Seven Sins System

Chapter 198: (Un)peaceful Breakfast

Chapter 198: (Un)peaceful Breakfast

Seven Sins System Chapter 198. (Un)peaceful Breakfast

Around half an hour later, after I took a quick shower, I met them again and went out of the academy with them. The convenience Store was not far from the academy and only opened in the morning till evening. But I just found out that they also sold sandwiches.

As we walked through the streets, we chatted excitedly, our voices blending with the sounds of the city. We talked about everything from the classes to our last mission. We approached the convenience store, I could see the excitement in their eyes. This was a place that they knew well, and they had promised to show me all of their favorite snacks and treats.

We stepped through the doors. I could see rows upon rows of shelves stocked with a lot of types of food and drink. I could see that the trio knew exactly where to go, leading me through the maze of aisles and pointing out their favorite products as we went.

As we made our way deeper into the store, I could see that there were also several small eating areas where customers could sit and enjoy their purchases. The walls were adorned with colorful posters and graffiti art, giving the space a hip, urban feel.

Despite the lively atmosphere, most of the customers seemed to be in a hurry, quickly grabbing their purchases and heading back out into the busy city streets. The store had clearly been designed for convenience, with everything arranged in a way that made it easy for customers to find what they needed and get on with their day.

"I think I will get Slourpi!" Barry's eyes sparkled with excitement as he gazed at the rows of soda machines lined up against the wall. He licked his lips, already anticipating the sweet, fizzy taste of his favorite drink. Without hesitation, he made his way toward the corner of the store, eager to get his hands on a cold can.

Darren, however, was quick to voice his concern. "It's still morning, Barry. You'll have a stomach ache if you drink that now," he cautioned, eyeing his friend warily.

Barry merely shrugged off the warning with a grin. "That only applies to you," he said cheekily, making his way toward the machine. But he suddenly bumped into someone from behind.

"Oops!" he exclaimed, quickly turning around to apologize. But his words died in his throat as he caught sight of the imposing figure that towered over him.

It was a Lizardman. His cold, reptilian eyes bore into Barry's, and the air around them seemed to grow tense with hostility.

"How dare you..." the Lizardman began, his voice low and menacing.

I stepped forward, positioning myself between Barry and the imposing figure of the Lizardman. My eyes met his, and I could sense the tension in the air, like a thick fog that had descended upon us.

"He has apologized," I said, my voice steady and calm. "There's no need to escalate the situation." Yeah, it was Gem, Theo's brother.

Gem's gaze shifted to me, his reptilian eyes appraising me with a cool detachment. "Oh...are they your disciples?" he asked, his voice laced with sarcasm.

I nodded. "Yes, they are," I replied, keeping my tone casual despite the tension that hung in the air.

Gem let out a scoff, his lips curling into a sneer. "Like a mentor, like his disciples, I guess," he said cynically.

I felt a twinge of annoyance at his comment, but I kept my cool. "I'm sorry if he disturbed your morning," I said.

Gem let out a low growl, his nostrils flaring with anger. "It's so unfortunate that I met you here," he spat out before turning his back on us and making his way to the cashier, a loaf of bread in his hand.

I watched as he disappeared into the crowd. As I turned to face the trio, I could see the confusion and concern etched on their faces. "Is that..." Ion's words trailed off as he glanced at me, unsure of what to say.

Without a word, I already knew who he meant. I nodded. "Yeah, It's Theo's Brother. Just ignore him, he is in a bad mood. Worse than me, "I claimed.

After answering me with a nod, we decided to ignore the incident.

We made our way through the food section, taking in the sights and smells of the various goods that were on display. The shelves were lined with all sorts of products, from candies and chips to fresh fruits and vegetables. There were even some exotic items that I had never seen before.

Barry made a beeline for the Slourpi machine, his eyes gleaming with excitement. I watched as he filled his cup to the brim with neon green soda, a wide grin on his face. "This stuff is the best," he exclaimed, taking a long sip.

Darren shook his head in amusement. "You're going to regret that later," he warned, eyeing Barry's drink warily.

I chuckled, knowing that he was right. Slourpi was notorious for its high sugar content and caffeine levels, making it a favorite among students who needed a quick boost of energy.

Meanwhile, Ion and I browsed through the sandwich selection, trying to decide which ones to get. There were so many options to choose from, ranging from classic ham and cheese to more exotic flavors like smoked salmon and avocado.

In the end, I settled for a simple mozzarella sandwich, while Ion opted for a roast beef and cheddar combo. We grabbed some coffee to go with our breakfast, and I also picked up a bottle of tomato juice, my go-to drink.

Once we paid, we found a spot to sit and enjoy our breakfast. We chose a small table facing the window, which gave us a clear view of the street outside. It was a beautiful day, and the sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over everything.

We talked about Gem. And I also decided to explain what happened between me and Aria. I had to clarify this since I didn't want any rumors related to it. I also asked about John or in case they had any information about The Cult.

Unfortunately, they did not have information about that. As for John, they said that he did his activities, as usual, this morning and said he would go on a date with his new girlfriend this afternoon. I bet he just wanted to go to the cult. He shouldn't have a girlfriend. But he suddenly had it after he went to the cult.

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