Seven Sins System

Chapter 192: Real Empath?

Chapter 192: Real Empath?

Seven Sins System Chapter 192. Real Empath?

An hour had passed. Finally, Aria left from the rooftop. I couldn't fathom where she went but I suspected that she decided to expand her search range. A sense of relief washed over me, and I let out a heavy sigh as I shook my head from side to side. My eyes remained fixed on the window, and I was still sitting in my chair.

"What took her so long to change her search area?" I muttered in annoyance.

As the night wore on, I made the decision to postpone my visit to Evie's place until the following morning. Although she had requested my presence earlier, she didn't give me any specific reason for her request. I couldn't help but wonder if she had simply asked me to come so that she could bask in my presence once more. After all, Evie was known for her infatuation with me.

I reached for my phone and had barely unlocked the screen when I noticed a new message waiting for me. My heart quickened as I read the words scrawled across the screen.

Evie: Doc, I really need you. I can't wait until tomorrow morning. Please call me after your business is done.

A frown creased my brow as I considered the urgency of her request. How had she known that I had planned on visiting her the following day? It was almost as though she had read my mind. But no, that was impossible. The message had been sent ten minutes prior, so it couldn't have been a response to any unspoken thoughts on my part.

Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. I quickly composed myself and dialed her number.

The phone rang once, twice, and then...

"Hello?" Her voice was breathless like she had been running or crying.

"Evie, it's me. What's going on?" I asked, my voice urgent.

"I don't know," she said, her words punctuated by ragged gasps for air. "I just... I don't feel right."

My mind raced with possibilities, and my hands shook as I clutched the phone tighter. "What do you mean? Are you hurt?" My voice quavered with panic and confusion, my mind tried to analyze what happened.

"I don't know," she repeated, her voice growing fainter. "I just... I need you to come." Her pain and ragged breath were evident from the tone of her voice.

Without hesitation, I replied, "I'm coming. Stay where you are. I'll be there as soon as I can." My mind raced with worry, my thoughts consumed with the urgency of the situation.

I didn't wait for her response. As soon as I hung up the phone, I used my Teleportation skill.

Questions filled my head. Even though Evie was a lesser succubus, she was a demon. She shouldn't be sick. And I was sure it was not because of Puriel since I should have known if anyone attacked my subordinates. So I was sure this was another thing.

Engulfed in darkness, I disappeared from my room and reappeared in Evie's.

The room was dark, and I could hear nothing but the sound of her labored breathing. I scanned the area, my eyes adjusting to the dim light. And then I saw her lying on the bed, her face pale and her body covered in sweat.

As I approached her and sat on the side of the bed, my heart pounded in my chest. My mind raced with worry and confusion as I watched her writhe in pain on the bed. Before, I thought she wanted to have sex with me, but as I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly, I realized how wrong I was.

Her body was trembling with agony, her face twisted in an expression of pure suffering. I couldn't bear to see her like this.

"What happened?" I asked her, my voice laced with concern. I needed to know what had caused her such distress.

My body reacted instinctively. My six tentacles burst forth from my back, unfurling in a graceful display of power. These were my Pride tentacles, and they immediately slithered towards her, their movements fluid and controlled. I watched intently as they checked her condition, searching for any signs of what had caused her pain.

But there were no irregularities to be found. It wasn't because of her succubus sigil, either.

"I don't know what happened," she said, her voice shaking with confusion and fear. Then she shook her head from side to side. "I don't understand. I don't understand..." she trailed off, her words swallowed up by her torment.

Her sobs wracked her body, and I knew that I needed to do something to ease her pain.

I took her chin and made her look at me. "Calm down," I whispered, my voice gentle yet firm. "Tell me what happened," I demanded of her once again, trying to calm her down.

My eyes locked onto hers, my gaze was intense and unwavering.

And then she spoke, her words tumbling out in a rush of emotion. "Emotions," she sobbed. "I feel a lot of other people's emotions flowing into my head." Again, she shook her head from side to side in frustration. "I can't take it anymore. Please make it stop... Make it stop, doc..." she begged.

It was clearly a sign that she was an empath. But what confused me was that she had previously denied being an empath. I furrowed my brow in confusion, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Wait," I said, interrupting her sobs. "Didn't you say before that you weren't an empath?" I asked in confusion.

"I wasn't. I was not an empath. I didn't lie," she claimed. "But now, I... I don't know," she stammered.

My mind raced with possibilities. Had she been hiding her talent all along? Or it manifested just now?

"Unless..." I muttered to myself. Without thinking, I used my Analyze skill to scan her talent. And what I saw made my eyes widen in shock.

"Level 5 Empath," I whispered, the words barely escaping my lips.

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