Seven Sins System

Chapter 145: Unexpected Meeting

Chapter 145: Unexpected Meeting

Seven Sins System Chapter 145. Unexpected Meeting

"They assigned me to accompany Aria to look around the academy?" I said in disbelief. The academy even asked a nurse from the hospital to take over one hour of my shift for this.

"This is weird. You are new here. The academy usually assigns a more senior mentor or teacher to do it, however, Miss Katrina assigns you," she added. Her confusion was clear from the tone of her voice.

It made me think for a while, trying to catch Miss Katrina's point.

"Yes… indeed this is strange. But this makes sense…" I concluded after a while.

"Why?" she asked, frowning.

"I think Katrina wants to create a good relationship between me and Aria. And in the midst of bad rumors between me and Theo, there is nothing better than creating it from the start and bringing us together on the first day," I analyzed. I hate this, but I could understand Miss Katrina's decision. It was the best decision after all the competition between me and Theo.

Julia tapped her index finger on her lower lip and was deep in thought. Her brows furrowed.

"Hmm…" she hummed for a moment. "That makes sense. Aria is a high-level paladin and I'm sure Miss Katrina doesn't want to lose her just like she lost Theo," she analyzed.

I put the schedule on my desk and smiled dryly.

"Yeah. I just hope she doesn't hold any grudge against me," I added. Theo was the only modern paladin I had ever met so I didn't know the paladin characteristics in this modern world. They may have something in common, like their heroic traits, their asshole attitudes, or their annoying pride just because they were meat shields.

In the past, I also hated paladins since their shining armor reminded me of the angels and their endurance which made them able to withstand my attacks. They should be dead fast like the others.

"Not all paladins act like Theo, Azrael," she reminded me in a gentle tone.

I exhaled sharply.

"I know. But after all the bad rumors, who knows?" And I had to admit Katrina's strategy was a good one. If we met each other on Aria's first day, when she only knew a few rumors about me, maybe I could still fix my image and we could still improve our relationship. To be sure I didn't want to create another enemy. I wish she didn't think of me as one either. I already had a lot of problems and didn't want to add to them anymore. So even though I didn't like paladins, I would happily be friends with her.

"Just hope what Theo said didn't get into her head," she added, reminding me that Theo had met her at the principal office yesterday.

"I also hope the same," I said, ending our conversation.

She glanced at the clock and realized it was getting late.

"Anyway, I have to go now. My class almost started," she excused herself.

"Okay. See you later."

"Bye." Then she walked towards the door.

After Julia left, I sat down on my seat and had my breakfast. Boring jam sandwiches.

As I ate, my eyes fixed on the windows, staring at the clear morning sky. My mind was immersed in many thoughts and everything that happened while I was on this mission as Dr. Allen. Then a wild thought crossed my head.

'Sometimes I wonder... If I take care of all this problem as Azrael, can I handle it faster than this?' It was impossible since the agreement forbade me but I couldn't help but keep wondering about it.


The time showed almost 10.00 AM when I got ready to greet Aria's arrival. Well, not really getting ready since all I was doing was waiting.

According to the schedule, the nurse should have arrived fifteen minutes ago, but I guessed the hospital was a bit busy. Luckily, Katrina had written a note on my schedule. In case the nurse didn't arrive on time, I just needed to lock the room and give the key to security.

As for Aria, she would come to meet me in this room, so I just need to wait here.

"I'm bored..." I muttered as I closed the book in my hand and put it on the desk. I even thought of borrowing another book from the library to kill time, but I restrained myself since I didn't want to get too attached to the mortal realm. Besides, I was only here for a moment.

The knocking sound coming from the door made me turn to it. But since the door didn't move, I decided to raise my voice.

"Come in," I said. I bet this was the nurse or Aria since the academy's students, mentors and teachers mostly entered after the knocks. It was a good sign to cure my boredom.

"Excuse me." A nice woman's voice came as the door opened.

My eyes widened in shock when a blonde-haired woman in her 20s entered the room. Her silky long hair fell over her shoulders. Her blue eyes look like a pair of fine sapphires. Her face was a mix of cute and elegant. Her body was slender yet toned. Her skin was silky smooth like porcelain. Her height was not much different from Julia's, even though her curve was not as sexy as Julia's. Her lips were thin and sweet. Graceful was a word that fit her.

A simple white shirt and skirt covered her body. The academy's name tag hung around her neck. It showed her identity, like her name, her profession, and her position in this academy.

"Good morning. I'm a new mentor here. My name is Aria," she said politely. A bright smile on her lips.

I froze like a statue. My heart suddenly pounded fast. Not because of her beauty, but because I knew who she was. I was too familiar with her figure since I always met her at light and dark meetings.


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