that there would be challenges and obstacles to overcome. But I was ready, more than ready.

Me: Got it!

Then I remembered what my dad said in case I didn't wake up in a long time due to my trial. With a sense of urgency, I reached for my mortal phone. My fingers moved swiftly across the screen, typing out a message.

Me: Miss Katrina, I want to ask permission to leave for three days. My dad is sick and I need to take care of him at the hospital. I will be back around Wednesday.

It was a lie, of course. But I knew that I needed an excuse, something to explain my sudden leave. And this seemed like the best option, a believable story that would keep the mortals from prying too deeply into my affairs.

After I hit send, I waited. I wasn't sure if Katrina would believe me just like that and I needed to make sure that she didn't try to follow me, to find out where I was really going.

Then a reply came through.

Katrina: Why so sudden?

Me: He had an accident and he's in a bad shape, at least I wanted to make sure of his condition and help him to recover as best as I can.

Katrina: All right. Make sure you come back before Wednesday.

Me: Thank you.

I breathed a sigh of relief, my shoulders relaxing slightly. Then I continued it by typing out a quick message to my team, Julia and Fiona, letting them know that I would be leaving for a few days and that they couldn't contact me for the time being.

Then the thought of my servants hit me. 'Ah… I have to feed them first before I go,' I thought. Of course, I meant Claire, Julia, and Evie. They didn't need much energy as long as they didn't fight too much and since Aria was here they couldn't use it freely either.

The thought of leaving them behind filled me with a sense of unease, and I found myself considering taking them with me. After all, they were succubi and should be able to stay in the shadow realm just fine. Plus, I could always ask Lily, Ivy, or even my dad to return them to the mortal realm on Monday in case I hadn't woken up from my trial.

Yeah, it indeed would bother them, but my dad owed me a wine pool so I was sure he wouldn't mind. Like it or not.

So I typed again and sent a message to my servants. I said that I would take them to visit my house and ask them to get ready. I would pick them up 11 hours later.

Then I put my phone in my drawer and put the lamp and the holy water into the bag before I rushed to the door. The funny thing was, I didn't feel anything when I touched the lamp. It was like what I felt before was just my imagination. But I knew it was real and I intended to ask my dad later.

I knew he had a clue for me. But from what I saw earlier, I came to the conclusion that maybe… Dad erased my memory since I fell in love with a succubus. As a devil, I had broken the taboo and a consequence had happened to me because of that.

'I hope... I can find my answer in the shadow realm...' I thought.

When I came out of the academy's gate, the night was dark and still, just the way I liked it. After I slipped off to an alley, I opened my portal and ventured into yesterday's mountains, where the darkness was deepest and the monsters were most dangerous.

The portal crackled and hummed and I stepped through it, and the world around me changed. The familiar surroundings of the city were gone. Now I was in the heart of the mountains, surrounded by towering peaks and dense forests. The night was dark here, the stars barely visible through the canopy of trees. But I didn't need the light to see. My senses were sharpened, and my instincts honed.

I moved through the forest with the grace of a predator, my footsteps silent on the soft ground. I could hear the monsters before I saw them, their growls and snarls echoing through the trees. But they were no match for me. I attacked with ferocity, my tentacles flashing in the moonlight as I cut through the monsters with ease. It didn't matter if they were low or high level; I dispatched them all with deadly precision. And when the last one fell, I didn't hesitate to devour it.

Using my Gluttony tentacles, I consumed the monsters I defeated. With this, I could increase my Gluttony point faster. And so, without hesitation, I tore into the monster's flesh, drying its blood to the last drop, devouring it with a hunger that was both primal and exhilarating.

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