Seven Sins System

Chapter 177: Lonely Angel III

Chapter 177: Lonely Angel III

Seven Sins System Chapter 177. Lonely Angel III

Due to her emotion, her angelic power began to build within her. It was like a caged animal, trying to break free from its confines. Suddenly, a powerful wind started to swirl around her, picking up debris and leaves from the forest floor and sending them flying. The wind was so strong that it seemed to be a manifestation of Aria's own emotions.

Her hair whipped around her face as she screamed, and the wind continued to grow in intensity. The once calm and peaceful forest was now filled with a maelstrom of energy, a reflection of Aria's own turmoil. She was like a force of nature, fueled by her emotions.

Without a second thought, she unleashed her rage and frustration upon the world, to make it feel the same pain as hers. The pain of losing her only friend. Her power was a tempest, and it raged around her, a whirlwind of emotion and energy. The once peaceful forest was now a place of chaos and destruction, a reflection of Aria's own inner turmoil. It destroyed that place even more.

It was a motherly embrace that finally pulled Aria from the depths of her sorrow. Her mother, the queen of the light realm, with a stern and disapproving look on her face, scolded her for her actions in the mortal realm. Aria's angelic power had caused a scene and left destruction in its wake. It was not only dangerous but also against the angel's rules. With that, she forbade her from ever returning to the mortal realm without her permission.

Aria was lost in her grief and didn't even attempt to defend herself or even complained. For her, the mortal world only reminded her of pain.

Her mother, seeing the pain in her daughter's eyes, softened her tone. She gathered Aria in her arms and held her close, trying to soothe her broken heart. Then she brought her back to the light realm.

It was then that Aria realized that she had brought with her something from the mortal realm, something that she was clutching tightly in her hand - the pendant that was stained with El's blood.

Because of that incident, Aria's hatred for demons, especially nobles, and royals, grew. She believed that one of them was responsible for the massacre, and she was determined to find out who it was and bring them to justice.

Then hundreds of years later, the three realms had been involved in the great war. It was the first time she met the prince of the shadow realm, Azrael. She couldn't forget the coldness of his gaze behind his demon mask and his arrogant demeanor.

In that war, Azrael had massacred countless mortals and even some of Aria's own comrades. That war reminded her of that horrific incident that took El from her.

That incident was the main reason why she hated Azrael so much, more than 'her should-be nemesis', Lust. It was like a raging fire that consumed her every thought, every breath, and every action. She was filled with an intense loathing for him.

But it was not just the great war that fueled Aria's hatred towards Azrael. There was something much more personal and heart-wrenching that had caused her to hold a grudge against that crown prince of the shadow realm.

She believed that it was Azrael who had massacred El and the hunters in the forest, as his demonic power was similar to the demon's energy that she had sensed that fateful day. However, she could not tell her accusations, as she had no proof. But the belief that Azrael was the culprit was enough to fuel her hatred towards him.

"Oh, the bakery is closed," he announced, his halting steps causing her to turn toward the combat doctor by her side. Her gaze lingered on his face as she took in his features. In an instant, the sadness that had been weighing heavy on her heart faded, replaced by a sense of comfort and solace.

With his warm smile, gentle eyes, and comforting presence, she felt a glimmer of hope. She couldn't help but compare him to El.

Aside from their similar faces, there was something about Allen that reminded Aria of El. It was the comfort she felt around him, a comfort she had only ever felt with El. She bet if El had the chance to grow into an adult, he would have become a healer, just like Allen. But life wasn't fair, and El had been taken from her in a brutal massacre.

"Should we check another place?" Aria asked Allen, breaking the silence. "I still need bread for tomorrow's breakfast." Despite her longing for the sweet treats, her voice was laced with sadness as what she wanted was to spend more time with him.

After a moment of contemplation, he finally opened his mouth. "I have an idea," he proclaimed with a hint of excitement in his voice, "There's a diner not too far from here, and I heard that they sell some bread."

"Let's go!" she said in eagerness. Her eyes lit up with delight at the suggestion and she grasped Allen's hand. A warm smile spread across her face, reminiscent of a memory from her past, of a time when she held El's hand.

Allen appeared slightly uncomfortable with the physical contact, but soon a gentle smile graced his own lips as well. "Let's go," he repeated with a soft, kind tone. And with that, they went to the diner.

As they walked, once again she stole a glance at him. This time, her gaze was filled with bitterness as the sadness gripped her heart once again. 'Allen, am I a sinner if I wish you were El?' she thought. She knew it was an empty hope since even if El didn't die back then, no mortal could live hundreds of years like this. Especially since he wasn't a vampire.

Yet… she hoped she could meet with El once again and rebuild what they lost in the past.

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