Seven Sins System

Chapter 122: The Devil Has Tricked Us!

Chapter 122: The Devil Has Tricked Us!

Seven Sins System Chapter 122. The Devil Has Tricked Us!

Due to the narrow time, I forced myself to return to my composure and put on my usual expression. Still, I couldn't fix my pale face completely.

Quickly, both of us put on our clothes and prepared for our mission. To avoid suspicion, Julia went out first while I left the infirmary a few minutes later.

Again, I immediately caught Theo who was hiding behind the door in a room not far from me. His eyes were watching me. But I decided to ignore him and went in the opposite direction.

'If he wants to attack me, he should do it soon. I'm getting bored here,' I thought. It was kinda annoying since he acted like a high school girl stalking her crush. I had locked the infirmary before I left so he wouldn't be able to steal from there. On the other hand, since I had reported the sleeping drugs' disappearance to Katrina, even if he broke with the spare key, they know it wasn't my fault.

I went to the changing room, put on my usual battle suit, and put my things in my locker. Every now and then, some mentors and teachers made small talk with me, mostly about my last great escape and Katrina's announcement about the mission. In addition, she also warned them to handle this mission more carefully and advised them to evacuate if they detected something wrong.

Even though they didn't say much, I could see the tension on their faces. Our mission was just to make sure the exit area of The Tall Ash Wood was free of monsters. In other words, we only made sure the monsters were in their habitat. The monsters around that area were only about level 5 to 15. A few of them were around level 20, but that shouldn't be many.

Just like its name, the area was filled with tall trees and suitable for an ambush. So the purpose of this mission was to test the students' foresight and observation. But with the last attack, we had to be careful since this was worse than the previous terrain. That's why I asked Katrina to send the drones.

After changing clothes, we went to the parking lot and got in the vehicle.

"Afternoon, doc," said Claire with a smile once I got into my vehicle.

"Afternoon." I sat down and put my seatbelt on as usual.

While the trio greeted me with a somber orchestra.

"Afternoon…" they greeted me like a sad song at a funeral. Their faces were gloomy as if they had lost their zest for life. By Darren's side, Evie lowered her head in silence after stealing a glance at me. She didn't even say hello to me. I couldn't guess what she was thinking due to her cold expression.

A frown appeared on my forehead. My eyes swept over them. I wondered if Claire had told her what happened since their mood was inversely proportional. Or maybe, it was because of my earlier message in our group chat. Claire was the only one who answered my message even though I knew all of them had read it.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I asked in confusion.

Barry, who was usually the most excited of them, exhaled a long breath as if he had the heaviest problem in the world.

"Nothing..." he answered without enthusiasm.

I turned my gaze to Claire, trying to find an answer from her.

But she answered me with a shrug.

"They were already like this when I came," she replied.

I pointed at Evie with my thumb without taking my eyes off Claire, indicating that I was also asking about her.

"Same. And she doesn't want to tell me why," Claire said.

"Right…" I was confused by the unusually gloomy atmosphere but since I didn't want to dig too deep into their problem before we finished the mission, I decided to ignore it for a while and let them process their emotions. I was sure they would talk soon or later.

So instead of asking about their problems, I decided to shift their concentration to what was most important right now. The mission.

"Okay. Listen to me, team." I was about to talk about the mission and Katrina's warning, but Barry raised his hand, asking me to stop talking.

"Don't force me, doc. Let this problem belong to the three of us," he said in a melancholic tone.

Which was followed by Ion. He shook his head from side to side slowly.

"My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined." Which he ended with a long breath.

"Is this about my last message?" I made my guess. I knew this was just their hyperbole, but their reactions intrigued me.

"No… it's about something else," Darren replied in a gloomy tone.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"You won't believe it if we say it," Darren said in the same tone. His expression reminded me of a tragic hero in the tragedy mortal movie.

I smiled dryly.

"Just say it."

"The devil… He has tricked us…" sobbed Ion.

"This is cruelty!" Barry half screamed in frustration.

While Darren covered the top of his face with his hand and shook his head from side to side in sadness without a word.

I held my cringe desperately.

'Right, it must be because of the photos.' I quickly caught the cause.

"What did you guys do last night?" asked Claire curiously. I hadn't told her this and I was sure she already guessed the devil was me.

"We took some photos with the devil last night. But when we check the results, there isn't any trace of him in the photos. Not even his shadow," Darren explained. His sobs followed.

"We thought we would be rich if we managed to sell his pics on the internet. But he shattered our innocent hope into pieces," added Barry in disappointment.

"You were trying to trick the devil, how can you say it was an innocent hope?" protested Claire, desperately holding her cringe.

"You shouldn't play with the devil. It can cost your lives," I decided to warn them.

"We know," replied Ion. "But what about the money?" His voice sounded like a whine.

"I can take my girlfriend to expensive fine dining with it. Then we can get laid in a five-star hotel," Darren blabbered his wishful thinking.

As they babbled, I gave them a flat stare.

'Heh, mortals.'

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