Seven Sins System

Chapter 203: A Goddess Gives Holy Water to A Devil?!

Chapter 203: A Goddess Gives Holy Water to A Devil?!

Seven Sins System Chapter 203. A Goddess Gives Holy Water to A Devil?!

"Allen! I didn't expect to meet you here," the female voice came in cheerfully.

'Oh no…' I thought. I immediately recognized her because she was a person or rather a goddess that I didn't want to meet.

I turned to face her. Aria was standing just a few feet away from me, her long, flowing hair shimmering in the sunlight. She was dressed in a simple white dress that accentuated her curves and made her look ethereal. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself as I forced a smile onto my face. "Hello, Aria," I said, my voice surprisingly steady. "Are you alone?"

Aria approached me with light steps, her movements graceful and effortless. She held out a small paper bag, showing me the contents inside. "I just needed to pick up a few things," she said, her voice soft and friendly. "Some basic spices that I forgot to buy yesterday."

"Ah… I see," I responded naturally. 'Why does a goddess need spice for her food, huh? For taste? So you already have a mortal's tongue now? Or do you just want to see me?' I complained internally.

She stopped near me and turned to Claire who was sitting across from me. "And who is this cute young lady?" she asked politely.

Claire stood up from her chair, her posture was rigid and professional. "I'm team 8's leader, Claire," she said, introducing herself with a firmness that spoke of her academy training. "Nice to meet you, ma'am."

Aria smiled warmly at Claire, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "My name is Aria," she said, her voice soft and musical. "I'm the academy's new mentor, and I will be taking over Mr. Theo's team."

Claire sat down following Aria's orders. While Aria sat beside me, joining us without hesitation as if we invited her.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Aria asked, her voice smooth and silky. "I heard something about a birthday, is that yours?" she directed the question at Claire, her eyes glittering with curiosity.

"No, today is Dr. Allen's," Claire said casually, her tone confident. She knew that we needed a good excuse for being here, and she had come up with one on the spot.

"Oh, today is your birthday?" Aria looked shocked when she heard it and quickly dug into her bag to pull out a small silver-colored flask. She held it out to me with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"For you," she said, offering the potion to me with a wide smile.

I stared at the flask in her hand. The flask that Aria had given me was made of a shimmering silver metal that seemed to gleam in the light. It was small, only a few inches tall, but it had an air of elegance and sophistication about it that hinted at the magic within.

The silver liquid inside was swirling and bubbling, almost as if it were alive. The liquid was a deep shade of silver, almost like liquid mercury, but with a faint iridescence that made it seem almost otherworldly.

"Is that holy water?" I asked, my voice shaking a little as I tried to hide my disgust. 'Why would a goddess give holy water to a devil? Do you think I'm going to use it to summon one of you?!' I complained internally.

Aria's smile widened, and she stepped closer to me, whispering in my ear. "Yes. It's holy water. A special one," she said, her breath warm against my skin. "I blessed it myself. It is very useful for healing, summoning me, and protecting yourself from demons," she added.

Then she distanced her face away from me. "Take it," she said happily. I took it in doubt.

I took the flask from her hand, feeling the weight of it in my palm. It was small, but it felt heavy and hot, almost as if it were filled with something more than just water, but lava.

"Uh, thank you," I said, forcing a smile. I could feel my heart racing as I slipped the flask into my paper bag, eager to put some distance between myself and this strange gift.

"You don't seem to like it. Do you prefer cake?" she asked. "I can buy you one," she offered.

"I think it's enough," I quickly refused since the cake meant I had to be with her a little longer. I did want to find out a lot of information from her, but with three of us like this, I knew it would be pointless. She wouldn't say anything to me in front of Claire.

Then, Aria turned her attention to Claire. "So, Claire, how do you like working with Dr. Allen?" she asked with a friendly smile.

Claire looked a bit surprised by the sudden question, but she quickly composed herself. "Oh, I think he's a great mentor. He's very knowledgeable and patient with us," she answered with a small smile.

Aria nodded thoughtfully. "That's good to hear. So, Allen, what do you have planned for your birthday?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Not much, really. Just a quiet dinner alone," I answered randomly.

Aria raised an eyebrow. "That sounds boring. Don't you want to do something more exciting?"

I shook my head. "I'm not really a party person," I said with a smile.

Aria chuckled. "Well, I suppose everyone has their own preferences. But you should do something special for your birthday. You deserve it."

I wasn't sure if Aria was being sincere or if she had some ulterior motive, but I decided to give her a nod, hoping it would end our conversation faster.

As we finished our drink and headed out of the cafe, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Aria's presence had stirred up something within me, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Her presence was too coincidental. I had a feeling that she had planned this. But because of what? Did she check on me again when I went to Evie's room last night?

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