Seven Sins System

Chapter 187: Devil Roar

Chapter 187: Devil Roar

Seven Sins System Chapter 187. Devil Roar

As I held the phone to my ear, the cacophony of voices and noise became unbearable. It was as if a million demons were trying to communicate at once and I couldn't make out a single word.

"Uh... guys?" I tried to interject, hoping that at least one of them would hear me and stop the chaos.

But, my efforts were in vain. The only response I received was a barrage of unintelligible noise that seemed to come from all directions. It was like trying to listen to a symphony of discordant instruments, all playing at once and out of tune.

With a heavy sigh, I knew I had to take action. I couldn't risk being caught by Puriel, the Goddess of the light realm who was currently at the academy. The thin demonic energy that connected the two realms was evident in this call, and I feared that she might detect it.

I had already been dealing with Puriel all day and was in no mood for another encounter with her. So, I made a quick decision. "You know. Puriel is here, in this academy so... I will call you later," I said, hoping that they heard me.

This time it was Dad's angry voice that answered me. "Lily!" he snapped.

Spontaneously, I took the phone away from my ear. The phone vibrated in my hand, the sound of my father's voice radiating from it like an angry thunderstorm. His words were a symphony of rage, each syllable striking fear into my heart like a lightning bolt. Despite being in different realms, his power was palpable, a force that could destroy everything in its path with a flick of his wrist.

My hand, which had been steady just moments ago, began to shake uncontrollably as I felt his force. My heart pounded in my chest, the sound echoing in my ears like a war drum. My mind raced, trying to find a way to calm myself down.

Quicky, I reached out with my other hand, gripping my shaking hand in an attempt to steady it. My knuckles turned white with the force of my grip, my teeth grinding together as I struggled to keep my composure. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart and steady my breathing.

'Shit... He said he's weakened yet I can feel his power just from that,' I thought. He was lying about his condition for sure.

And as I expected, that was enough to make Lily hand over the phone to her. He called me. "Azrael!" he called out in his devilish hoarse voice. It was enough to make me look at the phone. My hand trembled again even though I hadn't put the phone to my ear. "Oppss."

Then he cleared his throat. "Azrael, are you there?" he said in his normal voice. It seemed he had already canceled his Devil Roar skill, a skill that could make anyone tremble. Only the king had it.

"You shouldn't be too harsh to Lily," I warned him, knowing full well the impact his voice had on not just me, but everyone within earshot. And I was sure half of that room, wherever they were, was a mess since the roar didn't just work as a mere roar.

"I can't waste my time. You mentioned Puriel right?" he said without further ado.

"Yeah," I said with a huff.

My father didn't waste any time and got straight to the point. "Has Puriel found you yet?" he asked with genuine concern in his tone.

"If you mean whether we have met or not. My answer is yes. I even spent a lot of time with her all day long since I had to show the academy around. If you mean whether she already knows my identity or not, then my answer is no. And I hope she won't find it until I have enough power to kick her ass," I said in a nonchalant tone. An exhale came out of his mouth.

"Good to hear that," he said in relief.

"Do you know a way to speed up the seven sins point except through the quests? I need to break my seal," I asked curiously.

"The seven sins points are a measure of your control over your own emotions and desires, Azrael," he said, his voice low and measured. "It's not something that can be rushed. The best you can do is focus on growing your strength, both physically and mentally. The more you control your emotions, the faster the points will come." It sounded like an expired instruction.

I frowned, feeling a sense of frustration building inside me. I chuckled dryly, letting the sound escape my lips in a wry manner. "You see, the thing is, Puriel is here now. And I don't want to be at her mercy just because this seed has reset my powers. I mean, you're aware of the tumultuous relationship between Puriel and me, aren't you?" I queried, trying to extract the fastest possible way to break the seal from him.

There was a moment of silence, punctuated only by the sound of my father's soft muttering. "True," he finally said, his voice low and contemplative.

"So, do you have any suggestions?" I asked, my voice strained with anxiety. "Is there any way to speed up the seven sins process other than the quests?" I repeated once again.

"There are ways to hasten the process, Azrael," he finally said, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "But they are dangerous, and not for the faint of heart. The trials are meant to be faced and overcome, not to be taken lightly," he warned me.

Another chuckle out of my mouth since he knew I already experienced something worse than that. Yet he still said it as if this was my first time. "Spit it out." My determination set in. "I will face these trials, no matter what they may bring. I have to break this seal, and soon."

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